In clerical work, there are certain rules for writing statements of various kinds, and it is very important to know them in order to draw up a particular document that is submitted when certain actions are performed.
Without this, you will not be able to get a job or quit, ask for leave, go to university or make a complaint in the store. To compile a document, you need to know not only the details, but also the rules of the Russian language.
Writing a statement
If we want the filed document to be reviewed as quickly as possible, it must be properly composed. The basic rules for writing an application imply the following order:
- addressee (full name in the dative case indicating the position);
- addressee (name of the originator in the nominative case and who he is);
- statement of the essence of the document (proposal, request, complaint, etc.);
- Date of preparation;
- signature.
Placement of details
The first two paragraphs should be placed in the upper right corner of the sheet (it must also be in A4 format). The third should be entitled “Statement” (the name is written in the center), and the last two are located at the bottom of the page.
These are the key rules for writing an application. If necessary, a sample can almost always be requested at the authority you are contacting, or found on the Internet if, for example, you need to write a document for a vacation or dismissal. It is compiled by hand or can be typed in hard copy.
When stating the essence, do not use complex and abstruse verbal constructions, everything should be brief and simple.
What is forbidden when compiling
The rules for writing an application also imply some limitations in its preparation.
So, you cannot use obscene words in a document, use abusive epithets in relation to officials and threaten them. It is forbidden to slander others, as well as to humiliate others on a religious or racial basis. Intolerance towards political opponents is not allowed, the statement cannot be used also as an agitation.
In all these cases, the document will not be considered. It will also not be accepted if the information indicated in it is not true and accurate. If there is a need to specify the address, phone number and other data, then all of them must be listed. In cases of sending a document by mail (regular and electronic), do not forget to indicate the return address to which you expect to receive an answer.
Anonymous statements are not accepted. Depending on the type of document additional papers should be attached to it, which can serve as confirmation of the information contained in it.
Is there a single form of compilation?
Despite the fact that there are certain rules for writing applications, there is no GOST for them. All recommendations are for guidance only. There are general principles of GOST 6.30, but you can not follow them with all severity.
For example, a clause on the addressee can be drawn up as “From Ivanova II,” or simply “Ivanova II,” and this is not a fundamental issue in the statement.
The title of the document after the first two paragraphs, which is written in the middle, can be entirely written in capital letters:
Another spelling is:
And both will be right.
The nuances of compiling a document largely depend on its purpose. Below we will look at an example of two situations, how to properly arrange it in a particular case.
Features of filing an application with the court
To submit a document to the court - this, of course, does not ask the boss on vacation.And the rules for writing a statement of claim will be slightly different from the ordinary worker. A document of this type will include such components:
- Introduction, where you should provide information on both sides of the conflict, including name, phone number, residential address and other at the discretion.
- The claim value, which implies the monetary equivalent of the plaintiff's claims. It must be appropriate for the situation; if it is overestimated, the document will be rejected. Documents should also be attached that could substantiate it. This can be a certificate of property valuation, a purchase receipt or receipt.
- The descriptive part, where the plaintiff is obliged in a concise form and at the same time as fully as possible to state all the reasons why he submits this application. The essence of what happened is when and who violated the rights, indicating the regulatory framework.
- Petition - requirements are stated here indicating the cost of the claim.
- List of additional documents.
What is attached to the application?
Regardless of where you plan to submit the document - to the court, management, executive authorities or heads of companies with which you enter into an agreement or negotiate, it may contain applications without which it will not have legal force.
The statement should list at the end the list of attached papers that need to be sewn to it in the form of originals or copies (depending on requirements).
Most often required:
- copies of passports and other documents;
- a photo;
- Checks
- warranty cards;
- forms of housing partnerships;
- certificates from social authorities or the registry office;
- settlement papers, etc.
How to fill out a document when leaving work?
If you have a need to leave your existing place of work, then you must also ask for this in a declared form. The rules for writing a letter of resignation of their own free will differ little from the general recommendations for the preparation of this document.
In the upper right corner we write the name of the head of your structure indicating the correct position and company name. Under this we enter our data and register our position in accordance with the employment contract.
Under the heading of the document, its essence should be stated something like this: “Please release me from the performance of my duties of my own free will.” In some cases, the reason for dismissal is required. In addition, it is required to set the date from which you leave your position, it usually comes 2 weeks after signing the application.
Write down the surname and initials below and put the date of writing the document and your signature.
It is recommended to file this application on time with the expectation of a two-week working out. Personnel specialists advise you to make a photocopy so that, if you need it, you can indicate the date from which you are not an employee of the company.
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, any employee has the right to dismiss at any time, as well as to receive compensation and to previously unused vacation. He is also obliged to receive on time the calculation and his documents. If the employer does not allow you to resign within the period prescribed in the document, or otherwise restricts your rights, you can safely contact the judicial authorities.
As you can see, the rules for writing an application are quite simple, and it will not be difficult to write it. Sometimes you need to collect related papers that can give it weight, it all depends on the addressee and the nature of the document.