Surely everyone already knows what bank cards are in general, and how to use them correctly. Each card has its own secret code, consisting of four digits. But sometimes situations arise when an envelope with these numbers is lost, and a person simply forgets them. So, how do you know the pin code of a bank card?
How are bank cards used?
The number of issued bank cards is increasing annually. This is not surprising, since all people use them very actively, because they understand all the advantages of cashless payments. Yes, and the banks themselves help this in every way, that is, they are developing various programs that improve the lives of those who actively use non-cash.
For example, Sberbank has a special program for card users, it is called "Thank you." When participating in it after each purchase, a certain percentage will be accumulated in the bonus account. Then the bonuses can be spent on a discount at a partner store or on a mobile phone. There are a lot of such programs, and each bank has its own. But using the card, it is important to know your secret code. So how do you know the pin code of a Sberbank bank card?
What is a pin code for?
Probably the biggest difficulty when using the card is that you need to know your PIN code by heart. If you use the card as often as possible, then learning the secret code will not be difficult. In what situations is the pin code used?
1. This code must be entered when payment is made with a purchase card in a supermarket or mall, that is, in any place where a non-cash payment method is provided. In order to pay for something, you need to give the card to the seller, he will carry out all the necessary manipulations, and after that you will need to enter the code.
2. To withdraw cash through an ATM, a secret combination is also required. In general, it should be entered during any transaction at an ATM, even when requesting a balance.
But how do I know the PIN code of a Tinkoff bank card if it is still forgotten?
How can I find out my pin code?
Initially, a PIN code is issued along with the card. It is determined by the program, after which the secret code is printed out and given to the client in his hands in a closed envelope. It should be said that not a single person except you, even bank employees, can say what exactly is contained in the envelope. For this reason, it is best to remember this combination, and simply put the envelope in a more reliable place, so that if necessary, you can get it out at any time and remember what code the card has. Some people ask themselves: how to find out the pin code of a Sberbank bank card by card number? Believe me, this is impossible. If you lose the PIN code, or if you just forgot it, you should first contact the bank support service. The phone number can be found on the card or on the bank's website.
For the reason that, apart from the owner himself, the PIN code is no longer known to anyone, it cannot be restored. With its final loss, the card will need to be re-issued, since there is simply no other way to restore the code. Cards are reissued in each bank for a different amount of time, so it’s difficult to say for sure how long this procedure will last.
If you lost, but didn’t forget the PIN code, then before ordering a new card, try to remember where you put the envelope with the PIN code, if it was not destroyed when you received the card, as many banks advise. Most cardholders store these envelopes in documents. Try to search there, maybe the card does not have to be reissued. And how to find out the PIN code of a VTB 24 bank card if the envelope is lost?
What to do when the PIN code is completely lost?
In a situation where the PIN code is completely lost, and you yourself can’t remember it in any way, you will have to order a new card. To do this, you just need to contact the bank branch and submit the appropriate application.
When the card is ready, it can be taken. Some banks charge a fee for reissuing a card, and in some it is completely free. It all depends on the conditions under which the bank provides its services.
What to do if the pin code is still forgotten and not lost?
How can I find out the PIN code of a bank card by phone? Most people believe that if you call the bank’s contact center, its specialists can quickly solve the problem. But this is far from the case. If the PIN code has been forgotten, you won’t be able to recognize it by phone, since not a single bank employee knows exactly which numbers were in your envelope. This is done in order to provide additional security for people who use bank cards, as well as to maintain confidentiality.
How to use a card without a pin code?
But in spite of everything, the card can be used even in the absence of a PIN code. This can be done in several cases:
- Some banks allow you to withdraw money from cards through the cashier. To carry out such an operation, simply present your passport. Accordingly, the introduction of a PIN code is not required.
- Some stores make cashless transactions without entering a PIN code.
- On the Internet, you can make purchases without using a secret code, because instead of it, a three-digit code is used, indicated near the white bar on the back of the card.
Of course, sooner or later, you still need to perform an operation that requires a PIN code, then you still have to get a new card.
How can I find out the PIN code of a Russian Standard bank card and other banks when traveling abroad?
The loss of the secret code while in another country can lead to problems much more serious than those that arise in exactly the same situation in the home country. In a situation where the card was blocked while the client was abroad, and there are no branches of the right bank nearby, solving the problem becomes very difficult. But wherever the holder of the blocked card is located, the actions are no different. First of all, you should contact the main office of the bank that blocked the card, or its customer support. Next, you need to write a statement, and within a few days the card can be returned to the owner.
But do not forget that not every bank follows such a simple scheme. According to the terms of the agreement with international payment systems, the card must be liquidated without fail if it was blocked by an ATM. If you are abroad, you can contact the head office of the bank and give all the necessary data on the card.
How to find out the PIN code of a bank card, we figured it out, but what should be done to not forget it?
A few tips on how to remember the card’s secret code
First of all, firmly learn your combination, even if it is difficult to remember. You should learn it, and not just write it on a piece of paper or on the phone, as many cardholders like to do. All sorts of situations happen - a piece of paper may get lost somewhere, and the phone may break.
In order not to forget your PIN code, you can, for example, associate it with some important date.
In no case do not dispose of an envelope containing a pin code. It’s best to just put it in a safe place so you can always get it and remember if necessary.
So we have figured out all the nuances of the question of how to find out the PIN code of a bank card.