
The level of corruption in the countries of the world. Ranking of countries by corruption perception index

Corruption today has become one of the global problems. They are struggling with it both in individual areas and on the scale of all national states, as well as internationally. It includes a number of actions aimed at the abuse of their official powers for personal gain. TO forms of corruption in the countries of the world include bribery, extortion, nepotism, nepotism, commercial bribery receiving kickbacks, misappropriation of another's property or money. Actions that are considered unlawful depend on what rules are contained in national law. Therefore, the estimated level of corruption in the countries of the world is not always objective.

level of corruption in the world

International fight

Among the organizations that deal with the problem of corruption, the main ones are:

  • Global witness. This organization was founded in 1993 in London to combat human rights violations by countries that exploit natural resources.
  • Group of states against corruption. She is engaged in the implementation of instruments adopted by countries to combat political corruption. This body was created by the Council of Europe in 1999 and today includes 49 states.
  • International Anti-Corruption Academy.
  • Transparency International. it non-governmental international organization which deals with the fight against political corruption and the study of its level in various countries of the world. It has been operating since 1993. Each year, this organization publishes a list of countries by level of corruption.

corruption in Russia


A statistical assessment of corruption is a difficult, if not impossible, task because of the extremely inaccurate content of this concept. The first indicators appeared in 1995. However, each of them focused on a separate aspect of this multifaceted phenomenon. The first organization that began to assess the level of corruption in the countries of the world was Transparency International. Today she publishes three indicators. However, the most famous is the corruption perception index. The World Bank gives its own assessment of the situation in the countries of the world. He publishes data from surveys of employees of more than 100 thousand firms and a set of indicators of public administration and the quality of institutions.

corruption in Ukraine

In Germany

The barometer of global corruption (a sociological survey conducted by Transparency International) revealed in 2013 that political parties are the most corrupt organizations. This negative phenomenon is common at the household level. About 11% of respondents said that they demanded a bribe and only a few of them had the courage to refuse the “petitioners”. According to the Global Competitiveness Report, the most problematic factors for doing business in Germany are taxation and restrictive labor laws. However, the belief in the ethical standards of politicians is quite high, therefore, statistics on corruption in the public sphere show that it is not widespread here.

In France

In 2011, Transparency International, in their country report, stated that the country was not doing everything in its power to overcome bribery. The corruption perception index in 2015 amounted to 70 points. France took 23rd place in the world ranking. The state has ratified several important anti-corruption documents, including the OECD and UN Conventions. The problem of bribery is not acute in France.National companies usually have a good reputation. corporate social responsibility.

corruption perception index

In China

Corruption in the country has been the subject of press attention after Secretary General of the Communist Party Xi Jinping announced a campaign to combat bribery in 2012. In 2015, China ranked 83rd in the overall ranking of countries. Experts believe that bribery, kickbacks, theft and squandering of state funds cost the state at least 3% of GDP.

In Canada

The level of corruption in the countries of the world shows that the situation in this state is the least dangerous. In the ranking, Canada is in 9th place. However, an increasing number of residents see their politicians and national institutions as fundamentally corrupt. But not a single Canadian official was mentioned in the Panama Papers.

list of countries by level of corruption

In somalia

The level of corruption in the countries of the world is negligible compared to this country. She completes the Transparency International rating. Bribery and raiding here is a ubiquitous practice. It happened historically. During the Cold War, the country was a field for the struggle of two political ideologies. Today in the state there is no official government, separate clans rule in the territories. In coastal areas, pirates operate. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world. It produces almost nothing, even vegetables and fruits are imported from neighboring Ethiopia. Crime is rampant in the country, and corruption is not just an ordinary practice, but part of the life of all people. Many experts believe that it is the historical conditionality of this negative phenomenon that leads to the fact that all attempts to combat it do not bring any result.

corruption statistics

Corruption in Russia

Cottage and receiving bribes in various fields is considered a significant problem in the Russian Federation. It affects all aspects of life. Most corruption is prevalent in areas such as government, law enforcement, health and education. Corruption in Russia is associated with the historical model of the development of the state, in which the norms of written law play a lesser role than informal customs. In 2015, the Russian Federation took 119th place in the corruption perception index. This state of affairs affects the welfare of the population. Some experts believe that the rapid increase in gas, water and electricity tariffs is a direct result of the widespread adoption of bribery and raiding. The anti-corruption campaign in Russia began immediately after independence in 1992. President Yeltsin’s decree prohibited officials from doing business and ordered them to publish information about their income, personal property, bank deposit and securities, as well as financial obligations.

Corruption in Ukraine

Bribery is considered as one of the main problems. Corruption in Ukraine is widespread in all areas. Transparency International puts the country in 130th place in the ranking. Bribes are given in order to provide statutory public services or to reduce their waiting times. The highest level of corruption is observed in the automobile inspection, police, healthcare, the judiciary and higher education. The fight against bribery is a key aspect for further obtaining international loans.

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