
Jewelry business: How to open a jewelry workshop. Jewelry workshop business plan

Jewelry workshop business planJewelry shops are an elite type of entrepreneurial activity. Such institutions with the necessary investments can bring their owners a very serious income.

This review will consider how to open a jewelry workshop. This business, however, carries an impressive risk. Therefore, anyone who wants to start a business in the jewelry sector must be ready for a very serious job.

A quality business plan can only be drawn up if you have some experience.

The business plan of a jewelry workshop, namely its preparation, requires certain experience. There are entrepreneurs who are interested in increasing their profits by selling jewelry.

At the same time, they have a desire to find out how all the necessary information on this activity is collected. If an entrepreneur is a beginner in the jewelry sector, it is best to seek the help of professionals who will help in such a difficult task as the preparation of a business plan.

The standard business plan of a jewelry workshop involves the preparation of a specific production project. The amount of products that are planned to be manufactured should almost completely correspond to the amount of that sold.

It should be understood that at the very beginning of its activity it is not necessary to produce too many precious products, since there is a great possibility that there simply will not be demand for it. Naturally, after a certain time, you can increase production, as the customer base will be much larger.

The jewelry business is not highly competitive

It should be noted that today a private jewelry workshop does not have too much competition, no matter how it might seem at first glance. Most of all available workshops are engaged in jewelry repair. And to say that this activity is not profitable, not easy. Jewelry repair is quite popular, as many stores are simply not able to provide services of this kind.

Starting a business in the Russian Federation is always necessary with registration as a legal entity. You will also need to purchase all the necessary licenses for economic activity. The optimal legal form for a company of this kind is a limited liability company.

We register business activities

To open a jewelry workshop requires a certificate of registration in a special assay chamber. At the current pace of life, you do not need to collect all the necessary documents yourself. It will be much easier to contact a law firm that will quickly and professionally help a novice entrepreneur.

The issue price is not more than 15 thousand rubles. After the excellent completion of this process, you should develop a business plan for the jewelry workshop, which will include all the nuances associated with the opening of the enterprise.

Private jewelry workshopDuring the registration process, you also need to think about finding the necessary premises. An ideal place would be to rent a room in a larger jewelry corporation or to purchase a room in an entertainment center or a large store.

It should also be understood.that it’s impossible to do without a high-quality security system, as they will be located on the territory of the store precious metals and stones. In addition, the standard alarm button will not be superfluous, when pressed, a signal about an extremely situation will be sent to the nearest police department.

The size of the room does not matter much. But it will have to be divided into 2 sections: a place for communication with potential clients and a workplace where there will be a safe and desktop tools.

General organization of the jewelry workshop

A jewelry company cannot succeed without hiring a working staff. This should be done based on the database of jobseekers resumes. Do not lose sight of the personal life of a future employee. The most optimal method in hiring staff is an interview, which will be attended not only by the entrepreneur himself, but also by the founders.

A successful move will be the communication and involvement of an experienced jeweler who can objectively assess the skills of applicants and provide the employer with a detailed opinion about everyone who wants to work in a jewelry store. At the initial stage, it is worth hiring two more specialists and 1-2 students. If you hire a lot of specialists, the business may simply not pay off, there is a risk of bankruptcy.

In addition to the selection of personnel, you will need to take care of a security agreement with security personnel, as well as quality bookkeeping. It will also need auxiliary workers who will clean the room. The organization of the recruitment of security guards can occur in different ways. In order to secure your business, it is better to sign an agreement with a large private security company. For the jewelry company, those guards who have the right to carry firearms are most suitable.

Equipment and design

private jewelerTo seriously qualify for a certain part of the market, you should completely forget about the savings. Strong cutters, various types of universal machines, precision scales - all this will cost an average of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Installation of all equipment should be trusted only to professionals in their field. You can find them in government organizations or in those private companies that are large enough. In addition, when looking for equipment installation specialists, you will need to pay attention to their reputation. It should only be positive.

Any jewelry workshop should be equipped with a safe. The cost of a high-quality metal safe on average ranges from 60-80 thousand rubles, but there are options and more expensive. Their number should be determined primarily by the size of the initial capital. But you should not forget about loading jewelry. In order to claim high profits, you will need to purchase all the necessary tools for a jewelry workshop.

Do not underestimate the appearance of the workshop. In this case, it’s better to connect a good designer - the company should become impressive and catchy. And special attention needs to be paid to the search for the logo that can create the right image of the future company. All this should include a well-designed business plan for the jewelry workshop.

Jewelry purchase

The most reliable way to acquire precious metals is to contact the bank. In addition, when searching for the necessary institution, attention must be paid to the presence of a license, which gives the right to operations with gold and other precious metals and products.

How to buy jewelry: options

Another way to acquire precious goods is to buy from private companies. The purchase price in this case will be significantly lower. It will be about 30-50% of the nominal value. With such private organizations, you can work further.In addition, you can always find a private enterprise that can provide remelting services.

Gems should be purchased from suppliers. There are many large enterprises in Russia that sell rubies, emeralds and many other gems. Their contacts can be found on the Internet. Such corporations are willing to work with large-scale firms, as well as with small organizations.

Basic calculations: costs, profitability

Creating a jewelry workshop requires a really big investment. The minimum amount for opening such an enterprise in Russia is 6 million rubles. It includes expenses associated with the registration of the company, with the rental of premises, the payment of salaries to employees (annual deliveries). In addition, do not forget about tax deductions (up to 36% of revenue), the cost of equipment, furniture, advertising, the purchase of precious metals and stones. You should always wait for unforeseen expenses.

What do incomes depend on?

How to start a jewelry businessThe income that a private workshop can bring is completely dependent on the number of customers. Thus, in the first months of the opening of a jewelry company, its activities must be advertised in order to attract the largest number of interested parties and try to create a customer base.

On average, to achieve high returns equal to about 400-700 thousand rubles. per month, you should work hard for 2-3 years. 5-8 years - and the jewelry workshop at a stable income level will begin to bring enough profit. And just at this moment you can begin to increase your entrepreneurial activity: to open a network of jewelry workshops.

Is it possible to save in this area of ​​activity?

Beginning entrepreneurs are usually worried about whether there is an opportunity to cut costs. Before you start the jewelry business, you should give some basic aspects that will help to understand this issue.

  1. You can save by choosing a room. It is not necessary to opt for too much space. You can start your business from small points.
  2. You can arrange your entrepreneurial activity from the position of an “Emergency Workshop”. In this situation, the entrepreneur will not be required to create storage facilities in which the jewelry will be located.
  3. You can reduce costs due to signage and overall design. For example, in expensive chairs and other expensive furniture there is no need.
  4. Costs can be reduced by purchasing low-cost equipment for the first time.

It should be understood that a private jewelry master will gain high popularity and a good reputation only if all activities are organized at the proper level. But this does not mean that one should despair. We must try, and then everything will work out. We hope that this review helped to understand the question of how to open a jewelry workshop.

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