
How to check a car for the arrest of the traffic police?

Before you buy a vehicle, especially "on hand", you need to carry out its check for the arrest of the traffic police. Its presence can annul the transaction, as well as deliver a lot of problems to the buyer. Therefore, modern citizens are trying before buying to check for the arrest of a vehicle. At the moment, there are a lot of options for solving the problem. Which ones? How to protect yourself from the acquisition of an arrested car?traffic police arrest

Reasons for the arrest

First you need to find out why the vehicle may be arrested. This point is extremely important. If a person has acquired an arrested vehicle, depending on the reason for this, the buyer will have problems of a certain scale. Once again, reinsurance does not hurt.

So why can the traffic police be arrested? In total, several reasons are suggested. It:

  • violation of traffic rules;
  • debts of the owner of the vehicle;
  • car theft;
  • failure by the seller to fulfill its obligations.

There can be many reasons, but the fact remains. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is necessary to check the arrest of the traffic police of the vehicle. To make this a modern citizen is not as difficult as it might seem at the very beginning. The main thing is to know the algorithm of actions.

Required data

Of course, in order to verify something, you must have some specific information about a particular object. With regard to car arrests, the prospective buyer should ask the seller in advance for some information on the subject of the discussion. Need to know:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the owner;
  • vehicle state number;
  • certificate of insurance number;
  • information from the driver’s license (it’s best to ask for a copy or look at the document).

check the car for arrest at the base of traffic police

This is the minimum that is required in order to check the car for the arrest of the traffic police. Try at the same time to request from the seller a document of ownership of the vehicle. Sometimes it may turn out that your interlocutor is not the owner of the product. In this case, the verification of the arrest is difficult. Not too common, but it does occur. The buyer must be vigilant before making a transaction so as not to be deceived.

Possible ways

The arrest of the traffic police can be checked in several ways. Modern citizens can choose the path of action that they think is most appropriate, reliable and convenient. Much depends on the reasons for the arrest of vehicles. Not all the proposed options allow 100% to determine the presence of this aggravating circumstance when concluding a transaction with the seller. It is recommended that you use several verification methods to fully verify the accuracy of the information.

At the moment, citizens are invited to:

  • apply to the judiciary;
  • to come for information in the traffic police;
  • check using online services;
  • use official virtual database of vehicle arrests;
  • appeal to the FMS (or the Ministry of Internal Affairs);
  • purchase of ready-made arrest bases.

Most often, online services do not provide complete information. Therefore, you have to check several hosting providers. This will allow you to be confident in the data received.

check arrest traffic police

Purchase bases

Now a little more about how you can check the arrest of a car. The traffic police compiles special databases that allow you to receive this information. Some people steal this information and then try to sell it.Very often they succeed.

Buying a special database of arrests of the traffic police is a reliable way to verify. Only it is expensive. On top of that, no one knows exactly what city a particular list is for. You run the risk of acquiring either an outdated base, or not at all relevant to your area.

Remember, this option is illegal. Therefore, it is not worth considering it as a real path of action. It is much easier to use official methods, of which there are many. What is recommended to pay attention to if you decide to check the arrest of the traffic police?

Internet Services

For example, resort to the use of special online services offering search and verification of information about a particular vehicle. This method is common among people who do not want to lose their time on the implementation of other alternatives.

traffic police car arrest

Usually, to use the services, it is enough to enter data on the owner of the transport. Or the state number assigned to the car will do. A few minutes of waiting - and all information about the car and its owner will appear on the screen. From here you can find out not only the presence of an arrest at the moment, but also whether it ever was.

Just get ready for the fact that most of these offers are a hoax. Rarely, Internet services offering important information are free. Surely you will simply be pulled out money, you will not wait for any information about the proposed purchase or about its owner. Therefore, a similar method exists mainly only in theory. In practice, finding a really working virtual verification service is very difficult, almost impossible.

FMS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The arrest of the traffic police can be checked by contacting the FMS. More precisely, the Ministry of Internal Affairs unit, which now serves as the Federal Migration Service, will help you here. In connection with the abolition of the latter, now all the tasks of the organization are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Contact the passport and data about the seller of the car to the specified authority, write an official application for verification of a citizen. Usually the application is accompanied by documents provided by the seller to the potential buyer.

Have to wait a while. After about a week, you will receive an official document with the results of the verification. It will contain information about the seller and the vehicle being sold. If there is an arrest at the car, this is also indicated.

base of arrests of traffic police

The disadvantage of this method is the length of the process. In addition, all in a row checks are not carried out. You must have good reason to carry out this process. Usually, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the FMS) applies to buyers of vehicles before conducting transactions.


In the traffic police, the arrest of a car can also be checked. It is enough to visit his regional office. You will need to come here with your own identification card, as well as information about the seller. If you have the number of the vehicle to be checked, it will be generally wonderful.

Write a formal application for the process. Indicate that you are a potential buyer of the vehicle. In this case, no problems will arise - you will receive the completed document, information will be provided as soon as possible. True, you will have to produce evidence confirming your intentions. In practice, they can simply ask for the seller’s contacts to find out the truth from him.

This is the most accurate answer to the question of how to check a car for an arrest on the basis of the traffic police. Here all the information is "fresh" and 100% reliable. Sometimes you don’t even have to wait - you’ll simply be struck through a car’s electronic database, after which they will say if there is an arrest on it. When there is one, they usually explain the reason for its appearance.

If you need exactly the official answer from the traffic police in paper form, you have to wait a bit.On average, it takes about 2 weeks to verify and receive data and prepare an official certificate. In some cases, an extension of up to a month is possible.

check the car for the arrest of traffic police

Through the court

Possible verification options are not limited to this. Often, the base of arrests of the traffic police is available in the judiciary. After all, the courts are often those instances that arrest property. Cars are no exception. Most often, such arrests are imposed on citizens for failure to fulfill their obligations and for debts to certain companies.

To check if the vehicle has been seized, you must contact the district court. There write an application for verification. Further, you will be required to request an identity card and evidence of your involvement in the subject of verification. You have to prove to the judicial authorities that you are a potential buyer of the vehicle.

As evidence, either a contract of sale or contacts of the car owner is suitable. Any data that confirms that you are not a scammer and do not act for personal gain.

As soon as you accept the application, the waiting time begins. On average, you have to wait about a week, sometimes more. After checking, you will receive an official document with the results. If the arrest of the traffic police took place, you will see its exact cause.

Virtually officially

That's not all. You can check the car for the presence of arrest using official Internet services developed by the judicial authorities, migration services and so on. The following reliable virtual sources are currently offered:

  1. Service from the traffic police: gibdd.ru/check/auto. Here you can check by vehicle number. The service does not provide information on vehicles pledged. About long-time thefts (over 10 years) here, too, there may be no information.
  2. Check on the base of bailiffs: fssprus.ru/iss/ip. Here you can carry out the idea without any problems. If the seller has any property seizures at all, this will be displayed.
  3. Service "Adaperio": adaperio.ru. A reliable source for checking vehicle history. Shows complete information about when and what arrests were imposed on the car. Only a state number is needed.

traffic police arrest


Now it’s clear how to check the car for the arrest of the traffic police. The population is offered a variety of solutions to the problem. You can choose any path that seems most simple and effective to you.

It is best to independently contact the traffic police, as well as use the Internet service from the bailiffs. Such a decision will help to obtain reliable information about the seller of transport and about the car in the shortest possible time. But it is recommended to refuse third-party services and purchase a database. Often such measures are the most common fraud.

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