Someone lacks optimism, someone wants to become the soul of the company, but there are people wondering how to become serious. In many cases this quality is simply irreplaceable. But what about someone who is naturally reckless enough and not worried about anything? The following tips from psychologists will help solve this problem. The first step is to concentrate, read and ponder. The second is to put the tips into practice. And finally, the third step is to enjoy the result!
What does it mean to be a serious person?
Before you learn tips on how to become serious, you need to understand the essence of the issue. Who is he, the lucky one with this quality? The main thing is not to confuse seriousness with sullenness, severity or gloom. These are completely different qualities! A serious person also smiles and laughs, he can also be an optimist and the soul of the company. A distinctive feature of such a person is that those around him are absolutely confident in him, in his words and promises. He will not fail at the crucial moment: he will not cancel the important meeting, he will arrive at the registry office in time, he will not forget about the birthday of a close relative or friend. In addition, with such a person you can always discuss important issues, he is always up to date and does not lose sight of anything. That is, answering the question of how to become a serious person, we get a number of qualities that will have to be mastered: punctuality, responsibility, ability to control oneself, attentiveness, erudition and awareness. A scary list? In practice, everything looks much simpler, so we understand further.
Meet by clothes
First of all, in the matter of how to become serious, you need to evaluate your appearance. And it's not about taste preferences. It is worth opening your own closet and trying on all the outfits one by one. You need to evaluate your appearance according to several criteria:
- Age. At what age can a woman wear a short top and denim shorts? That's right, up to 30 years. A middle-aged woman in such a dress will look frivolous and inappropriate (with the exception of the beach). Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the features of the figure. A similar situation is with men. A young man in ripped jeans is a fashion-conscious young man, and a man aged in the same clothes will be bewildering.
- Having selected outfits suitable for age, they need to be sorted by style. For example, going to the office to work in worn trousers and a stretched T-shirt is not serious, so it is better to put off such clothes for meetings with friends or shopping. But a stylish checkered jacket is quite suitable for a business meeting.
If you can’t do this on your own, you can attract a girlfriend or boyfriend. The main thing is that the assistant has the very quality for which this whole event was organized.
Keep the mark!
If the appearance is consistent with the appearance of a serious person, then it's time to take up the inner world. Something may not work out right away, and others with distrust and wariness will relate to such changes in behavior. But the main thing is not to give up, and soon the opinion of people will change and everything will happen as dreamed.
It is very important in this matter not only to start doing all of the following, but as they say, to keep the brand. That is, in no case do not go off the chosen path, be consistent in achieving the goal. Over time, this will become a habit and will become a lifestyle without causing any difficulties and discomfort.But once you stumble at least once, and everything will have to start from the very beginning, each time it will be more and more difficult to gain the trust of others.
A responsibility
How to become a serious woman or a serious man? First of all, become responsible! These two concepts are inseparable. Always and in everything you need to keep your promises and keep your word. Starting from such trifles as buying a loaf of bread for dinner, to global tasks, such as signing a major contract. You need to give yourself a clear statement: “There is only one chance and it must be used. What has not been done now will never be done. ” There are no compromises in this matter. If said, it must be done. This is perhaps the most difficult point, but its development is a matter of habit. The main thing is to start, and then the instinct is literally developed, and the person fulfills the promise, already without thinking or doubting.
Learning not to be late and doing everything on time is easy. Modern gadgets allow you to set alarms and reminders, as well as plan a day. If you don’t have an electronic assistant at hand, you can use plain paper and a pen. You need to plan your day in advance, it is better the night before. It is necessary to make a schedule of all meetings, calls and tasks, objectively evaluate the amount of time required for the trip, fulfillment of the plan, preparation and add to each point 10-30 minutes (if possible) for unforeseen circumstances. The next day, clearly follow the plan. No need to be afraid to say, “I won’t have time to do it today” or “I have several important meetings, let's reschedule this event for tomorrow.” Those around will react much better to someone who honestly says about the lack of time than to a person who promises, but does not fulfill.
Ability to control oneself
How to become a serious girl, if emotionality is the second "I"? First of all, learn to control yourself. You can restrain anger by mentally counting from one to ten in the mind and vice versa. And standing in front of the mirror, when no one sees, you need to train not to laugh “at the full throat”, but cute and a little flirty.
How to become a serious guy and not stop being the soul of the company? You need to keep yourself within the framework, adapting to the situation. For example, at a business meeting, behave accordingly, and at a party with friends you can relax and play a joke or play tricks. But all in moderation. Do not think that for crazy actions someone will fall in love more or will become more respected. People like to have fun looking at the stupidities of others, but as a rule, no one has a desire to build relationships or deal with such characters.
Do not forget about good manners. Correct behavior to match the moment will always emphasize the seriousness of the attitude to the situation.
And most importantly, you need to learn to think about the consequences before expressing your emotions. This will require some time and effort, but it is quite possible to achieve a result.
When discussing how to become more serious, one should not forget about attentiveness. And to everything: to changes in people's lives, important events, even to trifles. There is a very simple but effective exercise: you need to ask someone from your loved ones to change something in the house while you are away. For example, rearrange dishes in a sideboard, swap towels in a bathroom, and so on. Returning home, you need to quickly find and recognize the changes. This exercise is fun and not burdensome, but it will develop the habit of closely monitoring the world around and noting the onset of metamorphoses. In addition, it is also necessary to respond to these changes correctly. For example, to express your support to an upset colleague, to assure the security of a transaction of an obviously nervous partner, to compliment the client about the updated site of the company, and so on.
General erudition
To make an impression of a serious person and to be really him, actions alone are not enough. Indeed, in order to accomplish these very actions, one must first make a good impression. To do this, you need to be able to communicate and interest. How to become a serious conversationalist? First, learn to speak correctly. You need to leave all teenage slang words in the past, and remember the basics of the literary language. If you wish, you can study the prerequisites of oratory yourself using various techniques or attend special courses.
Secondly, turn off the TV and prefer regular reading of literature, online publications, newspapers and magazines. It is necessary to follow the news, be interested in the opinions of experts, form your own views, supported by facts and figures.
At first, this will seem boring and uninteresting, but over time it will become an equally integral part of life and improve its quality.