
Phone etiquette. Telephone Conversation Rules

Many talk on the phone. Business people are talking. The percentage of telephone conversations per day is sometimes significantly greater than eye to eye. Observe telephone etiquette! This is a very important rule. You are a well-mannered person, aren't you? Exactly.

Pick up the phone. They call you!

telephone etiquetteWhen the phone rings, we automatically pick up the phone and answer the usual "Hello!".

Is this enough to start a conversation?

Let's see what telephone etiquette says.

First of all, we draw a dividing line between business and personal contacts.

The moment that unites all conversations is politeness, restraint, and possession of a voice.

Your interlocutor cannot see what you are doing on the other side of the handset. But the slightest intonation gives out irritation, hostility, grief and other emotions.

"Hello" in a businesslike way

They call you on your work phone. Do not grab the handset after the first beep. This can create the impression of the person calling you that you simply do not have other things to do than answer the phone. This is not only your reputation. A conversation will leave an impression of the credibility of the entire organization. Answer by waiting for two or three rings to sound. But in no case more. The rules of telephone etiquette do not allow in this way to show disrespect to the person.

Immediately starting a conversation with the company name is not recommended. Greeting the caller is best neutral phrase "Good day!" This time of day is considered the main working day. In other cases, you can use the appeal "Hello!"

A prerequisite for a business conversation is joining the greeting of the so-called voice “business card”. This may be the name of the organization or your personal data - position, name and surname.

Ideally, the greeting scheme would look like this: “Good afternoon! The company "Sun"! "Or" Good day! The company "The Sun". Manager Olga Sergeeva. ”

A well-arranged answer to the call will initiate a successful pleasant conversation. It will create a good impression of the organization, emphasize its status and give solidity. It is always a pleasure to deal with educated people. Therefore, the impression made will be able to play a significant role in future cooperation.

Personal "Hello!"

If you think that you can start a conversation with a friend or friend as you please, then you are mistaken. It is better to start any incoming call to your personal phone with the wishes of an expensive day and your own presentation.

This way you protect yourself from wasting time explaining if the caller mistakenly dialed your number. When you are called on a personal matter during business hours, a little official presentation will set the tone for the general conversation, that is, you will make it clear to the person that there is no way to conduct empty conversations at the moment. And this is just a manifestation of good manners and courtesy, which is interpreted by the rules of a telephone conversation.

telephone rules

When you call

It would seem simpler, dialed the number and laid out the essence of the conversation. But many have already seen from experience that as you put the beginning of the conversation, so it will develop. Whether a business call will be the beginning of a successful collaboration depends on the first moments of the conversation. The same can be said about personal contacts. Spend half an hour explaining who is calling and for what reason, or explain the essence in a couple of minutes, it will be clear from the initial appeal.

telephone rules

Business call

You dialed the company number and received a standard greeting response. You also need to introduce yourself.If you represent an organization, indicate its name and your position. Next, summarize the essence of the appeal. You should respect the working hours of others and not spend your time on inconsistent explanations. Assuming a long conversation, do not forget to ask if it is convenient to talk to the person who picked up the phone now. Perhaps you should move the conversation to a more convenient time.

The rules of the telephone call say “no” to such greeting phrases as “It bothers you ...”, “You see, what’s the matter ...”, “Nothing if I disturb you ...”. Your "hello" in this case should be obeyed with dignity, without fawning. Then you can count on a productive conversation and self-respect. After a personal presentation, you can say, “Help me solve this question ...”, “Tell me, please ...”, “I am interested in ...”, etc.

Personal call to a friend or relative

"Hello my friend. How are you? ”- Of course, with relatives you can start a conversation like that. But it would be more correct to introduce ourselves. Especially if you are calling on a specific business, and not just to chat. Firstly, you can dial a friend’s number at the wrong time. A person is busy, is at work or a business meeting, is engaged in personal problems. Secondly, imagine that your number was simply not determined, and the voice seemed unfamiliar due to poor-quality communications. In order not to put yourself and your friend in an awkward position, call yourself.

Let's continue the conversation

In any conversation, you must be attentive to the interlocutor. How to start a telephone conversation is a great skill, but its continuation is of great importance.

Business Continuation

You are the initiator of the call. So you have a specific problem that you want to solve during the conversation. Prepare in advance a list of questions that interest you, so as not to stray to the sidelines and not waste other people's working time. Listen carefully to the person you are talking to. Try to outline the answers, this will help to avoid asking again.

During a conversation, the connection was lost? Call back if you started a conversation. You must also end the conversation. Be sure to thank the person you are talking to. A pleasant ending will, of course, be a good day.

If they call you, listen carefully to the request. Do not forget to maintain attention to the conversation with the phrases “Yes, of course ...”, “I understand you ...”, “We will try to help ...”, etc. The interlocutor will feel confident and will be able to outline the problem. When the conversation threatens to drag out, take the initiative, help direct the conversation in the right direction.

Before completing, check with the interlocutor if he received all the answers. If you cannot help him by virtue of other official duties, tell him the contact of an employee competent in a given topic.

how to start a telephone conversation

Personal telephone conversation

In personal conversations, the situation is simpler. But here, telephone etiquette gives some recommendations. For example, a friend / girlfriend called you at an inconvenient time with a great desire to chat. For such cases, there is a standard telephone call: "Sorry, now at the meeting ..." or "I have a very important meeting, I will call you back later ...". You can add, “I understand that this is very important. I’ll call you back as soon as I get free ... ” For the interlocutor, this will be an indicator that you are not ignoring his problems. So, there will be no unnecessary insults. By the way, try to call back if you promised.

General rules for telephone calls

Telephone etiquette rules were not invented from the ceiling. These are the observations of psychologists, practical experience, analysis based on the results of many conversations. There are certain actions that etiquette welcomes or denies. We will collect some of them in a small memo.

  1. Do not make loud personal conversations in public places and at work. You put others in an awkward position, forcing you to listen to the intimate details of your life, which is not related to them.
  2. Do not turn the phone on speakerphone if you have not warned your interlocutor about this. Such a situation can create adverse effects. But first of all, this is a manifestation of respect for the person on the other end of the wire.
  3. Carefully choose your ringtone. Less loud aggression, because people with a weak nervous system may be nearby.
  4. Turn off the sound on the phone while at meetings, meetings, in cultural institutions, and also in places where such a requirement is prescribed by the rules of conduct.
  5. Do not combine telephone conversation and eating. This makes understanding difficult, expresses disrespect for the interlocutor.
  6. Be careful when you plan to make a call. Early morning, late night - this, as you know, is not the best time for talking with even the closest person. You can call at such a time only on the most urgent matters. Do not forget about it.

Little conclusion

Now you know the telephone etiquette. Call on time. Be polite. Have a nice phone call and good mood!

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