
How to find out your debts: simple solutions

People may not even know how much debt they have. Evasion of child support, multiple bank debts and non-payment of utility bills - all this eventually accumulates and turns into one big debt. You can not find out about them in the most pleasant way: for example, when bailiffs or collectors start knocking on doors, when accounts are seized, or when they simply stop leaving the country because of them. In order to prevent this from happening, you must have information on how to find out your debts, and do not forget to check this information.

how to find out your debts

Bailiffs Service

Debts can accumulate until enforcement proceedings are instituted. In this case, you need to find out the debts of the bailiffs and immediately begin to pay them. The check is pretty simple. It is enough to go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service and open a bank of enforcement proceedings. It contains information about both individuals and legal entities. All that is needed to find out the debts of the bailiffs is to enter the name, surname and region. If they are, then you can pay for them there.

Unified portal of public services

The question of how to find out your debts has become not so difficult with the advent of the public services portal. Thanks to him, it is possible to get all the necessary information, including to know the debt. To get started, register. To do this, you need the name, surname and phone number to which the registration confirmation code will come. After that, you need to go into your personal account and fill in the fields with the number of the pension certificate and passport data. Validation of the data will take approximately 10 minutes.

In all possible sections, it is enough to find the right one and check in it whether there are debts in the tax authorities and fines of the traffic police. For convenience, you can put an alert, and then, if a new debt suddenly appears, a message will be sent to your email or phone about this.

Bank debt

It is important to find out debts on loans at that moment, until huge interest has accumulated. Banks often resort to tricks, not mentioning that there is a small debt, for months or even years, and only when the amount becomes much larger due to interest on delay, a corresponding notification is received. Paying huge accumulated debt is very difficult.

find out debts by tin

So, you can find out about bank debt:

  • By contacting the bank in person.
  • By calling the bank.
  • Using online banking, if one was connected.

For a personal visit and a call, you must have a passport and documents on the loan, as bank employees may ask for some information for clarification.

You can request information about the location of your credit history by visiting the website of the Central Bank of Russia and filling out an appropriate request. Within 10 days, an email will be answered. The service is provided free of charge once a year.

Having found out who the credit history is with, you can find out for sure whether the bank has passed documents to third parties. Recently, there have become more frequent cases when banks intentionally sell credit histories to collectors, and they are already illegally beginning to extort a larger amount than indicated in the debt. In the event of such circumstances, you must immediately contact the law enforcement authorities.learn debts from bailiffs

Get TIN Debts

Having your TIN in hand, you can easily find out your debts on the Internet. Namely, debts for:

• Transport tax. It is for them that disputes arise more often.Sometimes notifications come to those who have not owned a vehicle for a long time, but sold it without going through all the official procedures for such a transaction.

• Property tax. It is most difficult to get out of the category of tax hostages, therefore it is very important never to fall into it.

Land taxes. They can concern even those who regularly pay everything, for example, if previously existing benefits are canceled, and the person does not know about these changes.

• Income tax. To a greater extent, concerns entrepreneurs, since everyone else is responsible for the organizations in which they work.

All you need to do is enter the TIN on any of the following resources:

• Website nalog.ru tax service.

• A single portal of public services gosuslugi.ru.

• Page of the Bailiff Service fssprus.ru.learn loan debts

The question of how to find out your debts usually arises when bailiffs come to the house or there are some problems in this regard. It is important to remember that this can be easily avoided by showing responsibility in time.

What are the risks of having outstanding debt?

If there is debt, the bailiff service restricts the debtor from traveling abroad. It often happens that tickets have already been bought, accommodation at a foreign hotel has been paid, and when you try to pass control at the airport, you suddenly find out that there is a debt due to which the departure from the country is temporarily closed.

Before you go somewhere, you must definitely find information on how to find out your debts and pay them. This will not work right before the departure, since the debtors are not immediately removed from the base of the debtors - it usually takes two weeks.

According to the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, traveling abroad is limited to bailiffs if a person has any outstanding payments or debts in the amount of 10,000 rubles or more.

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