
Types and forms of corruption, methods of struggle

The concept of "corruption" has Latin roots. In literal translation, corrumpere means "bribe". Concept, forms of corruption enshrined officially internationally in the UN Resolution. In 1995, in accordance with its provisions, domestic laws establish the criteria for this phenomenon and provide for measures to eradicate it. Consider further forms and types of corruption. forms of corruption


At the international level, bribery is recognized as corruption, as well as other behavior towards persons with authority in the private or public sector, violating the obligations arising from this status. Appropriate actions are aimed at obtaining any inappropriate benefits for the perpetrator or other entities. The task of eradicating this phenomenon in the Russian Federation was set in 1992 by Presidential Decree. In accordance with the decree of the Head of State, forms of anti-corruption. They are reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 1992.

Urgency of the problem

Forms of corruption in Russia constitute a serious obstacle to the normal development of society. Today, this topic is considered one of the most discussed among the people. This phenomenon is regarded as a social evil, corrupting society and power. Any forms of corruption should be eliminated at a very early stage of development. Most of the research on this phenomenon is devoted to its political and economic premises. At the same time, the question of the attitude of ordinary citizens to this aspect of social life remains practically unstudied. Meanwhile, as practice shows, people unequivocally condemning any forms of corruption in words, they are quite capable of bribing officials themselves, finding various excuses for their behavior in specific situations.


Considering essence and forms of corruption in a broad sense, it should be noted that this phenomenon is always associated with the use by the subject of his official status for personal selfish purposes. This shows its venality. In the narrow sense, corruption is a situation when a subject makes an illegal decision, in the implementation of which the other party benefits. An employee receives illegal compensation. A situation is considered typical when an official who is obliged, within the framework of his competence, to make any decision regarding another person, begins to create artificial obstacles, thereby forcing the client to give a bribe. main forms of corruption


Types and forms of corruption appear as a result of economic, political, social problems. The receipt of illegal remuneration, inappropriate benefits occurs more often during the reform period. Most of the citizens prefer to hand over an envelope with a certain amount to the official to solve their problems. In many cases, this not only speeds up the resolution of the issue, but also provides a 100% outcome in favor of the applicant. According to statistics, bribery has now become rampant. As a form of corruption, it occupies a leading position among economic crimes. This phenomenon causes enormous damage to the state. Meanwhile, there are other forms of corruption. For example, they include protectionism, bribery of politicians. The prerequisites for their emergence and development are the nationalization of social life, excessive centralization of the management system, bureaucracy, an increase in the size of the shadow economy, a decline in morals, etc.


Currently there are apical and grassroots forms of corruption. The first is common among middle and senior officials, politicians. For this forms of corruption the focus is on decision-making with a high price.For example, it can be certain formulations in laws, transfer of government orders to specific persons, etc. For the second forms of corruption a focus on routine relations with citizens is characteristic. It is common among middle and lower level officials. The appeal of grassroots corruption lies in the fact that, with little risk for both parties to the relationship, it is of great value not only for the recipient of illegal remuneration, but also for the subject giving it. Bribery allows you to solve household issues, acts as an acceptable payment for the opportunity to commit minor violations of instructions and legislative requirements.

Features of the interaction of the population and the authorities

As a rule, relations "citizen-official" arise in two cases. The first is related to the obligation of the authorities to provide certain services to the population. This may be, for example, issuing permits, providing certificates, etc. In such situations, the factors predisposing to corruption are:

  1. The presence of a wide range of public services to which the licensing principle applies.
  2. Ignorance by the population of their rights, as well as the duties of officials.
  3. Concealment by employees of information on the legal status, capabilities of citizens, as well as on their responsibility to them. forms of corruption in Russia
  4. The complexity of bureaucratic procedures.
  5. Monopolization by departments of the service sector.
  6. The structural specifics of the authorities, in which one government agency has the authority to make decisions and serve the population.

The second is the case when the authorities, performing the limiting and regulatory functions, oblige a citizen to share resources with the state as part of collecting budgetary payments from him, imposing fines for violations of existing regulations. In this situation, the prerequisites for the development of corruption are the lack of convenience in the fulfillment by people of their duties, the inadequacy of monetary sanctions, pushing to evade their deduction by giving a bribe.

Bureaucratic Racket

His techniques are widely used in various administrative structures, BTI, notaries, healthcare institutions, statistics, insurance, utilities and so on. Bureaucratic racketeering is closely linked to grassroots corruption. These phenomena have one nature. However, the difference between them is that in the latter case, the official receives illegal remuneration by agreement with the entrepreneur, while the racketeer extorts a certain amount from the businessman against his will. If both interested parties work in the same organization, then they are talking about vertical corruption. As a rule, it acts as a link between the top and bottom. The main forms of corruptionOn a large scale, they pose serious risks. First of all, they form a fertile ground for other crimes.  forms of anti-corruption

Areas of distribution

Law enforcement agencies conduct a thorough analysis of the situation, determine the areas in which the most common crimes. Based on the results, forms and methods of fighting corruption. The areas in which criminal acts are most common include:

  1. Housing and communal services. As polls conducted among citizens show, housing and communal services are considered the most corrupt in society. At first glance, the development of the real estate market was supposed to reduce risks, but this still has not happened.
  2. Law enforcement structures. According to the population, these bodies take the second place in corruption. According to statistics, over the past few years, among the entities held liable for bribing and receiving illegal remuneration, a quarter are law enforcement officials. Most of this share are traffic police.In addition, bribery is common when registering, issuing driver’s licenses, weapons permits.
  3. Tax and customs. These areas of activity are considered the most “promising” for grassroots corrupt officials.
  4. Military conscription. According to preliminary estimates, more than half of the young men released from service achieved this through a bribe.

Special cases

In practice, there are situations when authorities have a direct force impact on enterprises to eliminate competitors of enterprises "friendly" to them. As a rule, such cases are common in profitable economic sectors - fuel and metal trade, construction. Competitors are eliminated from the market through official measures. For example, it can be constant checks, calling the tax office, prohibiting the transfer of land for rent, and so on. In all such cases, the authorities carry out independent compulsory distribution of economic niches, giving the most profitable market sectors to “friendly” companies. The latter, in turn, deduct part of the superprofits. concept of form of corruption

A responsibility

Different anti-corruption forms. The most stringent measures are provided for by the Criminal Code. The Code contains several articles that establish punishment for various acts related to corruption. Among them are the norms:

  1. 174. It establishes sanctions for the laundering (legalization) of money or other property obtained illegally. According to the latter, for example, they understand the implementation of financial transactions and other transactions with tangible property acquired by criminal means, their use for entrepreneurial or other economic activities.
  2. 285. This article provides for sanctions for malpractice. It involves the use by a person of his official authority against the interests of a state body. In this case, the presence of a selfish or other personal interest, as well as substantial harm to the interests of organizations, the state, citizens, and society, is a mandatory sign of a crime.
  3. 290. This article fixes the punishment for receiving unlawful remuneration. A bribe may be presented as a certain amount of money, other property or material gain. As a rule, illegal remuneration is transferred for the employee to perform certain actions or inaction in favor of the person or entities represented by him.
  4. 292. This norm establishes sanctions for official forgery. It involves the introduction by a person holding a certain position, a civil servant or an employee of a territorial authority, of knowingly false information into official documents or corrections that substantially distort their content. types and forms of corruption

Anti-corruption forms

The main work is carried out in the lower echelons of power. As for the upper and middle level, then corrupt officials here often act with impunity, hide behind their inviolability, authority, status. If there are suspicions of an official committing a crime, law enforcement agencies begin to establish all ties with other defendants, check documentation and bank accounts. In addition, "letter" activities are being carried out. They suggest a secret search of the apartment, the establishment of external surveillance, hidden cameras, wiretapping of telephones, the recruitment of informants from among those close to the suspect.

Crimes in the state apparatus

Corruption of power takes place insofar as an official has the ability to manage resources that do not belong to him through the adoption or non-adoption of certain decisions. In particular, in the hands of power structures are budget funds, municipal and state property, state orders, benefits and so on.If the apparatus is deprived of administrative functions, the meaning of its existence will be lost. By collecting taxes, fines, and other payments fixed by law, an official receives resources that do not belong to him. If the fee is stipulated by the norms, the state treasury is the owner. If the payment is illegal, then the owner is the entity from which the official demands payment. A civil servant should make decisions only within the competence, focusing on the goals enshrined in the Constitution, Federal Law and other regulatory documents. Corruption begins to develop where the goals defined by law are replaced by the self-interest of an official implemented in his specific actions.

Danger of occurrence

In modern conditions, the corruption situation in the country has sharply worsened. Along with traditional methods of bribery, new schemes also appeared. So, for example, instead of transferring envelopes with money, actions are taken aimed at changing the property status of entities involved in corrupt relations. Among them, in particular, criminal lobbying, the creation of false companies, investing budgetary funds in commercial enterprises, transferring state property to AOs, facilitating the export of strategic raw materials abroad, and so on. The situation is exacerbated by the very secretive nature of many crimes. Complex schemes can be very difficult to identify and disclose, because outwardly everything is presented quite legally and officially justified.


Due to the specifics of corruption, it is impossible to precisely determine the criteria by which its scope could be adequately and comprehensively assessed. The magnitude of the phenomenon can only be estimated indirectly. For example, according to reports, today about 40% of entrepreneurs, almost 1/3 of the country's commercial organization, are involved in criminal relations. In 2001, with the direct assistance of officials, the state treasury lost more than 5 trillion rubles. The total damage from corruption in Russia is 10-20 billion dollars a year. essence and forms of corruption


A particular danger of corruption is that they provide a fertile ground for other crimes. As a result, acute economic problems arise, and tension in society intensifies. One of the favorable factors for the development of corruption is the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, according to lawyers, the identification of criminals at all levels of government indicates the presence of problems in the management system itself. Of course, the structure of power is imperfect in any country, and, accordingly, corruption takes place on one scale or another in all developed states. This, however, does not mean that law enforcement agencies should turn a blind eye to it. It is necessary to constantly improve the forms of counteraction to this phenomenon, develop the most stringent measures against violators of the law, and take measures to prevent criminal phenomena at all levels of government.

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