
How to get permission to commission a residential building?

As one of the subjects of capital construction, in accordance with the Town Planning Code, the developer acts. This person shall ensure the reconstruction, construction, and repair of an object on the territory belonging to him by right of lease or property. To build a residential building, the developer must obtain the appropriate permission. Its form was approved by government decree No. 698. After completion of construction, the residential building is commissioned. Let us further consider how this happens. commissioning of a residential building

Permission to commission a residential building

This document certifies the fact of the execution of work. Their volume must coincide with the project and the information specified in the building permit. According to Art. 1, p. 10 of the Civil Code, structures, buildings whose construction is not completed, act as objects of construction in progress. Rights to them, according to Art. 130, 131 of the Civil Code, are subject to state registration. Unfinished apartment buildings cannot be considered suitable for settlement. In the literal sense, this means that these objects are independent, but their separation is not allowed until appropriate permission is obtained. Apartments act as allocated parts of the structure. Until the receipt of permission, it is not allowed to check into the premises and use them for their intended purpose. Completed multi-apartment residential buildings should be examined by a specially created commission, if state supervision is not provided for them. apartment buildings

Getting permission

According to Art. 8, paragraph 3, sub. 5 GrK, Art. 16, p. 1, sub. 26 Federal Law No. 131, the issuance of documents for the reconstruction, construction and commissioning of a residential building located within the city territory is the responsibility of the local administration. The developer should contact the authority where he received permission to erect the structure. The GrK provides a list of documents for multi-apartment residential buildings, which should be attached to the application.

List of papers

The following should be attached to the application for issuing permission to commission a residential building:

  1. Title documents for a plot of land.
  2. Urban plan of the development area.
  3. Permission to erect a structure.
  4. Act of acceptance of the capital construction project (during the reconstruction, construction, overhaul under the contract).
  5. A document that confirms the compliance of the structure with the requirements of technical regulations, signed by the developer.
  6. The location scheme of the reconstructed, constructed, repaired building, engineering networks, planning organization of the land. These papers must be signed by the developer.
  7. Documentation confirming compliance of the facility with the technical conditions and signed by representatives of the enterprise for maintenance and operation of engineering networks.
  8. The conclusion of the state construction supervision authority (if supervision is provided for the building). This document should indicate compliance of the structure with the requirements of technical regulations and the project, including the parameters of energy efficiency and equipment of the facility with energy metering devices. In some cases, the conclusion of the authority is also necessary. environmental control.  commissioning of a residential building

Building Inspection

Within ten days from the date of receipt of the relevant application and documents attached to it, the authorized body checks the information provided. During it, an inspection of the reconstructed, constructed or repaired building is carried out by a special commission. Based on the results of the survey, an act is drawn up.On its basis, a document is issued for the commissioning of a residential building.

In the event that construction supervision is provided for the construction, inspection by the commission is not carried out. In the presence of defects, inconsistencies, as well as if not all of the work has been completed, this is indicated in the act - the commission's conclusion. The developer is given a certain period to eliminate the shortcomings. In conclusion, the commission indicates the type and nature of the non-compliance, gives recommendations for their elimination. After eliminating the defects, the developer re-contacts the authorized authority. During the test, a trial run of the facility, engineering networks is also carried out. House

check in

The GrK states that the permission to commission a residential building acts as the basis for making changes to the documentation of the state registration of the reconstructed object and registration of the constructed building. After checking all the information provided, conducting an inspection, eliminating deficiencies (if any), the property is registered in the manner prescribed by law. The developer receives the appropriate permission. From this moment, a reconstructed, constructed or repaired object is considered to be put into operation.

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Thanks for the detailed information. But what if a private house was built on its own, and not a construction organization? Documents for commissioning the same or different?


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