A stab wound to the abdomen may be accidental or intentional. In the first case, the injury is the result of careless handling of cutting objects. Intentional injury occurs as a result of violent quarrels and “showdowns”, which usually occur under the influence of drugs or alcohol, attacks, and robberies. In any case, it is advisable to know the rules of first aid for stab wounds in the stomach.
Penetrating or non-penetrating injury
A wound may be penetrating or non-penetrating. The first involves damage to the abdominal wall or sternum, otherwise there are no internal injuries. With a penetrating wound, the flow of urine or bile is possible, and a bowel loop falls into the wound. Visually visible areas of the mucous membranes and skin are usually pale, the pulse is rapid, pain is felt in the chest area or in the peritoneum. The breathing of the victim is difficult, the abdomen swells, vomiting may occur, and the pressure decreases significantly.
The algorithm of first aid in the presence of a foreign object in the wound
First you need to evaluate how soon the doctors will arrive. If the medical assistance arrives within 30 minutes, then you must first call an ambulance, and then begin the provision of first aid. PMP with a knife wound in the stomach should be immediately if before the arrival of specialists more than 30 minutes. Further, it will be necessary to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility on his own.
If a person is unconscious, it is necessary to throw his head back and turn to the side. In this position, air can easily pass into the lungs, and vomiting will be removed without blocking the airways. The hole on the abdomen cannot be felt and checked with your fingers for depth.
If there is a foreign object in the wound (knife, nail, reinforcement, ax, arrow and so on), then do not remove it. This can provoke an increase in blood volume and lead to the death of the victim. If there is such a possibility, then it is possible to cut off an object located in the wound so that only 10-15 centimeters remain above the skin. If the item cannot be cut, then you need to leave it in the position in which it was found.
How to immobilize a foreign object
The item must be immobilized with any dressing no less than two meters. If there is no such long cut of fabric or bandage, then several short segments should be tied into one. A strip of dressing should be thrown onto a foreign object in the wound exactly in the middle, and then the long ends should be wrapped tightly and tied together. So the subject will be well fixed.
After the victim is brought into a half-sitting position. Legs should be bent at the knees. In this condition, you can transport the patient to a medical facility or wait for the arrival of doctors at the scene. If there are fragments or other small foreign bodies in the wound, you do not need to try to remove them yourself. Such a serious wound requires assistance, not paying attention to small foreign objects.
First aid for penetrating wounds and prolapsed organs
What to do with a knife wound in the stomach? The victim must be left where the accident occurred, because displacement can cause undesirable consequences. In some cases, it comes to death.If a wound is detected, an ambulance must be called up, the victim’s head thrown back and turned to the side (if he is unconscious) to ensure ventilation and free exit of vomit.
The organs that have fallen from the wound on the abdomen cannot be “pushed” back into the abdominal cavity on their own. They need to be placed as close to each other as possible, and then put together in a clean bag or cloth. The ends of the bag are attached to the skin with adhesive tape or tape to isolate the internal organs from the external environment.
If this method of isolation cannot be used, then several rollers are placed around the organs, which can be made of clean fabric, gauze or bandages. Then the organs are covered with sterile gauze and the entire structure obtained is fixed to the body with a non-tight bandage. When applying a bandage, organs should not be squeezed or squeezed.
After applying a bandage with a knife wound in the stomach, you need to help the victim to sit down and bend his knees slightly. Cold should be applied to the wound, and a person should be wrapped in clothes or blankets. The victim can only be transported in a seated position.
How to keep organs viable
From time to time, internal organs need to be moistened with water so that they remain moist. Water is added to the bag with a syringe through a small hole, a cloth or gauze can simply be watered. If the organs dry, then necrosis will begin, and doctors will have to remove them due to non-viability.
The scheme of first aid for a wound without fallen organs
After a stab wound in the stomach, in any case, you must first assess the situation. This step is the first for any character of injury. You should call a team of doctors and begin to provide assistance to the victim. In the event that the ambulance arrives for a long time, you should deliver the patient yourself to the nearest medical facility by personal transport or along the way.
It is important that the wound on the abdomen should never be thoroughly felt. If there are foreign objects inside the wound or fragments, you do not need to get them yourself. Later, doctors will do this, but for now you only need to give a person first aid.
With a knife wound in the stomach, the wound (if there are no organs dropped out) must be carefully cleaned of dirt and blood. To do this, you need a few pieces of clean cloth, cotton wool, gauze or bandages. The fabric is abundantly moistened with an available antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine, which is in any medicine cabinet, is suitable). In the absence of antiseptics, clean water, vodka, alcohol or any alcoholic drink will be on hand. A wet piece of cloth gently removes dirt and blood. Movements must be made from the edge of the wound to the side.
If there is such a possibility, then after removing the dirt, you need to lubricate the skin around the wound with green paint or iodine. But nothing can be poured into the wound itself. All treatment should be reduced to removing blood and dirt from the outside, that is, from the skin that is adjacent to the hole. If there is nothing to treat the wound, then the dressing is applied as is.
For dressing, it is best to use a sterile bandage, but if they are not, then you can just take pieces of clean cloth (for example, tear off a piece of clothing). The knife hole must be covered with a layer of gauze folded eight to ten times. This fabric or gauze is then well wound onto the body of the victim. If there is nothing to attach, you can fix it with adhesive tape, glue or adhesive plaster to intact skin.
If possible, cold should be applied to the dressing. It is impossible to apply cold directly to the wound, because as the water melts, pathogenic microbes can enter the knife hole, which will cause infection. The victim must be given a sitting position, covered with blankets or warm clothing.
What absolutely can not be done
Prior to the arrival of doctors, an injured person should not be given food, drink, or painkillers.Any drug can be dangerous, and the use of painkillers will “lubricate” the symptoms, which in the future can significantly complicate the correct diagnosis. If the victim is thirsty, then his condition can be alleviated. To do this, moisten his mouth with water, wipe his temples and lips with ice or pure snow.
Hospitalization with a knife wound in the stomach
A victim with a knife wound must be hospitalized in the surgery of the nearest hospital. Doctors will evaluate a person’s condition and determine if urgent surgery is needed. In some cases, oxygen and a mechanical ventilator will be needed to maintain breathing or stop bleeding. The wound will be ligated with sterile bandages, the patient will be given painkillers, antibiotics and an injection against tetanus to avoid infection.
According to ICD-10, a stab wound to the abdomen can be classified in different ways. Depending on the exact diagnosis, the card may indicate the code S36 (trauma to abdominal organs), S31 (open wound of the abdomen), S30 (superficial wound of the abdomen).
Responsibility of the incident participants
A medical institution may immediately call the police because a deliberate stab wound to the abdomen is Section 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing minor injuries, including through negligence), 111 (serious bodily injuries), 30 (attempted murder). How the crime will be qualified in each case depends on a combination of factors: the state of the victim, the availability of claims, the general characteristics of the victim, the state of drug or alcohol intoxication of both participants in the incident, and so on.