What to do if, after completing studies at the institute and gaining a profession, you cannot find a job in your specialty? Someone this situation would cause despair and disappointment in life. But the Malaysian guy drew his own conclusions from her and decided to create a business that was not connected in any way with his main profession.
There are no jobs in the village
Muhammad Solikhin, 25, Mohdom Yasin from Malaysia, received a good education. After studying at the university, he became a specialist in the field of marine sciences, receiving a bachelor's degree. The guy lives in the village of Batu Pahata and for many years he unsuccessfully tried to find work in his field.
There are no jobs in this city for professionals such as a 25-year-old former student. To go to work in his specialty, a young man would have to move to a large city away from his small homeland, but he did not want to do this.
I didn’t want to leave my parents
Muhamad Solikhin is the youngest fifth child in the family; he still has older brothers and sisters. He refused to go to the big city in order to build a career in marine science there. Although this topic was always interesting to him, he could not leave his parents because they are aging and they need the support of children.
The former graduate spent 4 years trying to find a job in his specialty, but he did not succeed. A specialist of his level was needed only in a large city, and moving was not part of his plans.
Mushroom business
The guy did not despair and decided to devote his energy not to the futile search for work, but to building his own business. He chose oyster mushrooms as a manufactured product for sale.
Muhamad Solikhin says that he chose these mushrooms because they do not need a lot of space to grow them, just a few shelves. While in order to grow ordinary vegetables, it takes a lot of land and a lot of effort to cultivate it.
An unsuccessful marine biologist sells both the mushrooms themselves and packages with mushroom spores. With the help of the product he sells, anyone who has bought spores can grow as many mushrooms as he wants, on his own at home. To do this, just wrap the bag with the spores of the mushrooms with a wet rag and be patient, waiting for the harvest. Which, by the way, begins to appear very soon.
Since Muhamad Solikhin lives in a village where residents do not have much income, his spores of mushrooms are of help to many residents of this area.
After all, they can install these spores in a barn or basement and grow mushrooms, which they will not only eat as food, but also sell them. Thus, the villagers can receive additional income.
The guy admits that his business did not immediately go uphill. At first he suffered a lot of financial losses, until he learned how to grow quality disputes. Only when he was fully convinced of the high brand of his products, he began to sell it via the Internet.
Muhamad Solikhin does not regret at all that he could not become a specialist in the field of marine science. He likes what he is doing now, and he urges all young people not to be afraid of change, even if they can be as dramatic as they have happened in his life.