Currently, almost every person has a plastic card. Its use is very convenient, because you can pay for goods or services, while there is no need to carry large amounts of cash in your pocket and at the same time tremble with fear that you will be robbed. On escrow account Today, many people prefer to keep their money capital, while the employer transfers wages to it.
Convenient and practical
Agree, it’s quite practical to take a plastic bank card with you on a long trip.
And, of course, at present, many Russians own debit and credit cards issued by Sberbank of Russia. It is convenient to store money on them because there are at least minimal security guarantees: the card is password protected, so no one except its owner can dispose of the money stored on the deposit.
Although, in fairness, it should be noted that for some attackers nothing is impossible.
There is still a risk
One way or another, but the likelihood that a bank card can be hacked or stolen does exist. At the same time, as already emphasized, the criminals are coming up with more and more sophisticated ways to seize other people's money.
So, what should be done if you suddenly find that the “plastic” was stolen from you or the attackers managed to gain access to your hard-earned money?
You must immediately block the card. There are several ways you can do this. We will consider the main solutions to the problem of how to block the card of Sberbank.
Go to the nearest branch of Sberbank
If you suddenly remember that near the "scene" there is a bank branch, then immediately go there. Having arrived at the office, ask for help from an employee who is directly involved in working with bank cards as soon as possible.
If “plastic” was stolen from you, and you notice that the line is crowding towards your “specialist”, then you can’t hesitate, otherwise the question of how to block the Sberbank card will lose its relevance. Immediately explain to the people around you and first of all the complexity of the situation. Do not put the matter aside in a long box, write two statements: one for blocking the card, the other for its subsequent restoration.
Are there other ways by which you can solve the question of how to block a Sberbank card? Of course. This method can probably be classified as the most common. Will help block Sberbank card phone. You just need to make one call to the “hot line” of the above financial structure. Dial the number 8 800 555 5550 - and within a few minutes access to your deposit or credit account will be limited. Remember that calls to the Hotline are free.
the Internet
Do you want to know if there are still alternative ways to solve the problem, how to block a Sberbank card?
Of course, they are available. If you are connected to the World Wide Web, then you can use the Sberbank service, provided that you are registered in it, you know the username and password. Further, we can already consider the question of how to block a bank card, practically resolved.
After logging in, you need to go to the “Block card” tab, after which a window will open where you must select the card that you want to deactivate and indicate the reason why you are doing this.In order to perform these actions, you must send a message with the text "Password *****" to the short number 900, where the asterisks indicate the last five digits of your card number. After that, you will receive an SMS notification that the problem has been resolved. It should be noted that those customers who are connected to the Mobile Bank application can use the above method.
Those who are interested in the question of how to block a credit card of Sberbank can safely use the above methods.
In what cases the card is blocked in addition to the will of its owner
Often there are situations when access to funds stored in a deposit or loan account is limited beyond the will of its owner.
Is it possible to block the card of Sberbank, for example, by negligence? Naturally, yes.
For example, this happens when a person incorrectly enters a PIN code three times. Again contact Sberbank? Blocked the card. What to do in this situation? The answer to these questions is simple: nothing needs to be done - the day after the error is made, the card will automatically be unlocked.
Many are interested in the question of whether third parties can block the Sberbank card. Of course. In addition to employees of a credit institution, a judicial authority can do this. In other words, if the owner of a plastic card owes a large sum of money to someone and does not want to give it away voluntarily, the court can simply seize the debtor's funds stored in his deposit account. Naturally, the owner will no longer manage this money, and bank employees are not allowed to unblock the card until its owner settles his debt obligations.
How to unlock a card
So, in order to unlock the bank card, you need to go to the office of the above financial institution and write a statement so that your deposit account is available again. In this case, you must definitely disclose the secret word that was indicated when issuing the card.
Keep in mind that the card is not activated immediately, since your application will be considered by bank employees for some time.
You can call the “Hot Line” - in which case your card will also be unlocked. However, you will need to tell the dispatcher your passport details and bank card number.
A logical conclusion can be made: the question of how to block a bank card of Sberbank is currently very, very relevant. How to specifically use the deactivation method is up to its owner only. It is important to remember one thing: the faster you do this, the higher the chances of saving money!