Find your strength -
And you will become that center
Which revolves around
Your time itself.
Richard Bach
Becoming a leader is no easy task. And to be a true leader, the center of a team, company, your life - this is charisma, the individual inner essence of a person, his huge potential, which can be seriously ignited, inspire others and lead him.
Where do the leaders come from? Are they born or become? And if they are not born, then how to become a leader? How to be a leader in a team? In company? In Group? At work? How to become a leader in life? Let's try to answer these questions.
Born to be a leader
There are people who are often called “minions of fate,” “lucky ones,” and so on. And they are called so because they are already born in such a good place, in such a family and in such living conditions that they have everything: parents, grandparents who adore their baby, the most important, "center" person. And while he grows, he gets all the best, the most newfangled, the very best. Only he is given all attention and love. And when he reaches the age of majority, he is waiting for the best position in his father's or family business, the best car, the first beauty of the city and the like.
And if such a person born to already be a leader has at least a drop of awareness and gratitude to loved ones and life for all the blessings that are given to him, if he continues to develop and increase what he already has, then he will really become good, real, effective a leader in every sense and in all areas of life. There are such stars, but they are few. Such people are called golden youth, but not in the sense that they are some majors, but simply the best among their peers who, for example, were born in more modest conditions and who need to trample their own path in life.
A handful of people like golden youth are individuals born with higher qualities of the soul, they have a sense of gratitude, nobility, ingenious creativity and talents that they develop very purposefully and from early childhood. And they have simplicity and tact in relation to other people, to relatives, friends, colleagues, subordinates.
How to become a leader for such ordinary people? Is this real? What should be the leader?
Talent to be a leader
But here it doesn’t matter in what conditions a person was born. But he definitely knows and feels that he has leadership qualities and abilities. In this case, it does not matter exactly how the parents relate to their child, they can even in a sense suppress it, but inside it lives the spirit of contradiction. But in the team, in the group, in the enterprise, he will certainly reveal himself as a leader, and he will do this, naturally, with brilliance. Around such a person is always full of people: in the sandbox, on the playground, in the classroom, in the yard, in the student team, in the enterprise. And if such a leader will have a good, friendly attitude towards people, talent and its implementation in any business, craft, then he will certainly become successful and effective.
How to become a leader?
All the options discussed above are quite simple, natural and require more work in terms of any professional direction, the development of business qualities.
And if, for example, a person never felt in himself the ability, ability and desire to be a leader and be in the center of attention. And he was born in a simple family, where besides him there are other children.But in kindergarten, at school, institute and at work, he also did not show a penchant for leadership. How to become a leader in this case? But suddenly, fleetingly, completely unexpectedly, such an incendiary desire is born. What if it works out?
Anything can act as a catalyst. The boss praised for the well-completed task, rejoiced at the success of his colleagues, his parents inspired. And suddenly the idea came to try it too. A leader can be a person who will constantly work on himself, go to excellence, not stop there. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, then there is more chance that everything will turn out.
Team leader
How to become a leader in a team? Is desire and aspiration enough? Maybe it’s becoming interesting, exciting. This is an additional opportunity to test yourself, switch from boring and tedious work to more interesting one. Life will sparkle with new colors.
How to become a leader in a team? At first, not everything can turn out perfectly, because doubts and fears immediately wake up and begin to actively interfere with the emergence of a new quality of character, a new stage in life. But if everything is in order with the will and faith of a person, he can!
It is very important that this new one is consistent with the inner world, so that harmony and balance are necessarily present in the soul and heart. You need to constantly ask yourself if I am going there? Is this what I really want? And what will I get as a result? And then everything else. This is hard and painstaking work on oneself: changing a number of qualities that accompany leadership development (a different attitude towards oneself, more efficient spending of one’s life, a deeper approach in relationships with people, etc.), professional development, open new horizons in life. You can go to this all your conscious life.
As a result, a person finds his inner strength in a completely new quality, he begins to feel his power, self-confidence. He truly trusts himself. And this gives the energy that people around feel, who still walk sleepy in life. And such a person begins to light them. And if he believed in himself, then he would definitely want to believe in others, because they also have abilities and opportunities, you just have to wish, really want.
Company leader
How to become a leader in a company? If we consider the company as an enterprise, then, in general, the leader is not much different from the leader in the team, except for scale. When leadership skills very clearly and stubbornly begin to appear in a narrow circle (in the team, department, unit), then over time they expand to a higher level, that is, to the whole enterprise, to the whole company.
An employee becomes even more in demand, is in authority with managers and his colleagues, they begin to trust him, including serious projects. You can even observe such a tendency: the stronger the power and inspiration with which the leader approaches the solution of working moments and vital issues, the faster and better the others begin to think and act.
Group leader
How to become a leader in a group? When a person reveals his inner potential, he becomes charismatic and interesting. People listen to him, wherever he is: in the family, in the store, at work, in a group of friends and like-minded people. Because people feel and feel the real leaders, their energy, show confidence in them.
good leader
How to become a good leader? It is very important to be sincere in relation to everyone, from leadership to subordinates of the last link. Sometimes it is necessary to be strict, but fair, tolerant and kind to people. Be able to train, if required. Be considerate and wise. Constantly interested in not only himself and his own affairs, but also in the life and affairs of his team, subordinates, surrounding people, and with lively participation and interest.
Effective leader
How to become an effective leader? And here you just need to constantly and constantly grow and develop, read, learn new things, reveal new facets of your personality, be in the flow of life, and improve. And it is very important to be flexible, and sometimes absolutely irrational, if life requires it. But here the leader always listens to his inner strength, intuition, because he trusts her.
Go ahead, work on yourself, improve, then you can easily become a leader in life!