
How is the characteristic from the place of work compiled? Important Nuances

A set of information characterizing the employee may be required in various cases. Sometimes it is required by credit organizations in order to study the solvency of a person. It happens that a characteristic from the place of work is needed for a deeper study of the personality under investigation. Some community organizations also need a detailed description of their potential member. In all cases, the approach to compiling a document is replete with nuances. We’ll talk about them.

characteristic from the place of work


Regardless of the addressee, the characteristics of the place of work must meet well-defined requirements. That is, the information contained in it has a structure that should not be departed from. Otherwise, such a document will not be considered.

It should be printed on letterhead. Usually this is an A4 sheet containing the details of the organization. In the absence of such (small firms do not need to spend money on a special form), the necessary information is written in the header of the document. It is necessary to indicate the date of compilation, as well as the word "Characteristic".

It is customary to print in the center of the sheet immediately before the text. The characteristics from the place of work are certified by the head (authorized person). He is obliged to put a personal signature, accompanied by a surname and initials. Next is stamped. Such a document is considered official. The responsibility for its content lies with the certified person.

characteristic from the place of work sample

Document structure (first section)

The body of the characteristic contains personal information about the person. In this case, the full name must be indicated in full, without abbreviations. Then comes the date of birth, education (according to available documents). This is the first paragraph. The following are the official data on labor activity at the enterprise.

Be sure to indicate the date of employment, position, promotion, if any. The characteristics from the place of work must contain information about how a person showed himself, what he managed to achieve (briefly). The above data are classified as “accurate”. This is not an analysis or subjective information yet. The characteristic begins with the exact data recorded in the personal file (work book). Then the drafter goes to analytics.

Second section characteristics

The document must include information about the personal qualities of the employee. Namely: it is necessary to describe his business and professional skills, the degree of efficiency, initiative, diligence, competence and so on. These data are subjectively evaluated. That is, full responsibility for the content of the document lies with the one who composed it.

It is advisable to compose the text so that its informative part is documented. Otherwise, it will be a slap, and not a characteristic from the place of work. Negative wording must be confirmed by data on penalties (number and date of order), official investigations, if any. The positive content is backed up by rewards information.

Characteristic from the place of work: sample

We give an example that can be considered generalized. This will be a document describing the average office worker. Guided by its structure, you can independently develop your own form.


Name, date of birth, position, length of service at the enterprise.

During his work at the enterprise, his name and patronymic proved to be a disciplined, responsible, proactive employee. Able to make decisions within his competence.He coped with his duties at a sufficient level. Relations with colleagues maintains an even and friendly relationship.

Has organizational skills. Regularly increases the level of qualification (date and number of the document). Hardworking. He showed a sufficient level of efficiency, does not refuse urgent work, including in extra time ...

Full name of the head. Signature. Print.

characteristic from the place of work to court

More on the ellipsis

The characteristic from the place of work (see example above) is not finished. Instead of ellipsis, it is necessary to write the essence of the purpose of this document, that is, the conclusion. And it follows from what it is needed for. For example, if the characteristic is for rewarding, then it is indicated that the person is worthy of such an honor, deserves it, and so on.

When the purpose of providing a characteristic is to obtain finances, it is indicated that he is a reliable payer and has not been noticed in anything criminal. Separately, it is necessary to consider a document submitted to law enforcement and judicial authorities.

Nuances of a special characteristic

negative characteristic from the place of work

If an investigation is conducted against an employee, then various data are collected about him, including from the place of work. Errors cannot be made in such a document.

The fate of a person may depend on its content. The emphasis in the characterization is on personal qualities.

Sometimes it is extremely important how an employee behaves in a team, whether he is open for communication, how responsibly he treats his duties, and so on.

If you need a characteristic from your place of work to court, then you should describe not just business abilities, but also human behavior. In this case, you may need data on how he relates to the safety of property (especially when he is a materially responsible person), what is the attitude of his colleagues (trustful or not).

Characterization is an important document. Its compiler, in a sense, is responsible for the consequences of its impact. Therefore, it is desirable to be guided not by personal impressions, but by the facts and opinion of the team.

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Reason for complaint
East Crimea Sea View
so it turns out everyone will find out that I will take custody of the child and I do not want to disclose my personal life to the whole digging !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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