
Veteran of labor: documents for registration. Benefits to Veterans of Labor

Today, more and more pensioners are thinking about designing the title "Veteran of Labor". It is not difficult to collect documents for registration, the main thing is to understand all the nuances of the procedure itself. labor veteran paperworkThe new title will have a tangible effect on the financial well-being of every pensioner. Federal law established accessible provisions on labor veterans, but in 2004 clauses of the regulation were supplemented and amended.

Title Terms

The following persons are entitled to receive a title:

  • with a century of service of 40 years for men, 35 years for women;
  • various state awards.

benefits to labor veterans

Under the category of "state award", medals and orders fall - insignia with state confirmation. The Veteran of Labor icon, for example. Previously, such an award was given to honored Soviet workers, it was a departmental distinction. These awards also include:

  • thanks;
  • labor certificate;
  • honorary title.

If the data of one person is indicated on the patents of two or more inventions, then this person is already applying for the title of “Federal Labor Veteran”. But the worker to whom the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge was issued cannot claim. And do not forget that in many regions the list is replenished with local insignia.

labor veteran how to get

Also, the honorary title of “Veteran of Labor of the Region” can be given to those people who began to work even at a young age, before reaching adulthood, during World War II, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.

The holder of the title has the right to comprehensive social protection.

Benefits and payments to veterans of labor:

  • pensions with benefits;
  • monthly surcharge;
  • the right to housing and funds for its maintenance;
  • discount on utilities;
  • free medical care, which includes prosthetic and orthopedic.

ABOUT benefits of labor veterans described in Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", which is declarative in nature. In reality, these benefits are practically not funded. The details of benefits, as well as their scope and features, are determined by Article 22 of the Law.

What is included in the benefits of labor veterans

Already today, the state is gaining momentum in expanding the number of privileges for labor veterans. Payments to labor veterans, municipal and federal, are rightfully considered, they are made exclusively with the help of state organizations.

Veteran of labor experience

Legislation over the past 5 years has introduced various tangible changes that are being introduced into benefits for labor veterans this year. This complicates the use of benefits - pensioners do not have time to monitor changes in laws.

Labor veterans are entitled to the following benefits, namely:

  • free prophylaxis and treatment in the field of dental prosthetics;
  • compulsory annual leave is provided for a period that is suitable for veterans themselves;
  • transportation is free on any city vehicle, with the exception of only shuttle taxi;
  • a 50% discount is given for the services of commuter rail and water vehicles;
  • 50% discount on all utilities and communication services. The list includes light, water, gas, telephone, heating, radio;
  • monthly pension benefits are compulsory;
  • This year, pensioners are entitled to pension payments allowances established by law


If a citizen belonging to the preferential category does not use the socially services, then he can apply for an allowance, which is expressed in the monetary equivalent of non-received benefits. But there is a small nuance - in order to refuse social services, a compulsory application is written to the social protection authorities.

labor veteran

If benefits to labor veterans are transferred in an amount that does not exceed the cost of living, in 2015 veterans are entitled to additional payments. This was established by amendments to the relevant legislative acts.

Veteran of labor - documents for registration and stages of the procedure

The experience required to obtain the status includes:
- the period of service in the army;
- the time of caring for the child (from 6 months to 1.5 years), while the entire period in the amount cannot exceed three years;
- time for caring for people of group I of a disability, a disabled child or people from 80 years of age and older.

The first step is to contact your local social security office. A special form is issued there, where it is necessary to draw up a written application for monthly accruals in cash equivalent that will be received by a labor veteran.

Work experience is calculated right thereafter, benefits are drawn up to pay off housing and communal payments. For utilities, a compensation of 50% is distributed to all members of the veteran's family on an equal footing, provided that they live together.

In the process of contacting the social security authorities for processing the required payments, it is necessary first of all to submit the necessary documents:

  • passport data (original and copy);
  • veteran and pension supporting documents;
  • extract from the house management book;
  • insurance number from personal individual account;
  • documentation confirming the personal belonging of the account to which the transfer of cash payments is provided;
  • form nine, as well as all documentation provided in copies.

payments to veterans of labor

After acceptance, documents are considered no more than 5 days. After that, a personal file that has already been formed is sent to the Ministry of Labor, Demography and Social Protection of a certain region. In turn, the Ministry considers the submitted cases within 30 calendar days.

When is a cash payment assigned and paid monthly?

Cash payment is made in the following cases.

  1. A labor veteran whose seniority gives the right to old age to receive a retirement pension in accordance with all points of the state legislation, regardless of the interruption of work.
  2. In the absence of monthly cash payments assigned to the veteran on other grounds.
  3. A labor veteran whose experience upon reaching retirement age gives him the right to use benefits, receives 164 rubles.
  4. This year, the monthly payment to each veteran of labor is set by the leadership of a certain area.

Also, the monthly payments in cash equivalents are established by this article and are subject to indexation, which is determined by the regional budget law for the corresponding quarter.

Payout Assignment Documentation

To assign payments, the following documentation is required.

  1. A statement to the head of the territorial special unit of the Ministry regarding the purpose of payments, which indicates the method of receiving money (transferred to a bank account; transferred to the account of the federal post office).
  2. Veteran of labor documents for registration of benefits must provide those that prove his identity in accordance with the requirements of the law.
  3. Documentation confirming registration at the place of residence in a certain area (in case if this information is not contained in the identity document).
  4. Certificate confirming membership in the category of pensioners.
  5. Documents certifying the right to benefits.
  6. Certificate of pension from state insurance.

If the veteran will not use the privilege

In case of refusal to travel by public transport, the following documents shall be submitted:

  • an application to the departments of the Ministry, which indicates the method of receiving money;
  • a labor veteran must submit documents for processing monetary compensation that can confirm his identity;
  • proof of residence;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • proof of eligibility.

federal labor veteran

Refusal of free travel by a citizen or his legal representative is submitted in the form of an application. This is done before the first day of October of this year, and for the period from January to December of the following year, it receives the right to compensation for travel of a veteran of labor. How to get renew free travel right? Also write a statement from October of this year to the beginning of the next.

The advantages of this title

As already mentioned, the title "Veteran of Labor" guarantees significant concessions in some social aspects. The second point can be called fifty percent compensation for the most expensive utilities. But this issue has its own nuance. This discount is calculated depending on social standards, which are established by the norms of domestic legislation. If a person lives in a private house where there is no central heating, then they can be offered 50% compensation for paying for fuel (coal, firewood), but only within the social established norms. it should be noted that such standards are quite Spartan.

Such rules are usually established taking into account the peculiarities of the region. Any labor veteran can apply to the social security department. How to get certain benefits and advantages, he can find out there.

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