
Patronage and patronage: what is the difference? The meaning of the words "patronage" and "patronage"

Patronage and patronage are such consonant concepts that it seems like they are different variants of pronunciation of the same word. However, it is not. We delve into the meanings of these terms in order to notice their fundamental differences.

In the dictionaries: patronage and patronage

The similarities and differences between these two words can be found by opening the dictionaries:

From lat. patronatus, patronus - patron.From the French patronage - guardianship or patronage.

A special type of patronage in the Ancient Roman state.

Patronage in the most general sense.

The upbringing of orphans or children whose connection with biological parents has been lost in other families is under the mandatory supervision of the relevant state institution.

Regular home care for newborns or seriously ill adults.

However, the same Ozhegov’s dictionary confuses us, claiming that patronage = patronage = guardianship are synonymous words, their replacements are equal.

The conclusion from this can be drawn as follows: a common feature of these concepts is patronage by a person or group of people. But his goals are different - at the patronage they are social, and at the patronage - inclined to medical ones. Consider the differences between words in this vein.

Patronage and patronage: what is the difference

Here you should consider these terms in the context of patronage, guardianship and guardianship:


Guardianship established over a mandatory adult and capable person who, as a result of a physical health disorder, cannot independently fulfill his duties to the state and exercise legal rights.

Compensated custody of both a minor and a socially dysfunctional family. In the vast majority of cases, this device is in the families of children who remained without parental care due to reasons. In a number of countries, foster families are called foster families (from the English foster home - foster family).

In the Russian Federation it is regulated by the Civil Code, Article 41.

In the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 48 of April 24, 2008 is regulated (Article 14, Clause 1).

Let us examine each term in more detail.

All definitions of patronage

patronage and patronage what is the difference

Meaning of the word "patronage":

  • in legal science: a special kind of guardianship and guardianship;
  • in medicine: sanitary-educational, preventive measures carried out by a medical worker at the patient’s home;
  • in politics: providing any favorable conditions to a participant in a certain political party;
  • in agriculture: commercial custody, sponsorship of livestock or perennial fruiting plants.

Legal patronage - guardianship over an adult citizen does not overlap with the medical one, where a newborn can also be in need of help. The patronage service also operates as part of the first.

Features of legal patronage

The request for such guardianship necessarily comes from the citizen himself. According to him, the social service appoints an assistant (trustee) in need. If the latter does not suit the applicant, he may reject such an appointment. In the opposite case, an agreement, trust management agreement, order is concluded between these two persons.

In order for the trustee to make household or any other transactions on behalf of his ward, the consent of the latter is necessary. At the same time, the patronage service, guardianship and trusteeship bodies carefully monitor the integrity of their employee.

The trust agreement is legally terminated in a number of certain cases:

  • the request of the trustee;
  • ward initiative;
  • improper performance of their duties by an assistant;
  • death of one of these individuals.

Speaking about patronage and patronage - what is the difference between them - it is important to note the varieties of the latter concept.

patronage is

Varieties of patronage

Types of patronage can be as follows:

  • over older people - this includes services of a nurse who helps citizens weakened by age-related diseases;
  • over people with disabilities - observation of a doctor or a nurse, carrying out the necessary procedures by these health workers;
  • over a mentally ill - the help of a psychiatrist or nurse working in a neuropsychiatric dispensary in the family where a citizen suffering from a mental disorder lives;
  • over children - active monitoring of children with poor health;
  • over a newborn - supervising a baby, monitoring his condition, diagnosing developmental disorders, diseases;
  • over a pregnant woman - active support of a pregnant woman by a nurse of the antenatal clinic, obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • antenatal care (antenatal) - a school for future parents.

patronage service

Patronage, custody, adoption

Patronage is a concept that is distinct not only from patronage, but also from adoption and guardianship.

Differences with adoption:

  • the child does not have family obligations and rights in relation to the foster caregiver;
  • the child is left with all payments and benefits as left without parental care: monthly payment of upkeep, out-of-competition admission to the university, housing at the age of 18;
  • legal relations between the child and the teacher end with the termination of the patronage agreement.

 social patronage

The difference with custody: patronage is a reimbursable agreement. The teacher concludes a civil contract with the guardianship authority under which each month receives a fee in the amount established by the regional authorities.

Patronage: features of the type of guardianship

Talking about patronage and patronage (what is the difference between these concepts, we figured out), it is necessary to touch on the key features of the first term:

  • the patronage agreement can be concluded in the regions of the Russian Federation, where after 1.09.2008, acts regulating the formation of foster families were issued or updated;
  • the child can be placed in the family for a while - until he needs such rehabilitation, or until the moment when the permanent guardians are selected;
  • requirements for educators are less stringent than during adoption;
  • before the patronage, the teacher must undergo special training;
  • tight, meticulous control over the costs of payments due to the child, for the cartridge itself;
  • contacts with biological relatives and parents of the child are required;
  • the contract implies the existence of additional requirements and agreements, as well as the possibility of obtaining benefits, special one-time payments.

 patronage and patronage of similarities and differences

About social patronage

Social patronage is the supervision of dysfunctional families in which there is a risk of violation of the rights of the child, as well as the promotion of its normal development and upbringing. At the same time, social services seek to preserve the right of children to find and bring up in the family.

Social patronage is the following principles:

  • observance of the right of a ward family to autonomy, taking into account its unique experience;
  • competence, preventiveness, legality, confidentiality;
  • taking into account the needs of the family.

Social patronage has the following objectives:

  1. Various social assistance to families in need.
  2. Prevention of orphanage.
  3. Prevention of deprivation of parental rights.
  4. Support for the child, creating optimal conditions for his development, social adaptation.

The reason for the social patronage may be a statement from a child over ten years old or from his legal guardian.

meaning of the word patronage

We examined what patronage and patronage are, what is the difference between them, what are they similar.We hope that this article has helped you understand the nuances of custody and guardianship of children and adult citizens.

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