
Having lost my number in the theater, I did not pay a fine - it is not legal: I explain

This was the first time I experienced such embarrassment: during the performance I managed to lose the number from the wardrobe. I am a regular in this theater, but this time was late, my friends were waiting for me, so my memory did not record where I put this ill-fated token. The treasured number was never found in the bag or in the pocket. What to do?

Whether to pay a fine

In a conspicuous place in the wardrobe I read an ad stating that a loss of 500 rubles must be paid for the loss. Perhaps I would give this money and leave, but there was no cash with me, so I decided to study the question of how legitimate the requirement of the theater administration is. And this is what I found: according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 1064), visitors to cultural and other institutions are only obliged to compensate for the damage caused, no administrative responsibility for the loss of the number from the wardrobe is provided. And this means that we only have to pay the cost of manufacturing a new token. And this work is unlikely to cost 500 rubles. The administration is obliged to provide confirmation of what its costs are for each license plate.

How to get clothes

Overjoyed, I rushed to the line for my coat. But when she was in front of the cloakroom worker, she said that she would not be able to give out my clothes until I paid the fine. In addition, I still have to prove that the coat I am applying for is really mine. And if I can’t provide any evidence for this, then I’ll have to wait for the last spectator to pick up his clothes from the wardrobe. Only after that I will be given the coat left on the hanger.

I was delighted to this circumstance, remembering that there were friends with me in the theater who knew very well what I was wearing in such weather and could recognize my outer clothing. It turned out that this would have been enough for the cloakroom attendant, but the point is a fine, which I am not going to pay. It all ended with a trial with the theater administrator, after which I still received a coat for one hundred rubles (the cost of the license plate number). Friends did not have to call, because by then the audience had already left the theater.

A little later, I consulted whether the actions of theater employees holding my property were legal? It turns out, no. In the law, this is treated as arbitrariness. This is indicated by art. 339 of the Criminal Code. But the procedure for issuing clothes, whose affiliation is for me to be confirmed, turned out to be legal.

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