
Responsibilities and functions of the CEO

The CEO is one of the most important and responsible posts. However, we sometimes do not understand what responsibilities this person has, rights and responsibilities. And finally, what about the functions of a CEO? We will analyze all this in the article below.

Who is he CEO?

General Director - Head of the production and economic sphere of the organization, enterprise. It is important to note the aspect - despite its wide powers, it is not the actual owner of the company, but an employee. The owner of such corporations is the board of founders, the meeting of shareholders. The position is characterized by a large and widespread degree of responsibility:

  • For the efficient use and general safety of the company's property.
  • For all decisions he made and their consequences.
  • For the results of the organization, the enterprise in the financial and economic aspect.

The main function of the Director General is the complete management of the production and business activities of the company. The position is characteristic of any large company, joint-stock company. Both in Russia and around the world, it is among the most paid, promising and motivating.

CEO functions

From the history of the post

For the first time, such workers in Russia appeared in the 18th century. The managers of industrial factories had similar general responsibilities. Their functions were similar to those of the general director of the LLC - responsibility for the administrative, financial, and production parts. At the same time, the managers were also just hired workers.

Specialist Requirements

For a high-ranking official - relevant requirements. Here are the points that must be met by the person acting as the general director:

  • The presence of specialized higher education, corresponding to the main activity of the enterprise, company - legal, economic, technical and so on.
  • Work experience in a leadership position. As a rule, at least 2 years.
  • Experience in the field to which the core business of the corporation belongs.
  • Excellent knowledge of normative, legislative acts that are related to the performance of the functions of general director.
  • Confident knowledge of modern technology products - PCs, instant messengers, e-mail, professional programs and so on.
CEO acts

General provisions of the job description

Present the main provisions of the document regulating the activities of the Director General:

  • The main path of the employee is the management of the economic, production and economic and financial activities of the company.
  • In his actions, the General Director relies on the laws of the Russian Federation, internal regulatory documents, the charter of the organization or enterprise, as well as on the employment contract and job description.
  • The full responsibility of an official extends to the results of his decisions, the effective use and preservation of company property, and the economic and financial results of its work.
  • Directly subordinate to the meeting of shareholders, the board of directors.
  • During the absence of the General Director at his post, his functions are temporarily performed by an employee holding a different managerial position, on the orders of the company's board.
  • In his activities, the official is guided by the following: all-Russian legislative acts, the charter of the corporation, internal regulatory documents, internal labor regulations, decisions of the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders, as well as other regulatory rules of the company.
functions of deputy general director

CEO functions

The filling of this section largely depends on the specifics of the company. But the general, basic functions of the CEO are as follows:

  • Management of financial activities, business operations of the company in accordance with the adopted charter.
  • Such an organization of the activity of the whole structure, which allows you to effectively use the labor of all its branches.
  • Ensuring compliance with the law during the functioning of the organization or enterprise.
  • Timely and complete implementation of instructions of the founders, board of directors, shareholders (depends on the form of organization of activity).

Duties of an official

We continue to analyze the functions and responsibilities of the CEO. The latter include the following:

  • Management of the company - financial and business.
  • Organization of the work of the whole structure in such a way that each of its "screw" brings a certain result for the system.
  • Responsibility for fulfilling the entire list of obligations of the organization to creditors.
  • Ensuring the preparation of the required reporting forms, as well as the organization of accounting.
  • Issuing orders, taking measures to appear on the balance sheet of the company of everything necessary for the operation of property.
  • Securing the property of a corporation or company.
  • Issuing orders, taking measures to provide enterprises, organizations with skilled workers and employees.
  • Ensuring the interests of the company in legal proceedings.
  • The implementation of a set of measures to monitor compliance by employees with official duties, regulatory documents of the organization, and the necessary all-Russian legislative acts.
  • Work to monitor the implementation of decisions of the meeting of shareholders, board of directors.
  • Presentation of reports, publications and other information on the company’s activities to the audit commissions, board of directors, shareholders meeting.
Chief Executive Officer

Functions of the General Director of LLC

We’ll talk more about the financial and business manager of a limited liability company. The decision on his appointment is the prerogative of the sole participant of the LLC or the general meeting of the founders.

When changing officials, the participation of the former CEO is not required. The new official will be the applicant to the Federal Tax Service, where such a shift is registered.

The functions of the CEO here have something in common with the general - for the enterprise, JSC, large corporation:

  • General management of the structure.
  • Representative of the company in its interaction with third parties.
  • With his visa, he enters into force contracts, accounting reports, other important documentation.
  • The right to first sign the entire range of payment documents.
  • In some cases, it has the sole right to sign payment banking securities.
  • At its discretion, it issues power of attorney to officials who represent the interests of the LLC entrusted to it in various fields.
  • He certifies his signature in the bank where the bank account of the company is open.
functions of the general director of the company

Executive Rights

We examined what functions the general director performs. It is also important to know the list of rights on which his work relies:

  • Draw up and sign documentation within the limits of their competence.
  • Make decisions within the powers of the CEO.
  • Represent the interests of the entire company in interaction with other organizations.
  • To terminate and conclude on behalf of the whole company, corporation contract documents - economic, labor, etc.
  • Open bank accounts of the company in banking, credit organizations.
  • Visa (sign, approve) the staffing of the company, the rules of the working day and other local (internal) documents of the structure.
  • To carry out operations both with cash and with the property of an organization or enterprise.
  • Hire, dismiss workers and employees.
  • To attract employees to various types of responsibility - disciplinary, administrative, etc.
  • Define the accrual system, the payment procedure, the size of wages and other forms of material incentives for employees.
  • Prepare and submit a number of issues for general discussion by the board of directors, shareholders meeting.
functions of general director ooo

Responsibility of an official

In addition to the rights, duties, functions, the general director of the enterprise also has prescribed norms of responsibility. According to the law, they can be as follows:

  • Responsibility to the company both for its actions and inaction, which led to losses, additional costs.
  • Responsibility for the disclosure of data containing commercial, official secret.
  • Responsibility for negligent, untimely, incomplete fulfillment of duties, functions of the general director of the company, as well as for non-fulfillment thereof.

Wage level

One of the most ghostly characteristics - you can’t predict the level of your income if you take the chair of the CEO. It is only known that in Russia the minimum wage of such a person is 60 thousand rubles a month. On average, the CEO’s official income is about 250 thousand rubles a month. The topmost numbers can be completely sky-high for a mere mortal.

However, not everyone who is closely acquainted with the level of responsibility of this person will seek to occupy such a position. The high level of remuneration of the Director General is justified by his enormous responsibility for the results of his own decisions. This post is occupied by professionals, armed with many years of experience in leadership and labor in the specialization of the company, talented and risk managers, educated, responsible people.

functions of the general director of the enterprise

Related posts

The general director of a large enterprise is a very responsible position, associated with the performance of various functions. Why a manager often needs an assistant with slightly less authority or their entire team.

The following posts are usually entered:

  • Deputy chief assistant. The main functions of the Deputy General Director are comprehensive work with the staff, the duties of the latter in case of unforeseen situations.
  • CFO Responsible for the economic sphere of activity, cash flows.
  • Commercial Director. His element is promotion, marketing, sales, and logistics.
  • Executive Director. Another responsible position. Its prerogative is financial and administrative control, interaction with subcontractors, suppliers, organization of the workflow process.

Thus, the CEO is one of the most promising, highly paid hired posts. Its essential feature is a large degree of responsibility both for its decisions and for the overall results of the company.

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