
How to choose equipment for the production of paving slabs. Where to buy a machine for the production of paving slabs. Price, photo

Paving slabs appeared in our country not so long ago, about twenty years ago, and then it became a vivid opposite of the materials used at that time. This allowed her to conquer the market quite quickly, to become popular, therefore such a business can now be considered quite relevant.

The main advantages that make it so popular are its elegant appearance, ease of installation and durability. That is why when deciding to organize your own business, you need to choose the right equipment for the production of paving slabs.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

Essence of the idea

As in any other business, it requires a carefully designed business plan, which should not be considered in detail, since it is usually built according to a template into which adjustments are made depending on the field of activity. Therefore, it is worth considering the question of how to choose equipment for the production of paving slabs, as well as prices for it and the technology that will be your main one. A business plan template is easy to find if you do not know how to create one yourself.

Machine for the production of paving slabs

The minimum set to start your own business includes such devices:

  • concrete mixer;
  • a vibrating table on which filling will be carried out;
  • stripping vibration table equipped with a set of frames for breaking;
  • special molds for the production of tiles.

Such a minimum set will cost 100-150 thousand rubles. For lovers of speed and convenience, we can recommend a machine for the production of paving slabs in the form of a stationary vibrating press - this is an automated line that costs 1.5 million rubles or more.

All these machines and lines are non-specialized, that is, they can produce other similar products: bricks, borders, blocks of various kinds. The only thing you need to stock up on is production forms. This is precisely the huge advantage of such a business. As additions, it is necessary to purchase a loader, a hydraulic trolley, a transformer, trowels, shovels, wheelbarrows and other trifles required in the production.

Machine for the production of paving slabs


It is necessary to have not only equipment for the production of paving slabs, but also molds for it. This is the main consumable. The price of each is usually 20-100 rubles, depending on the material and complexity of execution. Forms for the production of paving slabs are made of plastic.


Paving slabs consists of two layers, which ensures its high degree of strength, as well as exceptional decorative properties. It is necessary to consider the composition of each of them. The textured layer is designed to provide basic quality indicators of products.

To prepare one cubic meter of concrete in this case, 500 kilograms of cement, crushed stone with sand, as well as a plasticizer for the production of paving slabs (7.5-12 kilograms depending on the dye consumption) are required. The main layer is designed to give the tile the desired thickness, and it is also responsible for its strength. One cubic meter of finished concrete requires a quarter ton of cement, a mixture of crushed stone with sand, as well as plasticizing additives.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs by vibropressing

Manufacturing process

So, you have already purchased the necessary equipment for the production of paving slabs, so you can start the process itself. In a smaller concrete mixer, concrete is prepared with pigment, and in a larger mixer without it. On a vibrating table it is necessary to decompose the forms tightly to each other.

First, a layer of colored concrete is laid, its thickness is 1-2 centimeters. It should completely cover the bottom of the mold. If we are talking about the manufacture of ordinary gray tiles, then dye is not required. It uses equipment for the production of paving slabs by vibropressing, so it is necessary to turn on the vibrator for 10 seconds.

This time is enough for concrete to cover the bottom with an even layer. Fluctuations in this case should be moderate. Next, the molds are filled to the brim with concrete without pigment. After that, the vibrator turns on again at the same time. If there is excess concrete, it is necessary to cut it off with a metal corner so that it is completely aligned at the edges.

The cost of equipment for the production of paving slabs

Production stages

When the tile molds are filled with concrete and the vibration is completed, the mortar must be wiped as thoroughly as possible. If not enough, you should add it, and then smooth it without vibration. After this form, it is necessary to make layers on pallets, laying each of them with sheets of plastic.

In general, no more than ten layers should be obtained. Pallets on which forms are installed should be covered with plastic wrap. This will prevent them from drying out. You can move them after 48 hours, not earlier.

The following is the step of knocking tiles out of forms. This is done in a bathtub filled with water heated to 60-70 degrees Celsius. Each substrate should be there for no more than two minutes. After heating, the molds are placed on a vibrating table, where they are knocked out. It is important to understand that stripping without a pre-heating procedure significantly reduces the life of the mold, and also often causes defective products, especially when it comes to thin tiles.

Finished products must be dried in natural conditions for two days. After stripping, the finished paving slabs are laid “face to face”, and then they are tied with packing tape. Further hardening of concrete and preservation of the presentation of the finished products is provided under a plastic stretch or shrink film.

In the summer period, paving slabs can be produced after 70% of the design drying is reached, and this approximately corresponds to seven days of hardening. In winter, vacation requires 100% of design strength, and this requires 28 days from the time of preparation of concrete.

Vibropress for the production of paving slabs

Pigment preparation

Powder pigments of inorganic origin must be mixed with water without fail before use until a uniform sour cream-like consistency is formed. Further, this mixture is infused for at least an hour in this form. This is required to increase the dispersion of pigments, because it is this value that characterizes the coloring ability of products.

It should be understood that this component of concrete is quite expensive, and an increase in its content can degrade the quality of concrete, which reduces its share in concrete with a sufficient level of saturation.

The prepared dye of this kind can be stored for a rather long time, but as it is stored, the color only becomes brighter, which makes adding it much more economical, because the pigment dispersion index will increase. Before adding dye to the concrete mix, it must be mixed.

Forms for the production of paving slabs

Vibropress equipment

This type of appliance is used to improve the performance of finished products, in this case paving slabs.The process of vibropressing allows air bubbles to be driven out of concrete, due to which it is dense and durable.

That is why it is so important to choose the right vibrating press for the production of paving slabs. Such devices have a number of advantages. Using them you can ensure the highest quality of finished products. This can be achieved thanks to the vibration effect on the concrete mass, which allows to increase its density and give it uniformity.

It is such equipment that allows you to get paving slabs, characterized by the highest indicators of durability and strength, and this affects the life of the tracks made from it. In addition, modern presses make it possible to establish mass production, where effective solutions in terms of automation will be applied. So you can significantly increase the economic efficiency and profitability of the production process.

Plasticizer for the production of paving slabs


Using modern equipment for the production of paving slabs, high-quality products can be obtained. You can buy it from any manufacturer, depending on your preferences. At the moment, vibropresses and molds are sold by so many companies. It is such products that are now needed on the market, because this is the only way to earn the love of consumers. As described, the price of equipment for the production of paving slabs depends on the type of devices.

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