Now it’s hard to find someone who is not familiar with the Internet. Millions of people spend many hours on the World Wide Web. In this regard, well-known and not very printed publications transfer their magazines or newspapers to the Internet.
As one famous person said: “Now the time has come when your business will either be on the Internet or it will not exist at all!”
Therefore, if you fill the online edition with interesting relevant content and competently develop a marketing strategy, that is, there is every chance of making good money on the electronic edition. This review will focus on how to create your own magazine.
Choosing the target audience is a very important task.
The first thing to determine before actively starting the process of creating an electronic journal is who is the target audience of this publication. In other words, you need to understand for whom the material will be collected and posted on the network. If the target audience is determined incorrectly, then the success of the entire enterprise will be in question.
We make a portrait of a potential client
Before you create your own magazine, you will need to not only clarify what type of audience is the purpose of the electronic publication. You need to understand what people are looking for on the Internet. To do this, as professionals advise, you need to make a portrait of a potential reader: his lifestyle, employment, tastes, interests and other factors that should be taken into account when selecting and presenting material.
Only quality content is needed
As a rule, electronic magazines are of interest to users of the world wide web as a means of entertainment and a source of necessary information. Quality information is now greatly appreciated by those who spend time on the Internet. Sometimes, in order to get the necessary data, you have to spend a lot of time searching, and then save the addresses of several suitable sites.
If the electronic journal will provide readers with relevant and systematic information on the topic of interest to them, then such a publication will have no problems with subscribers. And this must be taken into account when answering the question of how to create your own magazine.
Design of an electronic publication
When the emphasis is placed on the direction of the magazine, it's time to pay attention to its design and the technical side of the issue as a whole.
In this regard, you need to plan the costs associated with paying for the work of the designer and layout designer. These costs will be the first and most basic at the initial stage.
Search for quality content
When drawing up a business plan for a magazine, it is first necessary to pay attention to the problem of its occupancy. In order to parse all issues with content, you can resort to several options for solving the problem:
- Write articles and reviews yourself.
- Buy suitable articles on the content exchange.
- Invite readers to send their material and publish the best of what has been received.
Speaking in more detail about the latter option, it is worth noting its tangible plus, namely the fact that, thanks to the participation of subscribers in the process of generating content, their interest in publishing will increase significantly. In addition to stable attendance of the resource, this will also provide advertising from the target audience.
Subscription and advertising
It is also worth paying attention to the creation of a subscriber base. To do this, on the journal’s website you need to place a form for email newsletter in which the visitor will indicate his name and email address.Thus, users will receive the magazine stably and on time, regardless of whether they visited the publication’s website or not. Using the email newsletter is convenient for both readers and those who promote the electronic magazine.
As for the earnings of the publishing house itself, the source of income will be advertising placed in the magazine. The higher the rating of the publication, the more expensive the advertisement in it will cost.
Required costs
How to release your magazine? This type of publication, like any business activity, requires start-up costs. In order for the online edition to be able to start its activities, it will require money to pay for hosting, domain name, design development, layout, purchase of articles and, of course, advertising that will help millions of Internet users know that a new interesting magazine has been released.
If everything works out, and a large number of people are interested in the electronic journal, then there will be enough companies and online resources that want to place their ads in it. It is worth noting that saving money on hosting and a domain name is not recommended.
Hosting is important for the reason that potential subscribers should be able to visit the magazine’s website at any time and get all the necessary information.
A domain name plays an important role in the recognition of a resource and its image. As for the programmers who will be engaged in the creation and design of the site, it is better to turn to professionals with a decent portfolio and good reviews.
Based on the foregoing, at least 30 thousand rubles will be required to organize your idea. How much does it cost to print a magazine? This will largely depend on the number of pages and the circulation. One edition will cost about 1000 rubles.
Now in all areas of the market there is serious competition, and in order to attract and retain the attention of representatives of the target audience, you need to present a truly high-quality product.
At the same time, a tangible plus is that if the project is successfully launched, the money received for providing the advertising space in the magazine will more than cover all investments and eventually turn into a stable high income.
Organizational matters
The costs of creating an electronic magazine, as mentioned above, are necessary for the purchase of hosting, for the promotion of your project, for the hiring of designers and layout designers and the purchase of original content. Revenues will come from advertising. Therefore, it is very important to create a good customer base and find advertisers. You can use the link exchange for this. But it should also be understood that with increasing popularity, advertisers themselves will begin to find you.
If you look at the legal side of the question of how to create an electronic journal, then an entrepreneur is better to make a choice in favor of IP. But the LLC form is also a good option.
Why is an electronic journal a promising activity?
Those who are thinking about how to create their own magazine, but are struggling with serious doubts about the advisability of such an activity, should take into account some obvious advantages of the online publication over the print version.
Unlike a regular magazine, electronic is available to millions of Internet users from different countries. This fact will have a direct impact on the number of subscribers and, as a consequence, on the size of potential income. In support of this idea, it is worth noting the fact that many successful publications transfer their activities to the Internet, and that says something.
There are no delays in the delivery of the magazine that arrives by e-mail, since information travels on the Internet very quickly and does not depend on the human factor (as in regular mail).
The online publication makes free distribution of its product, which significantly increases the loyalty of potential subscribers and helps quickly, with a skillful approach, create a large subscription base.
In order to solve the question "how to open your own magazine", you need significantly less money than to launch a print publication. Due to the relatively small budget, this line of business becomes accessible to many people who want to take the path of entrepreneurship.
Thus, it is safe to say that an electronic journal is a real way to create a stable source of income, as well as a great opportunity to realize your creative and entrepreneurial potential. It is only necessary to correctly approach the process of conducting and developing a business. We hope that this review helped to understand the question posed and you can easily develop, for example, a business plan for an automobile magazine. Good luck in this rather difficult matter!