
She was 16 when she won almost $ 2 million: how was the fate of the youngest lottery winner

In 2003, Callie Rogers from Workington, Cumbria, became the youngest of the National British Lottery winners to win £ 1.8 million ($ 2.18 million). Over the past 16 years, she squandered the entire amount without leaving a cent for the future. Nevertheless, Callie believes that now she lives happier than ever. Read about how women have changed.

A win that didn't bring happiness

When Callie was only 16 years old, she bought herself a lottery ticket. And, lo and behold, she became a winner by breaking a huge jackpot of 1.8 million pounds, which is almost 140 million in Russian rubles. It would seem that now until the end of days she will live in luxury. But the money ran out much earlier than Callie had expected.

As she now tells reporters: “I needed to transform from a carefree child into an adult overnight. But this did not work out, and for a long time I remained essentially a child. And only now I understand that it’s time to grow up. I remind myself of this every day. ” Now Callie calls on the lottery organizers to raise the age of those who can purchase a ticket, at least to 18 years. After all, if at the time of the gain she was more adult, then perhaps the prize would bring her happiness.

Endless stream of fake friends

Until Kally received the prize, she lived with her foster parents in Cockermouth, Cumbria, and worked as a cashier at a local supermarket, earning 3.60 pounds (275 rubles) per hour. It is clear that the fallen wealth turned the girl's head. But the inability to manage money was not as fatal as low self-esteem.

According to Callie, she was always unsure of herself. And this played a cruel joke with her, because, having received a prize, she began to spend money left and right to make a good impression on others. And what else could you expect from a 16-year-old girl who suddenly became a millionaire?

Ms. Rogers believes that many "fake friends" took advantage of her naivety by asking for tens of thousands of pounds in the form of loans or expensive gifts, and never returned a penny. She added: “People asked for money for new cars, and I helped. I was a very gentle and naive person, I believed in real friendship. Now I understand what they just used me for. And none of those with whom I spoke during that period can be called a true friend. ”

Failure in personal life

A few weeks after receiving the prize, Callie met Nicky Lawson, the father of her older two children. Together with him, she moved to a bungalow for 180,000 pounds (14 million rubles). Their joint luxurious life ended five years later. This gap was very painful for Callie, and she even tried to commit suicide.

The departure of her husband was not the only problem of the girl. As it turned out, she was addicted to drugs. She spent 250,000 pounds on this addiction, Kalli claimed. But now she denies that she ever talked about it.

At some point, the girl was even taken away from the children. And she had to spend more than 17,000 pounds (1.3 million rubles) on lawyers in order to regain her maternal rights.

Callie now

Gradually, the money in Callie's accounts melted away. After all, she did not think about the future at all and did not invest in the business.

“Callie received widespread support from us, which lasted for many years. She did not listen to the independent financial and legal advice we offer, ”said Camelot Lottery Manager. “But we will continue to support Callie in any way possible if she wants to.”

She sold her luxury home and got a job again. And now only enlarged breasts remind her of crazy wealth.Despite this, the mother herself, raising three children, insists that she is “happier than ever.” And the 12,000 pounds a year (950 thousand rubles) that she earns now, she is quite enough for a decent life.

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Reason for complaint
Andrey Larin
The fool, what can I say, all crap because there was no brain to invest in the future
gladiolus due to gladiolus
PPC, but what about the parents they also had a head on their shoulders. strange profuca everything
Katya Weaver
She is right. But these 2 years will not give anything. A person either has a commercial savvy or not.


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