
Agricultural insurance: features of the service

Currently, the insurance industry is actively developing, which provides citizens with a wide range of services. In addition to the main list of services, there are also special ones. These include agricultural insurance, which allows you to protect crops from adverse factors. For this, it is necessary to conclude an agreement between the company and the owner of the production.

Harvest Insurance Rules

agricultural insurance

Insurance agricultural crops allows you to receive cash compensation when risks occur. The service is suitable for the following plants and elements:

  • cereals and oilseeds;
  • greenhouse and seed;
  • technical and feed;
  • vegetables and potatoes;
  • garden crops, hops, vineyards;
  • fruitful bushes, strawberries;
  • nurseries and nurseries;
  • grafting materials.

The crop insurance service includes annual expenses, even if the plant brought the crop several times. It must be borne in mind that the safety of the entire crop area is important.

Insurance risks

In any type of insurance there are risks upon the occurrence of which compensation is due. They are spelled out in the contract. If some type of risk is not indicated in the agreement, then there will be no cash payments on it. Agricultural risk insurance involves a hazardous situation that could be harmful to crops. The most common of them include:

  • natural phenomena: frost, floods, showers, drought, fires, landslides, mudflows;
  • diseases of crops and crops, reproduction of pests;
  • actions of third parties that caused damage.

Agricultural insurance involves the conclusion of an agreement in which several risks can be prescribed or only one. The latest insurance option is multi-risk. It is considered the most expensive service, therefore, it is usually executed by institutions with state support.

When is a contract not concluded?

Not in all cases, you can use the services of companies. The contract is not concluded if there are no crop results for the last 3 years. Even if you contact the company, a refusal will follow.

crop insurance

Agricultural insurance cannot be issued when crops grow on the territory of natural risks. You can not use the services when finding plants in the field of hayfields and pastures.

Contract execution

The document must be drawn up before sowing. If the crop is in protected ground, then insurance is compiled before the cycle “sowing - planting”. The contract is drawn up only for the harvest or sowing of the entire territory.

The company has the right to inspect the land. Initially, this occurs when sowing products throughout the territory. Then inspections are carried out as planned and unscheduled.

Perennial plant insurance

Now there is crop insurance. 2 main methods of determining the value of perennial crops are used. Each of them has its own conditions. If a perennial plant has a fruitful age, then the book value according to the accounting documentation at the time of signing the agreement is taken into account.

agricultural crop insurance

When a culture does not bear fruit, then the amount spent on cultivating it is the basis. Confirmation are accounting documents of accounting and reporting. The amount cannot be more than the total value of the crop.


Agricultural insurance has its own tariffs, which are determined by the field of cultivation, the condition of crops, compliance with the necessary standards. The average rate in the country is 3-6%. The minimum indicator is 0.2%, and the maximum is 8%.

Each plant has its own tariff. Rates are set individually depending on the level of damage and territory. Each region may have its own natural features, so this is necessarily taken into account when insuring.

agricultural risk insurance

Payments can be made in one installment or in installments. First you need to pay the annual amount. If the installment plan is applied, then the contract begins to be effective the next day after the policyholder has paid at least half of the installment. The time of the last payment is determined by the contract, and therefore it cannot be deferred to a later date.

Actions for an insured event

If such a situation has occurred, then you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the contract, pay attention to the points where the rules for payment of losses are prescribed. The sequence of notification of the company about the damage, as well as the conditions that must be met to obtain compensation:

  • regular contributions;
  • notification of an insured event;
  • provision of documents that serve as confirmation of the occurrence of an insured event;
  • availability of a certificate from the hydrometeorological center, which is necessary to confirm adverse weather conditions;
  • filing a claim for damages.

Subject to these rules, compensation will be listed on time. Amounts of losses allow you to cover expenses due to loss or damage to the crop.

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