
How to check the ban on traveling abroad. Ban on traveling abroad by civil servants

Traveling abroad for Russian citizens involves some preliminary preparation. It is necessary so that at the last moment before departure the fact of the presence of debt, which impedes the implementation of the plans, is not clarified. The ban on traveling abroad implies certain reasons.travel ban

Possible reasons

  1. A citizen of Russia, because of his professional activities, has classified information that is considered a state secret. The admission of a person to state secret has several vultures of secrecy. They are the basis for admission or prohibition to travel outside the state.
  2. A man is called up for service in the Armed Forces of Russia or is passing alternative civil service. Throughout the prescribed period, travel outside the state is prohibited. Only after the end of the service a person will be able to leave the country. Excluding contracted service. In this case, a citizen is allowed to leave the country. But provided that the command gives the appropriate permission. You can also cross the border when a deferment from conscription or release from military duty is granted.
  3. A person is accused or suspected of having committed a crime, and has also been convicted or is serving a sentence. The ban for the accused or suspect is valid until the court verdict that acquits the person comes into force, until all charges are dropped and the criminal case is closed, until the cancellation of preventive measures, until release, detained without applying preventive measures against him.
  4. A person refuses to fulfill the obligations imposed by the court. The refusal will be valid until the parties reach a mutual agreement.
  5. When processing documents for departure, false information was provided. This entails border crossing restrictions for a month.
  6. Failure to pay debts.

base of the ban on traveling abroad

Checking the prohibition of traveling abroad

Before traveling abroad, you need to find out about the presence or absence of reasons for refusing to cross borders. It could be a duty. Such information may be provided by the Bailiffs Service. To do this, you must contact this authority at the place of residence.

Another option is a special website of the Federal Bailiff Service. On this resource there are lists of the ban on traveling abroad. On the site, it is enough to choose the territorial authority, enter your last name, first name, middle name and date of birth. After that, information about the absence or presence of debt will appear. Any citizen can do this. You can also view the general list of debtors.

The site of the Federal Tax Service also allows you to find out about possible debt. To do this, you must enter the personal account of the taxpayer using a digital signature. What is it? A digital signature can be obtained by contacting the Tax Service at the place of residence.

You can also find out if there is a ban on crossing the border on the Single Portal of Public Services. It contains information on the availability of debt. This data can be obtained in one of several ways.

An additional way to find out about debt

There is an additional way to find out your duty to the state. You can check the ban on traveling abroad using the created mobile application for some types of phones.It allows you to receive online information on the availability of debt and how to pay it off.travel ban register

Prohibition of Travel Abroad Notification

The authorities of the Federal Migration Service, despite the reason for the ban on traveling outside the country, issue a special notice indicating the term of restriction, the grounds, date and number of the decision. The document also contains the address and name of the organization that prohibits crossing the border of the country.

In the event that the reasons preventing the exit have arisen after processing documents for crossing the state’s borders, the relevant organizations are in charge of observing the order of movement: FSSP, FSIN, the employer of the employee leaving the country, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is these bodies that are obliged to notify the Federal Migration Service of circumstances that prevent them from leaving the country.

If a citizen does not agree with the decision to restrict his movement abroad, he has the right to complain to the migration service or court.

List of debtors

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service there is a register of a ban on traveling abroad. It contains information about the search for people in enforcement proceedings. The surname, name, patronymic of the wanted person is recorded in the register. There is also information about whether he is an individual or a legal entity.

The register shows the number and date of the case and the enforcement proceedings, the name of the OPS where the person is sought, the phone number by which any information about the person in question can be reported, as well as the opportunity to leave a message about the wanted debtor, property and children. This base of the ban on traveling abroad includes all regions of the country and thousands of debtors, both individuals and legal entities.travel ban lists


Who is authorized to prohibit travel abroad? This is a measure of enforcement. To prohibit leaving the country, the Law of the Russian Federation, which speaks of enforcement proceedings, gives the right to a judge, and then a bailiff - an executor.

Debt Notification Procedure

In case of arrears, the taxpayer (individual) is notified of its existence. This is done by sending a claim if the debt has not been repaid. The tax authority goes to court. The person is notified of this by the relevant authority by sending him a copy of the application at the place of registration. According to the results of the court order, an order (act) is issued. The debtor is notified of this by mail.

On the basis of the executive document, the bailiff draws up the writ of execution. According to it, the taxpayer must pay the debt. A person is also notified of the enforcement proceedings by the bailiff by mailing the relevant order. If the debt is not repaid within the prescribed time, a ban on travel abroad is imposed on the taxpayer. This punishment applies to all countries of the world.

If there is no way to pay the debt?

Tax legislation provides for two reasons for individuals to defer payment of debt. The first reason is a natural disaster or other emergency. The second good reason may be the taxpayer’s inability to pay debts on time due to the sale of property over a three-year period. For example, when a person sold one apartment and purchased another apartment for this amount. And this has caused a lack of money to pay off debt.verification of the ban on traveling abroad

Where to apply for a respite?

In order to obtain a deferral of debt repayment, an individual must apply to the Tax Service at the place of residence. To do this, you must submit the relevant documents. They need to be a confirmation of one of the grounds for the postponement.Simply put, the reasons must be valid. After that, the tax authority takes a decision which states the granting of a delay or refusal to do so.

Prohibition of traveling abroad of a child

Persons under the age of majority have the right to travel outside the country subject to certain conditions. You should find out about them in advance. A minor must be accompanied by parents or one of them. Or it can be a person for whom notarized consent from the parents is issued. Independent travel of a minor child is possible only with the permission of the mother and father. In the case when one of the parents disagrees to the departure of his child abroad, an application is submitted to the appropriate authorities. The application may not even contain the reasons for the refusal. As a result, the child will be prohibited from traveling outside the country.ban on traveling abroad of a child

Civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Are there any restrictions for these categories of citizens? A ban on traveling abroad by civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is provided. Some government agencies restrict their employees the right to cross the borders of a country. The reason for this phenomenon is certain legal norms and the preservation of state security. Simply put, the ban applies to those employees who are admitted to state secrets. We are also talking about organizations of the "closed" type. The privacy stamp with which the employee works is important.

  1. Vulture of secrecy of particular importance.
  2. Secretly.
  3. Top secret.

If an employee works with documents classified as “secret”, then this is not a reason preventing him from traveling abroad.

Due to the current situation in Russia, an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was adopted in early 2015 to restrict the movement of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs outside the country (for personal affairs). The same ban also affected ordinary policemen who were allowed to leave the country only in exceptional cases.

The ban on traveling abroad is established for the period provided for by regulatory legal acts or for the period specified in the employment contract. Despite this, the considered period of time can be extended to ten years. It depends on the information the employee is working with. The authority to extend the term is vested in the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of the State. secrets.

For judges, the law does not provide a ban on traveling abroad. But as with citizens who have access to state secrets, the restriction may apply.

If an employee has finished working with documents, then at least five years must pass from the moment this activity ceases. Only after this period the citizen will be allowed to leave the country.

Prohibition of departure to Ukraine

For most citizens of Russia (precisely because they are such), there is currently a ban on traveling abroad. Ukraine has announced a temporary restriction on entry into the country for citizens of the Russian Federation by all means of transport. For them, border checks have been tightened. Entry for males from sixteen to sixty years is restricted.

The situation in Ukraine affected the entry of FSKN officers, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, judges, government officials and some deputies who are temporarily restricted from entering the territory of a neighboring country.ban on traveling abroad Ukraine

Debt repayment methods

You can repay the resulting debt using electronic banking on the website of the Federal Tax Service. And also there are other ways. For example, they propose to do this using ATMs, from a mobile phone, etc.

After that, do not rush to check the list. The ban on traveling abroad after debt repayment can be valid for another seven days after the receipt of funds in the account.

After paying the debt, it is necessary to inform the bailiff about this and inquire about whether a decision was made to restrict exit. If this happened, it will take some time to lift the ban on crossing state borders.

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