Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich - Russian producer and manager. In the past, he headed the Russian Football Union (from 2010 to 2012). He was the chairman of FC Zenit (St. Petersburg). This article will present his brief biography.
Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich (his family is also worthy of mention in this article) was born in Leningrad in 1954. The boy studied at the physics and mathematics school, which he successfully completed in 1972. In the same year, Sergei submitted documents to the Kalinin Polytechnic Institute for the specialty "Electrical Appliances." Five years later, the hero of this article graduated with success.
In 1979, Sergey Fursenko got a job at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Radio Equipment. There he spent ten years developing and implementing air traffic control and landing control systems. Sergey slowly but surely went up the career ladder. As a result, Fursenko headed the research laboratory. In 1987, the hero of this article was sent to Cuba. There he introduced an air traffic control system. Twelve months later, together with his brother Andrei, he launched the reusable space shuttle Buran (their task was to set up the system for providing the reusable landing).
In 1989, Fursenko Sergey Alexandrovich became the Executive Director of the Technoeksan company, which specialized in the export of high-tech equipment and high technologies. The organization also commercialized and promoted the products of applied research at the Physicotechnical Institute in foreign and domestic markets.
New position
In 1991, Sergey Fursenko headed the TEMP Research and Production AOZT, which developed and implemented high technologies in the field of environmental protection and ecology. The main consultant of the company was Vladimir Yakunin. At that time, he was chairman of the International Center for Business Cooperation. In early 1992, TEMP, along with a number of other enterprises established by Andrei Fursenko, Viktor Myachin, Mikhail Markin, Yuri Kovalchuk and Vladimir Yakunin, became part of the shareholders of Rossiya Bank. The above people were dubbed by the press as good friends of Vladimir Putin, who then worked as deputy mayor of Sobchak. Also in the media it was noted that in 1996 Putin, the brothers Fursenko and Yakunin became co-founders of the Lake cooperative in the Leningrad Region.
In 1998, the hero of this article decided to try himself in a new profession. Fursenko Sergey became the general director and producer of two organizations: “Igor Shadkhan Workshop - TOM” and the production center “SCHOOL”. And his first work was a documentary picture “Secrets of sunken ships”, which talked about ships that rest on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. The Ministry of Culture assigned this film the status of "Russian National Film".
In 2003, Sergei Alexandrovich got a job at Gazprom. He became deputy head of the gas utilization, underground storage and transportation department. Six months later, the hero of this article led the subsidiary of this company under the name LLC Lenstransgaz.
The position of general director of the company did not prevent Fursenko from engaging in other activities. In 2003, he was included on the board of directors of FC Zenit (St. Petersburg). And two years later he became its chairman. Soon, Gazprom bought a controlling stake in Zenit. After that, Sergey Alexandrovich headed the football club.
At the end of 2009, Vitaly Mutko resigned as head of the Russian Football Union (RFU). Fursenko decided to run for office. Two months later, 95 members of the union supported the hero of this article. His rival Alisher Aminov scored only 11 votes (Sergey Kuzmin was in third place, but he withdrew from the election in favor of Fursenko). Upon assuming office, Sergey Alexandrovich set a goal for the national team - to win the 2018 World Cup.
In April 2010, at the initiative of Fursenko, an ethics committee was established and the “Code of Honor of Russian Football” was adopted. In May of the same year, Dick Lawyer from Holland became the national team coach. Sergei Alexandrovich met him while working at Zenith. And in July Fursenko decided to transfer the Russian championship to the fall-spring system. This scheme allowed national clubs to synchronize their activities with European ones. Such a decision was severely criticized by experts. Former leaders of the RFU (Koloskov and Mutko) stated that such a system does not correspond to the Russian climate. Usually, the Russian championship was held in two circles, but the transition to a new scheme added another. Therefore, the competition of 2011-2012 was the longest in the history of domestic football.
At the end of 2010, Russia was selected by the FIFA committee as the host country of the 2018 World Cup. In March 2011, the hero of this article became the head of the marketing committee for the European Union of Football Associations (UEFA).
Leaving the RFU
After the national team unsuccessfully performed at the 2012 European Championships, Sergei Fursenko, at a meeting with Putin, announced his resignation. Vladimir Vladimirovich asked him to become a member of the Presidential Sports Council and to continue his activities in the UEFA Executive Committee. Officially, Sergei Alexandrovich left the RFU in July. And in September, Nikolai Tolstoy was appointed in his place.
As the newspaper Kommersant wrote, after Fursenko resigned as president of the RFU, it turned out that the company had a debt of 800 million rubles. It appeared because of a loan taken by Sergei Alexandrovich, the guarantee of which was the commercial rights of the football union. All revenues of the RFU went to its repayment. Vitaly Mutko (Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation) said that the state will not eliminate the budget deficit of this organization. To date, the debt is still unpaid.
- Father - Alexander Alexandrovich (Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
- Brother - Andrei Alexandrovich. He was Minister of Science and Education from 2004 to 2012. At the moment, is one of the assistants of V.V. Putin.
Sergey Alexandrovich is married and has three daughters.