
Jewelry business: how to open a jewelry store. Jewelry store business plan: equipment and necessary documents

The most profitable and successful investment is considered to be a business that sells jewelry in retail. This area is very attractive for entrepreneurs. However, it is worth remembering that the jewelry business requires a significant amount of start-up funds.

In addition, you must protect yourself from possible organizational and financial errors. And this can be achieved by correctly compiling a business plan for a jewelry store.

Start of trading

The basis of the project of the proposed investment is the idea of ​​opening a store that will sell jewelry. The process of creating a business plan should precede the implementation of the intended. First of all, it is worth identifying the target audience of the outlet. From an economic point of view, focusing on a sufficiently large circle of clients with both medium and high incomes will be most beneficial.

jewelry store business plan

The business plan of the jewelry store in this case reflects a wide assortment of products that will be on display. Their list will include both exquisite expensive jewelry made of precious metals of high fineness and inexpensive, but very attractive silverware.

You can arrange on the windows high-quality and beautiful jewelry, which is in demand among buyers.
When choosing a place for a jewelry store, you should focus on the one that is located most convenient for the client. It should be remembered that non-essential goods will be sold. That is why preference should be given to the prestigious and central streets. A good place will be expensive shopping centers that women prefer to visit.

Organizational matters

The business plan of the jewelry store should contain an indication of the form of its activities. The company must be a legal entity. The most common limited liability companies. For the sale of jewelry you will need to obtain an appropriate license and register as a payer in the tax office. As in any other business, obtaining permission to open a store from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire department will be required.

jewelry display lights

All goods in the store should have certificates. On products, in addition, impressions showing samples should be clearly visible. Certificates should be in the stones.

List of goods sold

The business plan of the jewelry store should contain a section on the assortment list of products sold. It can be products from gold, platinum and silver, jewelry with semiprecious and precious stones. It is advisable to place jewelry on the shop window. They will find their buyer and products decorated with ornamental and artificial stones.

Market analysis

The business plan should include enterprises representing the jewelry market. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the main competitors, their pricing policy and the product range. The conclusion about whether the opening of a trading jewelry enterprise is economically feasible can be made using this information.

Production plan

To open a jewelry store, it is recommended to use a room with an area of ​​at least twenty square meters. At the same time, the accuracy and purity of the trading floor, which should have good lighting, is important. The classic style is perfect for the interior of the room.

The business plan of the jewelry store should stipulate the equipment that must be purchased for the trading floor and utility rooms. This list will include showcases and alarms. You must purchase safes in which the goods will be stored, and equip the premises with a video surveillance system. There must be a highlight for jewelry display cases. It is advisable to conclude an agreement with a reliable agency that organizes 24-hour security.

In the production plan, it is necessary to stipulate the staff. It should include two to four sales assistants, an accountant, an administrator, and a cleaning lady. The choice of personnel must be approached with great responsibility. So, candidates for the position of seller must have a talent for persuasion and be sociable.

Store opening

As a rule, premises for the sale of jewelry are located in shopping centers. Sometimes these stores are freestanding. You will need to resolve the issue with the name of the outlet. The profitability of your business will depend on it to some extent.

What to call a jewelry store? First of all, after reading the sign, the buyer should be intrigued and fascinated. That is why, before choosing a name, you need to decide on a key category of buyers. People should know by name that the store is for them.

An important issue is the equipment of the trading floor. Shop windows play a huge role in this. They should not only protect products, but also favorably emphasize their beauty. In the presentation of products, a huge role is assigned to light. It should be scattering, calm and aimed at the windows. When choosing lighting, it is advisable to consult an experienced designer.

Product purchase

A large percentage of the initial capital should be spent on the purchase of the first batch of goods. At the same time, there is no need to purchase the entire range offered by suppliers. Some products may be taken on commission. It is advantageous to draw up an order agreement. In this case, payment for the goods will be made only after its purchase, and products that are not in demand can be returned.

Opening of the jewelry department

what to call a jewelry storeNot all novice entrepreneurs decide to immediately open their own store. In this case, you can rent a small area in any shopping center.

How to open a jewelry department? To do this, you must perform a certain sequence of actions.

When planning a lease of space for your department, you need to find out how many of your competitors offer customers goods in this shopping center. Perhaps there are too many of them.

In this case, you will have to organize the sale of your products as efficiently as possible.

The administrator needs to clarify the cost of rent per square meter. In the event that the price suits you, inform him of this, and then draw up the necessary documents. You will need to visit the tax office.

A prerequisite is the preparation of a business plan. It should stipulate the supply processes, the volume of costs for commercial equipment, the purchase of the first batch of jewelry and rental. It is necessary to calculate the amount of probable income.
A well-designed business plan will allow you to see a preliminary picture of the profitability and effectiveness of opening a department. After paying the rent, arrange a trading place, hire staff and organize advertising.

Online store

how to open an online jewelry store

The jewelry business, with a return of ten to fifteen percent, has always been profitable.And if earlier, the craftsmen who made them were engaged in the sale of jewelry made of precious metals, now anyone can do it. Only initial capital is needed.

Due to the rapid development of the Internet sales market in modern conditions, the jewelry business can be organized through a worldwide network. To do this, you must perform a series of sequential steps.

How to open an online jewelry store? First of all, it is worth deciding on the choice of supplier. It can be one manufacturer or many different jewelry workshops and factories. For an online store you will need the same documents as for a regular outlet. They can be issued independently or contact specialists.

At the next stage, you will need to purchase a hosting, which will host an online store. You will need to spend money on a domain name. It’s good if it matches the name of your store.

In the event that you do not have sufficient knowledge in building sites, you can contact the web studio. Its specialists will help in creating a virtual trading platform. A ready-made online store can be purchased. However, creating your own website will allow you to choose all the functions you need, as well as design.

Due to the fact that a client in your virtual store cannot try on a product for himself, it is important to place photographs of jewelry. Moreover, they should be made in several ways.

Feedback is important to the customer. Therefore, the store’s phone should be placed on the created site. In this case, the buyer will be able to communicate with the manager and ask his questions.

An online store will require staff. The staff should include account managers, courier and accountant. Important and promotion of the store in the form of advertising.

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