The image and characterization of Vladimir Lensky in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is the subject of a discussion of the literary review. This work of the famous poet is one of his most popular works, and the characters are interesting in that the author embodied the features of his contemporaries - young nobles of his generation. It is from this point of view, and not just from a psychological point of view, that they attract the reader.
General characteristics of the work
This novel is one of the so-called mature works of A.S. Pushkin. It was written in the years 1823-1831. The writer began his work just at the time when he began to move away from the principles of romanticism in his work and switched to a realistic image of life. He succeeded so reliably that the famous critic of that time V. G. Belinsky called this novel in verse "an encyclopedia of Russian life." The author focuses on the love line, which unfolds against the background of the image of modern Pushkin society. From this work, one can judge how the Russian nobility was in the 1820s, one of whose representatives was Lensky Vladimir.
Friends Comparison
The poet describes his hero at first as a kind of antipode of the main character. He immediately emphasizes the significant difference between the two. It primarily lies in their characters, worldview and attitude towards others. Onegin is by nature a closed, biliary person, even somewhat cynical. Lensky Vladimir, on the contrary, is open, sociable and cheerful.
Eugene is bored all the time, he is not interested in anything, is not engaged in any useful business, while his young neighbor and friend are seriously involved in new modern ideas, bringing “German fruits” from Germany. The main character is disappointed in life and is almost always in a melancholy mood, while Lensky Vladimir “sang love, obedient love”. The young man was full of bright hopes, he loved poetry, lyrics and nature - all that his neighbor was completely indifferent to.
About friendship
Nevertheless, the author intentionally brought these heroes together, as if deliberately, in order, firstly, to further emphasize the difference between them. And secondly, in order to brighten the psychology of each of them against the background of contrast. No wonder this novel is considered a deeply psychological work. Indeed, in it, despite a slight humor, the author very subtly showed the complex spiritual world of his heroes. Lensky Vladimir immediately wished to meet Onegin. The poet explains this by saying that in the village where the action takes place, only he alone could appreciate his literary and scientific research.
The acquaintance gradually grew into a friendship, which at first glance may surprise the reader, especially after the author clearly indicated how much these people were not suitable for being friends. However, the image and characterization of Vladimir Lensky shows that it was no accident that he became a fellow protagonist. He was attracted to him by a clear mind, an open character, his cheerfulness and optimism, as well as his friendliness and somewhat naive perception of reality.
Love line
The novel traces several of these stories. Of course, the focus of the writer and the reader is on the drama of Eugene and Tatiana. However, no less interesting is the description of the relations of the second pair in the work. In this case, the author again resorts to his favorite trick - the contrast.Contrasting the main character with the image of Vladimir Lensky, he also showed how dissimilar his bride Olga was to her sister. Beautiful, light and careless, she is completely devoid of the sensitivity, intelligence and depth of thought that were inherent in Tatyana. The latter circumstance determined the development of relations between young people. Vladimir poeticized his beloved, who reciprocated, but her feeling was not as deep and serious as, for example, Tatyana’s love for Eugene.
Lensky, it seems, loved the bride with the most sincere and ardent love reinforced by his poetic dreams. He too idealized Olga. And this largely led to a tragic denouement. Eugene, for example, immediately guessed that his friend’s bride was not distinguished by any originality - she was the most ordinary frivolous girl. The trouble of Vladimir was that, constantly being in idyllic daydreams, he stubbornly did not want to see the reality that Onegin pointed out to him. He was offended by the easy flirting of a friend with Olga precisely because he romanticized everything too much and the image of the girl in the first place.
It is interesting to compare the state of two heroes on the eve of a duel. Onegin, for example, realizes that a duel is a stupid formality that will lead to tragedy. He regrets his trick on the holiday. Vladimir, on the contrary, is more serious than ever. He decided that he must protect the honor of his girlfriend. This led (along with Onegin’s fear to look ridiculous in case of reconciliation) to the death of the poet.