Job search is an exciting and challenging process. You have to re-read the resume again and again, wait for an invitation to an interview or receive a refusal, worry about meeting new and unfamiliar people. Do not forget about the issue of wages. He is rather delicate, but today he is asked already at the first interview.
Relevant Question
By tradition, job candidates do not discuss wages with the employer until a job offer is on the table. However, the well-known recruiting manager Susie Welch claims that today the situation has changed dramatically. Now it is quite appropriate to discuss salary before the employer stops on your candidacy.
It is not so easy to find and interest a truly qualified employee. Therefore, recruitment managers sometimes go astray in search of candidates.
Due to this situation, the applicants have some leverage over employers. Including they can talk about money when they see fit - even during the first interview.
This is regarded as an opportunity to compare the level of salary that the employer can offer with the one that the candidate is counting on. So will be able to "probe the soil." Sometimes the answer of the candidate or the recruitment manager determines whether the candidate is suitable for the position, or if the employer wants to get free labor instead of a good employee.
But do not forget about tact and decency. The question of wages should sound like an element of what interests you in a future position, it should not become the main factor. Try this wording: “This post is very interesting for me. “Could you orient me in terms of the range of salaries, so that in the future there will be no misunderstanding and the situation looks as clear as possible?”
A similar question should be asked in the middle of the interview or at the end, after the working conditions are agreed upon, and the interlocutor has already received the first impression of your qualifications.