
How to find traffic fines by car number? Check traffic fines

There is no driver who would not violate traffic rules. The reasons may be different. Sometimes this happens knowingly, but often prohibitive signs are violated unnoticed by the driver. It does not matter for what reason the violation occurred. The main thing is how to find traffic fines by car number.

Unpaid penalties and their consequences

Administrative penalties for violation of traffic rules is an extremely painful issue for any driver, and not only because the size of such fines can overstep the family budget, but also because serious penalties can follow for their late payment. how to find traffic fines by car number
If the driver fails to pay the fine on time (the term of the traffic police is 60 days, 10 days for appeal and 10 so that the state inspectorate will verify the actual payment of the fine), he expects the following:

  • A double fine, that is, if you did not pay 300 rubles on time, then you will have to pay 600 to the state treasury.
  • Arrest for 15 days or 50 hours of community service. Such a measure can be applied by the court to malicious debtors.
  • Prohibition of departure from the state and confiscation of personal property. This is applicable in particularly difficult cases, when the total debt exceeds 10,000 rubles.

In other words, it is better to pay off the fine in a timely manner and throw it out of your head. And if you want to check whether the funds actually arrived on the traffic police account, then you can use certain services to control the payment of fines on the official website of the State traffic inspectorate. Naturally, for some reason, money can be lost somewhere and not reach the traffic police account. traffic fines checkIf you have not saved the payment document (receipt), then it will be extremely difficult to prove your payment.

Penalty Verification Methods

Many car owners and owners are interested in how to find traffic fines by car number. The easiest, not requiring special knowledge, is when passing by the traffic police post to stop with a wave of the inspector’s wand. After a conversation with the employee (position and name), you will be required to submit documents for control and all the fines will be reported: when and what exactly was violated by you. In addition, for the period of issuing the fine, you can ask the police officer to find out the fines of the traffic police by looking at the base for fines that you have not yet paid. In the case when these do occur, you will be informed. This method of finding out is the easiest, but, unfortunately, through the next blow to the family budget in the form of a new fine.learn traffic fines
The next option is to visit the state inspection, allowing traffic violations, and ask the inspector to check for your fines. If in this way you want to know the fines of the traffic police, then when such penalties are revealed, you will again be issued (already new) receipts, and you can pay a fine on them.
The most modern method of finding traffic fines that are not paid is to use an Internet resource. This method is used even by the most uneducated users of a personal computer. Here you need to find out only the official website of the traffic police, then register there, and in this case, you will check the fines of the traffic police that hang on you.

Check traffic fines using the service

So, now we know how to find traffic fines by car number. It's pretty easy to do this through an online resource. It must be remembered that there is a whole list of sites (including regional ones) on which you can find out about your penalties.
Log in to the main page of the site.On it, find the "Online traffic police services" section and click on the "Learn about car fines" section. Then a new dialog box will appear, in which you need to specify the state registration plate of the car, then - the region code, then - the series and number of the certificate of registration of the car. Next, you need to enter the captcha (security code), followed by pressing the "Request" button. And only after that you will see all the information about the debts on traffic fines in your account.former traffic police fines
But when more than one driver has access to your car, and you need to find out who specifically bears the penalty, you need to register on the Internet resource, only in this case you can figure out how to find the traffic police fines by car number. This is necessary to protect your personal data from all kinds of scammers.

Check fines with messages

There is a list of short numbers, you can send SMS to them in order to check the traffic police fine. In this case, it is also possible to find the fines of the traffic police by certificate number. The common number for all operators of the Russian Federation is 9112, the message indicates: traffic police, car number, driver’s license number. Such a message is worth 9.99 rubles. There is a toll-free number for Moscow and the Moscow Region - 7377, the cost of communication depends on the type of operator. By the last number, you can check the existence of fines by car number and STS.

Mobile applications to help the driver

At the present stage, there are many mobile applications for Android. When choosing in favor of one or another, it is necessary to take into account that there are paid and free services. In the first case, you will be offered to get the full version for some payment. traffic police fineIn such applications, you can get information about the fines that are listed on your mobile number, and get access (which is very convenient) to the table of admin fines.

Former traffic police fines

Penalties, of course, cannot be self-destructed, but because of the limitation period of fines, double payment can be avoided and a fine can be written off. In Art. 31.9. The Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia was amended on 04/27/11 - if the fine order is not executed within 2 years, then it is not subject to execution at all, that is, after 2 years the execution of such a fine is not necessary. However, information about the unpaid fine remains in the database. If during these 2 years you again find yourself in violation of traffic rules, then the calculation of the term will already begin from the day of the second violation, and again you have to wait and hide from the bailiffs for two years, since in accordance with the executive document the administrative penalty can be directed to your property .

Pay - do not pay, but the fine hangs: what needs to be done

What should I do if the fine is paid, but hangs on the Internet resource as unpaid, and even the bailiffs service informed you? The easiest option is when the fine was issued by an inspector in the region of your residence. In this case, it is enough to visit the traffic police, namely the group for the execution of the administrative law, with a genuine receipt and papers that prove your identity, and, accordingly, show a receipt for payment. Then they will remove your data from the database of debtors.traffic fines by license numberHowever, it may happen that you, for example, went on vacation to the resort, and you received fines from a completely different region, located on the opposite side of the map (in Russia, of course). In this case, a receipt for 20 thousand km is not lucky. It is important to remember: never, never throw away payment receipts, otherwise you will not be able to prove that the fine was paid on time. When paying a fine through the Savings Bank, payment information arrives at the database within five days, through other services the money can go to the traffic police in a month.
If you paid a fine, you can send a copy of the receipt by fax with a mail letter with a notification to the department of the state inspectorate of the far region.If again the unpaid recovery is still listed, then go back to the Internet and visit the government services website. Register on it and send emails with claims why a certain traffic police department does not respond to a message about a timely paid fine.

This site has a good merit - it stores the date and number of your application. In addition to this, in accordance with the current legislation, certain deadlines for the consideration of your appeal are set, and, accordingly, they will not be left without attention. Your applications are considered official and must be answered within three days.

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