
Classes of offices A, B, C, D. Characteristics of class B offices

Modern trends in the development of society put forward new conditions for organizing the work of various business entities. The building in which the offices are located should ensure their normal functioning.

For this non-residential premises must have a number of qualities. To make it easier for tenants to navigate the large number of existing real estate market offers, office classes have been defined. Each of them is characterized by a set of qualities. What office classes exist and how to navigate them should be considered in more detail.

Why is classification necessary?

The prestige of a room should be considered when organizing your own business. To simplify this process, an office classification was invented, which has a scale in the form of Latin letters: A, B, C, D.Office Classes

Each variety has its own qualities. This classification is rather arbitrary, therefore, the groups of non-residential premises have their own subgroups. This is true for the first two categories - Class A and B offices have several varieties.

Knowledge of the characteristics of each room should be considered when choosing them for a particular type of business. The landlord, understanding which class his property belongs to, can correctly navigate the price. Owners of various companies to consider the class of the premises is also extremely important. Indeed, without the appropriate conditions, it is sometimes simply impossible to succeed.

Category A

Class A offices are the most elite types of real estate intended for organizing a business. They are located in new business complexes, where the most favorable conditions for the functioning of offices are created.Class A Offices

The construction of these premises was carried out taking into account all engineering requirements, and their layout is most successful. The decoration of class A rooms is modern and high quality materials:

  • all communications and life support systems comply with building codes and regulations;
  • access to such offices is easy;
  • in these rooms there are conference rooms equipped with the latest technology, workplaces are equipped with high-quality office equipment and communications;
  • such a business center has high-quality security systems.

There should be a closed underground parking area of ​​1 car per 60 square meters. office space. And for workers in such offices all the necessary conditions of life and leisure are created.

Subclasses of Group A

In order to better navigate the basic qualities of luxury premises, the classes of Group A offices are divided into subcategories A +, A and A-.

In the first case, the room has all the requirements listed below. However, even the most elite rental properties may have some flaws. If these deviations are single and minor, the room is assigned to group A.

But in case of non-compliance with several requirements of average importance, the office can be classified as A-.

Basic requirements for A + buildings

The elite classes of offices must possess, without exception, the following characteristics in order to be classified as A +.

Office class b

  1. They should be located in or near the central business district, near the transport interchange communications.
  2. The facility must have a transparent system of accounting for operating costs.
  3. There should be an entrance group and a lobby.
  4. The height from floor to ceiling in 90% of the premises is at least 2.7 m.
  5. Secure parking (not including spontaneous) has 1 parking space per 60 sq. M. office space.
  6. Power supply should be at least 50 watts per 1 sq. M. rented premises. The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is at least 2-pipe.
  7. The layout is open, with a grid of columns.
  8. Fiber-optic telephone systems and the Internet provide a complete workflow.
  9. The common areas included in the payment make up no more than 12% of the rental area.

Category B

The characteristics of the offices to which class B is assigned differ slightly from the previous category. They may not be so elite, have a less favorable location, or have a smaller range of maintenance services.Office Class B

Quality standards constantly increase the requirements for rented non-residential premises. Sometimes after several years of intensive operation, a prestigious office also falls into the lower category. Class B may lose some of its previous qualities.

If the company does not need to rent premises for representative purposes, most often management pays attention to category B. It is more designed for the working environment than it maintains the reputation of the organization.

Class B features

Office Class B is characterized by a number of features.

  1. Most often, its location is not so advantageous.
  2. Such premises may also not be located in specialized office complexes (previously it was some other residential or industrial building).
  3. The range of services is somewhat limited.
  4. The decoration is made of high-quality, but inexpensive materials.
  5. Parking for such buildings is, but, for example, can be located in the open.

These are economy class rooms that have significantly lower rental costs. In general, such offices meet all the requirements of world norms and standards, but their characteristics are somewhat curtailed.

Subclasses of Group B

The characteristics of Class B offices differ from B + by the absence of at least one minor parameter. A more elite type of office building has a number of distinctive features.Class B Office Features

Such non-residential premises can be easily reached on the main road. They are located in new or thoroughly reconstructed buildings. Management and record keeping is supervised by professionals.

The height of the premises allows the installation of suspended ceilings. B + offices have a secure underground parking, as well as ventilation and air conditioning systems. High-quality communications of various types were carried out here.

Necessarily the building has an entrance group and a hall. Elevators work well. New windows provide more than adequate natural light. Finishing is made of inexpensive, but high-quality materials. If one insignificant of the listed parameters is absent, the office is classified as Category B.

Class C

Class C offices are inferior to the previous in a number of characteristics.

Class C Offices

  1. They can be removed from the central traffic intersection.
  2. Such buildings are characterized by a poor level of service.
  3. There may not be enough parking space or a complete set of furniture and office equipment needed for staff to work.
  4. Most often, such offices are organized in old post-Soviet buildings, which were not built taking into account all modern requirements.

Being poorly adapted for organizing the work of employees of any company, these buildings are considered unprincipled.

There is no repair inside the building, maximum - the landlord could restore the facade. The service is either not available or is carried out by the owner. There may be problems with paperwork.

But the class C building has a secure surface parking. There is also a 24-hour security system. Most often, although not to a sufficient extent, there are conditions for rest and life of employees.

Category D

Class D offices are located in former administrative buildings, institutes, and other long-established institutions. As a rule, repairs were carried out for a long time.

There are also rooms that look quite solid in appearance. Usually these are buildings of former institutes. They may even have presentable libraries and printing houses.Class D Offices

But the internal layout and communication systems are completely inconsistent with modern ideas about office space. Such buildings can be located anywhere. Getting to them is sometimes extremely difficult.

This segment attracts tenants with its value - in this case it is more than affordable. The named class of offices is chosen by small firms for which the question of presentability does not play a significant role.

But the pursuit of savings sometimes turns into significant costs, since such premises often need major repairs. The tenant will spend significant amounts on it. And the lack of elementary dining rooms, parking and normal life support systems makes the work for staff extremely difficult.

Having become familiar with such a concept as office classes, it will be easier for a tenant to determine which room is best suited for a particular business.

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