
How to create a newspaper: the best ideas. Advertising newspaper business plan: what you need to open a newspaper

How to create a newspaperIn the field of mass media, newspapers are assigned one of the places of honor. Now prints have been actively replaced by news sites.

However, there were many people who prefer to hold in their hands the latest edition of their favorite newspaper.

That is why now you can observe the growth and prosperity of such publications. People who often read newspapers in society are usually considered intellectuals who value useful information and their own time.

It is the availability of relevant information that makes these publications successful. Compared to news sites, newspapers cannot afford to have a lot of unnecessary information due to space limitations.

Independent business

So, if you are interested in how to create a newspaper, then you should consider this issue. First you need to register your business. After that, you should think about a suitable room. If we talk about what it takes to open a newspaper, then only large areas should be considered. For starters, you can confine yourself to a three-room apartment, which will be easily converted into an office.

The lowest budget newspaper will require at least three rooms. The type of premises should be quite presentable, as over time, advertisers and citizens who simply want to submit an advertisement to the newspaper will come to the editorial office. The best place for localization may be that is located near a bus stop.

No staff anywhere

If you are seriously thinking about how to create a newspaper, you should understand that for its full functioning a considerable number of people are required. You will need one accountant to begin with (but when the money turnover grows, this number may well change), computer recruitment operators, whose task will be to directly recruit articles and ads.

Do not do without a professional designer. His responsibilities will include the creation of advertising layouts if the advertiser does not provide the necessary material. Depending on the periodization of the newspaper you are creating, you will need at least one layout designer, that is, a person whose task is to create a newspaper layout. In addition, you need to hire two advertising agents.

Speaking about how to create a newspaper, it should be noted that employees should not be constantly in the office, since their main task is to make calls and arrange meetings with clients to publish advertisements in your publication. Naturally, the most important workers in this case will be journalists. Creating a weekly will require you to hire at least three professionals in this field.

Newspaper content

If we talk about how to create a newspaper, it is worth noting that the usual publication in a small town, as a rule, is published no more than twice a week. This allows journalists to prepare quality material for publication. Almost every newspaper can be divided into three parts: an information block, an announcement and a television program. It is important to understand that the significance of a publication is determined by its content. If the reader purchases a newspaper once and does not find any interesting materials in it, he will not buy it anymore.

You need to prepare for the fact that for the first time you will post ads in the newspaper for free, which will allow you to create her body.Until people find out that a publication exists, they will not post ads to it.

If we talk about information pages, then most of the information can be obtained without any special effort. Structures such as tax authorities, the police, the Ministry of Emergencies and others provide information completely free of charge, since it is beneficial for them to have the newspaper talk about their activities. In most publications, information from various government services makes up 60 percent of the content or more.


If you already have ideas for newspapers, then you should think about the name and logo of the future publication. It is these attributes that will be rooted in the minds of readers. If the name is unsuccessful, it can simply ruin the newspaper, even if the materials in it are provided with very high quality. You should think about the image of the publication. Very quickly you can get a yellow press label from most people if you post substandard or fictitious materials. Content of exceptionally high quality can lead to success.

How to create your own newspaper


If you are thinking about how to create your own newspaper, then first you need to decide on the main idea and format. Studies have shown that currently 35% of readers prefer regional business publications. However, you should take into account the real balance of power of the media in the city where you organize your business.

If we consider the issue of how to issue a newspaper, then it is worth saying that, if necessary, it is possible to produce specialized publications of certain specific topics (finance, construction, etc.). If the readership market is already overloaded with serious projects, then you can try to start producing an entertaining newspaper. It is important to remember profitability here, as a business publication can pay for itself 7-12 months, while an entertainment publication may well require three years to do this.

The publication should be in demand among potential readers, and also become attractive to advertisers. Successful competition and development require considerable financial investments, a lot of time and effort. All this will pay off only on condition of a serious approach to business. That is why it is important to create a business plan for an advertising newspaper.

The first steps

So, you have decided to create a business regional periodical. Managers and businessmen can become your main potential readers. It is required to determine the volume of publication, circulation of numbers and frequency of release, and then decide whether any applications will be published, after which you can proceed to design the newspaper.

It should consider the breakdown into sections: news section, expert opinions, new in the life of the city, a review of public events, humor and more. After all issues related to staff, premises and other nuances are resolved, you should decide on the printing house in which the newspaper will be issued.

What you need to open a newspaper

Marketing Policy and Distribution

To attract advertisers, you need to earn a positive reputation, which can take half a year or a year. You can speed up the process if you place an advertisement about your publication in an already known one. You can sell the newspaper through subscription or at retail.

Finance: expenses and income

Even if you draw up a business plan for an advertising newspaper, it’s worth considering all the points. The first funds will be spent on the purchase of necessary paper and printing services. Printing costs will depend on the number of copies, color, publication format, availability of fasteners, number of pages.

It is worth remembering about such a moment as a possible marriage of printed newspapers. In addition, do not forget about the costs associated with the distribution of products, as well as the services of news agencies that you will definitely need.

Like any other business, an advertising newspaper will require you to pay royalties to reporters.Typically, the amount of payment depends on the experience of employees, the size of your publication, and also on the region in which you are located. If we are talking about the province, then the beginner’s fee is several times less than that of his colleague in the capital. Further to this item of expenses is added also the salary of all other employees, as well as clerical costs.

You will need specialized software. And there is only one recommendation: it should be licensed. In this case, you will need to pay a considerable amount of money, but this will guarantee your peace of mind in the future.

Business advertising newspaper

Estimated income

If we talk about how to create a newspaper, then it is necessary to mention such a moment as income. Usually this is the profit received from the sale of print runs, as well as from the advertising space of the publication itself. You can get income from renting the strip numbers of a specific organization.

Over time, the number of ad slots will grow steadily, which will lead to even greater profits. A sufficiently effective solution would be to connect sponsors or financial support to regional authorities who may be interested in the publication of your newspaper.

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