
How to restore a Sberbank card: procedure

So, today we will figure out how to restore a Sberbank card. In reality, this is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. Especially if you know what actions to start. So how can customers regain banking "plastic" under certain circumstances? What you should pay attention to? And is it really possible to restore the card? Or just release a new one, but forget about the old one at all?restore a sberbank card

Everything's possible

Yes, nobody takes away the right to make a new card from you. But you can restore the old one too. There are some points at which you should seek help from a bank.

For example, when your bank plastic was stolen. But here, consider: it is you who must be the owner of the card. This is an obvious fact. It is also worth considering how to restore a Sberbank card if you lose it. Of course, this issue is raised in the event of damage. Under such circumstances, even an ATM will “jam” a card and not give it back. Will have to remove it forcibly.


The first step to go through is locking. If a Sberbank card is lost or it was stolen, you need to restore it. But the beginning of the process is the blocking of the old "plastic".Sberbank Hotline

Here you can highlight several options for the development of events. If you have connected "Mobile Bank", then blocking can be done through this service. To do this, compose a message according to a specific algorithm. First write “LOCK” (in capital letters), then after a space - the last 5 digits of the card, and after - a code-description of the reason for the action. About them a little later. The resulting combination should be sent to 900. That's all.

The second option is bank assistance. Call the Sberbank hotline or contact your nearest office. Inform that you need to block the card. Next, give the coded secret word to the employee. This will serve as a confirmation of your rights to bank "plastic".


You can restore the Sberbank card without any problems. But first, you need to block your old "plastic". If you have chosen an independent solution to the task with the help of "Mobile Bank", you need to find out the so-called blocking reason codes. Without them, you will not be able to bring the idea to life.how much restore a sberbank card

So, if you write in the SMS message at the very end 0, then this will mean that the card is lost. 1 - bank plastic was stolen. You can also specify the code, which is expressed by the number 2 - the card is "eaten" by an ATM. By the way, a very common phenomenon. If none of the above reasons fit, specify 3 as the code. It indicates a further need for blocking. Not all that difficult as it seems.


What's next? Restore the card of Sberbank, as you might guess, you can only in the bank branch. And only with a personal presence. To do this, you will need to come and fill out a special application for restoration. Take your passport with you. Without it, Sberbank employees will not talk to you.

It is advisable to contact the office where the old card was made. In this case, less problems and questions will be for you. In practice, you are generally unlikely to be accepted at another branch of Sberbank. Fill out an application with a bank employee, and then just wait. As a rule, you will have to enter your personal data from the passport. And no problem. It remains only to wait until you are informed about the readiness of the "plastic". You will need to receive it with a passport.

The timing

I wonder how much they restore the Sberbank card? To be honest, it is almost impossible to answer this question with extreme accuracy. After all, everywhere their own rules exist in this regard.forgot the password from the card

Although on average you can name the period in which you will receive your card back. Recovery takes about 10-15 days. It can be said 2 weeks. But a lot depends on the load on a specific branch of Sberbank. Somewhere, they can perform this operation faster, although this is a rather rare occurrence. So, restoring the banking "plastic", expect that it will be possible to get it back about 14-15 days after writing the corresponding application at the Sberbank branch.

Forgot your password

In some cases, citizens think about what to do if they forgot the password for the card. Frankly, you have every right to restore all the data in the so-called "Personal Account" in the Sberbank Online service. And only one parameter cannot be restored in any way.

It's about a pin code. When you forget it, it makes sense to reissue the card. In this case, you will be given a new pin code for the implementation of certain operations. From now on, be more careful and write down the password somewhere, so as not to forget. You will receive this combination with the card in a special, closed envelope. After that, you have every right to change the issued password to the one you consider necessary through an ATM or Internet service.

Complete identity

So we figured out how to restore the Sberbank card. The question that interests some citizens is whether it is possible to get an identical card during restoration?

The answer here is simple - no. If you needed to restore a PIN code or even your bank plastic, then write a statement (do not forget about preliminary blocking), and then you will receive a card with new data. The number and password will change, but the details of the account - no.

By the way, if after writing the application you found your old card, then it should be taken to the Sberbank branch for destruction. Before your eyes it will be cut. It can not be unlocked already, it will not be possible to use it in any way.if a Sberbank card is lost


In some cases, the so-called Sberbank hotline will help to conduct our operation today. If you need to lock the card, but you haven’t connected your Mobile Bank, and you don’t want to go to the bank’s branch / there’s no way, use this approach. Remember: you will need to provide your personal passport data, as well as the secret word that you agreed with the organization when releasing "plastic."

Several combinations will help you. The first one is 8 800 555 55 50. This number is considered to be a hotline telephone, which operates throughout Russia. Here you can get advice or carry out some banking operations (mainly with cards). Also, the Sberbank hotline can be called by calling 7 495 500 55 50. It is usually used by residents of Moscow and the region.

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