Want to know how to avoid trouble when applying for a permit to build a garage or apartment building? Do not know where to go with your problem and what documents are needed? Then carefully read and remember all the aspects that are important to you.
Why do I need a building permit?
Many developers are interested in the question: how to get a building permit? After all, everyone knows that during registration a large package of documents is needed:
- Project and list of relevant documentation.
- Documentation allowing construction and restoration work.
- Permission for the construction of an individual residential building (IZHS).
Despite the fact that the availability of documents for private housing does not play the most important role, and they will be needed only when trying to put housing into operation, do not neglect them. It is worth noting that the amount of the fine for the construction of unauthorized housing on the land is from 7000 rubles.
Spending a couple of weeks to collect the necessary documentation will save you time and money. Therefore, do not postpone such an important matter for later.
In what cases is it not necessary to obtain a building permit?
The need to obtain official papers that make construction legal is described in 51 tbsp. Code of Urban Development of the Russian Federation. So, here is a categorical list of works that do not require a permit for individual housing construction:
- Ancillary buildings installed on the site.
- Premises in which finishing work is being carried out.
- Overhaul of the premises without changing the layout.
- A room upgrade that does not constitute a change in boundaries.
- Permission is not required in the case when it is planned to build a garage, bathhouse and other similar objects that do not bear any commercial benefit for the developer.
Objects for which permission is possible
If the developer plans to build an object that is included in the category provided for by the urban development regulations, obtaining permission for individual housing construction is simply necessary. In the case when the building is not included in this category, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to obtain another type of work permit, for example, to start capital construction.
Compliance with the requirements for the object upon receipt of permission
To obtain permission to build a house, it is necessary to take into account some of the requirements spelled out in the regulated minimum.
- The presence of at least one living room, the size of which should be at least: 12 m2 - living room, 8 m2 - bedroom.
- The presence of a kitchen, the minimum size of which should be at least 6 m2, and 8 m2 if the boiler is installed in the room.
- The presence of a bathroom. For separate - the minimum width is 1.5 meters, for combined - 0.8 meters.
- The presence of a corridor, the width of which should be at least 85 centimeters wide.
- The height of the walls inside the room should be at least 270 centimeters.
- The distance from the building to the red line of the street should be 500 centimeters.
- The distance from neighboring sections and the road should be at least 3 meters.
- The living room must have a connection to the engineering and technical support. For example, gas, electricity, heating and ventilation.
These requirements are described in detail in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in the section "Construction Design" 55.13330.2011 SNiP.In cases where the object does not meet all of the above requirements, the procedure for obtaining documentation may differ from the standard. It can also vary greatly in the number of required papers and the time spent on them.
What is the urban planning regulation?
The developer must have a land plan registered in the Unified State Register of Rights relating to the object under construction, the dimensions of which are entered in the general register of territorial zoning. It should be borne in mind that this regulation does not apply to resource extraction zones, cultural monuments and common areas.
IZHS is a clearly defined term. The following buildings can be attributed to individual dwelling buildings:
- Separate building structures intended for family living. The maximum number of floors of the building is three.
- Annexes, attics and similar structures must meet the same requirements as the building to which they relate.
If the attached structure does not violate the red borders of the street, permission is not required. The construction of a garage and other detached facilities creates an ambiguous situation.
How to save time by getting permission
By observing all the requirements listed in the regulations, you can save personal time and get permission to build an individual residential building in a short period of time. To do this, it is enough to compare the minimum requirements, the maximum threshold with an existing object. If it is obvious that some points do not coincide or are absent, be sure - the term of the building permit will be delayed for a long time.
Stage of appeal to self-government bodies
The first thing to start is to write a statement to the city administration. The form of the document depends on the territorial location of the facility under construction. Therefore, a sample application for a permit for the construction of a residential building must be taken directly from the secretary. It is worth noting that a full package of documents must be attached to the application:
- Resolution of the administration of the village that the developer was provided with a land plot for the construction of individual housing and a building permit.
- Documentation that indicates ownership.
- The plan of the land.
- Full package of project papers. It includes the technical passport of the site, the project of a residential building, gene. the plan, the act of Ural State Pedagogical University and the situational plan
- The results of the examination of design documents provided by the developer.
- In some cases, obtaining permission to violate established boundaries is required.
- To assign a contract, you must attach a license that allows you to carry out construction work.
After collecting and submitting all the necessary documents, the review process begins, which takes about a month. After the time allotted for this procedure, the developer will receive a positive or negative answer. In the latter version, along with the refusal, an explanation of the reasons and argumentation of the authorities that made such a decision will be given.
Also, the developer is entitled to obtain permits for other construction works. For example, installation of the foundation of a house (foundation, piles), earthworks or building walls. What may be the requirements for a building project? In the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, article 49, part 3, it is described that the preparation of design documents for private housing construction is an initiative of the developer. Therefore, in order to build a building for family living, which has less than 3 floors, the collection of project documents and state. examination is optional, it greatly facilitates the process of obtaining permission.
Registration of the status of "construction work"
After permission is obtained, the developer is obliged to submit the following documents to the administration of the settlement within ten days:
- Markup plan.
- Scheme of joining communications.
- Built-up area and its height.
- Provide information about the number of storeys of the future building.
Providing a list of documents, the developer registers permission to build a house on the site and legalizes construction. The building permit is valid for 10 years. Extension of the period is possible in case of the start of construction work.
It should be noted that it is necessary to apply for an extension of the term in advance and no later than 2 months before the validity of the current permit expires.
It is important to know!
In GrK some important aspects are indicated:
- Permission to build a house on your own site can not be obtained only in the case of incomplete provision of related documentation or when the submitted documents are unreliable.
- Application processing time is 10 days.
- Obtaining permits does not entail financial obligations, that is, it is obtained by the developer for free.
- To obtain permission, you need a list of documents provided for by the code, so local authorities are not entitled to require the developer to provide additional securities.
- In the event of a change of ownership of the land, the building permit remains valid.
So, knowing how to get a building permit, we can firmly say that this procedure is simple and does not take much time. Receiving official paper will protect the developer from complaints from neighbors.
How to get documents allowing the construction of a house?
In order to obtain a permit for the construction of an individual residential building, a competently drawn up building plan is required. In order for the project to be correct from the engineering side, it is necessary to contact the local architecture, where qualified specialists will develop a technical passport for the future home. It should indicate the location of all outbuildings and the location of communications. It is also necessary to obtain approval of fire safety and approval of the territorial consumer. supervision. It is worth considering that a permit for the capital construction of a residential building can only be obtained with the knowledge of the head of the city administration to which the land belongs.
To obtain such a document, you must submit an application. They attach to him a certain package of papers. So, the construction documents that are necessary for submission to the authorities:
- Directly statement.
- Ownership or lease.
- The technical plan of the land.
- The plan and diagram of the boundaries of the earth, indicating the structure on it.
According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the verification of the reliability of the securities provided is carried out within ten days from the date of transfer to the authorized person. When changing ownership, the building permit remains valid. In cases where the construction is not completed, and the permit expires, an extension of the building permit is necessary. In order to extend the validity of this document, it is necessary to contact the local administration in advance with this issue. It is necessary to take the following list of documents with you:
- Application for extension of a building permit.
- Certificate from the Unified State Register on real estate rights and a statement of transactions related to this building.
- An extract from the Unified State Register of Rights confirming the rights to a land plot.
- Cadastral passport belonging to the site on which construction work is being carried out.
- A list of all constructed structures and temporary structures located on this land plot.
The term for consideration of documents submitted to the authorities for the extension of a permit for the construction of a residential building or capital structure is 10 working days.
Illegal construction of a residential building
Sometimes the developer does the work without permission documentation.In such cases, it is worth remembering that unauthorized construction without a building permit makes the construction illegal. Also, it is impossible to bring such communications as electricity and gas to such buildings. According to the law, such a building is subject to demolition in the near future by the governing bodies that carry out these actions by force.
In the event of an obstacle to the authorities, the perpetrator may be held accountable and imposed an administrative penalty. Also, administrative punishment threatens those who violated the Reds. land boundaries, and in cases of detection of obvious fire safety violations.
The consequences of unauthorized construction of a residential building
A developer who has not issued a permit to build a house on his own site should know that he will not be able to arrange this object in the BTI, therefore, the construction will be illegal. In addition, a structure constructed illegally cannot be registered in the Unified Register of Rights of the Russian Federation. This factor is an obstacle to the legal use of a residential building for both residential and commercial purposes. The state does not provide for the resolution of this situation even in cases of ignorance of the law. It is for this reason that the fate of illegal buildings is decided in court. Practice shows that obtaining ownership of an illegal building is impossible in 99% of cases. As a rule, this situation is quite difficult to fix, moreover, this procedure requires a lot of time and money.
What objects can be considered illegal?
Construction is considered illegal if:
- A construction permit was not received in a timely manner.
- Some recognized building codes have been violated.
- There are violations by the sanitary-epidemiological standards.
If there is at least one violation, the structure receives the status of an illegally erected building, which entails a number of troubles. Indeed, the legislation provides for administrative punishment and subsequent demolition of the facility at the expense of the developer.
The court recognizes the ownership of such an object only if:
- If he does not infringe on the rights of other citizens.
- When the building does not endanger the lives of other citizens.
All these items are described in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
After you purchase plots for construction, you need to get some documents. First of all, you need to draw up all the required documents. The first thing you need to do for this is to register the land in the registry and after that order the project of the future home and permission to build a living space.
How to get a building permit? To summarize
- It is necessary to register land for construction in the Unified State Register of Law as land for the construction of residential facilities.
- It is necessary to make a house plan. Order it in architecture. Be sure to discuss all the details with the technician who will be the technical passport of the house.
- Submit an application to local authorities for permission to build an individual residential building on the site. The application form may vary in each region. Therefore, it is worth noting that a sample of a building permit should be taken from the secretary of the head of administration.
- Obtaining approval and its registration in the Unified State Register.
Important Tips
Do not start work on the land without all the necessary papers. Before submitting documents for obtaining a building permit, it is necessary to find out from the secretary of the head of the local administration a list of documents attached to the application. When submitting documents to a competent person, take a receipt which describes the full list of papers you submitted. This is useful if something is lost during processing. Before signing the documents, they must be carefully read. Be sure to make copies of all papers.
Following these tips, you will not be wondering how to get permission to build a house, mansion or other structures.