The Ukrainian politicum is more reminiscent of the Old Testament Noah's ark than parliament. Most of the deputies pursue their own goals and always achieve them, the question of success is only in money and their quantity. Rabinovich Vadim is a bird with bright plumage, manners of a businessman from the 90s and claims to Ukrainian hetmanism.
From birth to first landing
Rabinovich Vadim Zinovievich (according to the Israeli version - David Rabinovich) was born in 1953, on August 4, in the city of Kharkov (Ukraine). Father is a military man, mother is a local therapist. In the family, in addition to Vadim, there were three more children. At the end of school, in 1970, he entered the KhAI (Kharkov Automobile and Road Institute), from where he was expelled from the fourth year with a scandal. According to Rabinovich himself, the reason for the expulsion from the walls of the educational institution was the compilation of a crossword puzzle with a touch of political satire on the topic of China and condoms. In addition to expulsion from the university, he was deprived of membership in the Komsomol and went to serve in the armed forces.
Having paid tribute to his homeland in the army, Rabinovich Vadim returned to his hometown, where he got a job in the construction department as a foreman. In January 1980, he was accused of stealing three rolls of wallpaper, for which he received his first term. Things didn’t get to jail, the whole sentence cost nine months of the bullpen, where he was released for lack of corpus delicti.
Underground Worker
Having tasted life in prison dungeons and freed with a clear conscience, the new Rabinovich Vadim Zinovievich appeared before the world. His biography began to be decorated with new methods of underground enrichment. He realized that if he got caught, then for more ambitious "merits" so that there was something to pay off. In Soviet times, private business was a profitable and dangerous occupation, as the authors of the Golden Calf warned citizens. Deciding not to focus on one thing in the workshop shock work, Rabinovich in 1980 began the production of wooden doors, crystal glassware, calendars. It was possible to hide the illegal business from the state until 1982, when he was caught and sentenced to 14 years in prison.
Rabinovich Vadim Zinovievich did not feel guilty for himself and did not recognize his actions as criminal. In connection with this behavior, the guards of Themis placed him in a psychiatric hospital for a year, where, according to him, he successfully simulated insanity. He spent eight years in a prison cell until 1990. A prisoner from business was released by decree of Gorbachev.
The imprisonment brought Rabinovich the first political dividends. The Jewish community of Israel actively advocated for his release, bringing him the fame of the dissident and the areola of the martyr of the regime.
Cosmopolitan businessman
A few days after receiving freedom, Rabinovich Vadim, together with the former head of his prison department, creates a private enterprise “Pinta”. A community of hobby friends tried to conquer the Ukrainian market with Italian furniture and British decorative cosmetics. The business lasted from 1991 to the beginning of 1992, after which the commercial activity acquired an international scale. The area of interest was metal rolling and its export supplies.
Some sources claim that in the same period V. Rabinovich had a hand and money in creating the first non-profit television channel in Kharkov, and also took part in the election campaign of Vyacheslav Chernovol, who ran for the presidency.
In 1993, Rabinovich Vadim fell under the wing of the then current President of Ukraine L. Kuchma and became a representative of the Nordex company.The company was engaged in exclusive deliveries of oil products from the Russian Federation to Ukraine; settlements were made with Ukrainian goods. Involvement in Nordex caused Rabinovich to refuse entry to the United States, as the company was associated with the Russian Mafia.
Since 1995, Rabinovich V.Z. transfers its main business activities outside of Ukraine and opens in Geneva first the Ostex AG company, and then the RC-Group. Becomes the co-founder of the channel "1 + 1", which is gaining popularity in a short time.
In 1997, Rabinovich Vadim became the laureate of the prestigious Ukrainian award "Person of the Year" as the best businessman. In the same year he was elected to the presidency in the organization "All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress." V. Rabinovich donated one million dollars to organize a social movement. As an Israeli citizen, he initiates the creation of the Ukraine-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the same year, he sold his shares in the 1 + 1 channel.
Media Tycoon
Having appreciated all the advantages of the information business, Rabinovich Vadim in 1998 formed his own media tool. The Ukrainian company is called the publishing house “CN - Capital News”. In 2000, he creates the following project, now international - Media International Group, which includes:
- publishing house "CN - Capital News";
- MIG - News newspaper, Ukraine;
- print newspaper MIGnews, Israel;
- weekly edition of "Business Week".
In 2003, the case was replenished with the diary “New Russian Word” (USA), and in 2005 the Moscow News publication (Russia) was included in the media group. Over the years, the company has acquired several radio stations, television channels, publications and Internet resources.
From 2001 to 2014, Radinovich Vadim Zinovievich owned part of the shares of the Jewish television channel Jewish News One (JN1). In 2013, he created the news television project News Network, where he is an investor and owner in one person.
In 2014, Rabinovich made another rotation of information assets and sold News One and portal to Evgeny Muraev (Ukrainian businessman and politician). In the same year, he opened a new radio station with the “modest” name “Rabinovich FM”.
Presidential candidate and MP
After the 2014 coup in early elections, he nominated himself for the post of president of Ukraine. To get the opportunity to participate in the race, he created the Center party. To the surprise of many experts and permanent "residents" of the Ukrainian parliament, he gained a significant number of votes (2.5%), overtaking Maidan leaders, such as Yarosh, Tyagnibok and others, who were at the peak of popularity. He had the highest rating in the eastern regions of Ukraine, where he received almost 5% of the vote.
In the parliamentary elections held in the same year, he was elected as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the “Opposition Bloc”, the “Center” party entered the opposition coalition. In 2016, with a scandal, he announced his withdrawal from the faction. In an interview with one of the local publications, he said that the opposition is not fulfilling its functions: "I believe that today we need to move to a more radical opposition, which will explain to people what is really happening and offer ways out of the crisis."
Party "Life"
On July 26, 2016, two former members of the Opposition Bloc party Rabinovich Vadim and Yevgeny Muraev opened the first congress of the Ukrainian Life party they created. According to Rabinovich, they simply renamed the Center party, as he wrote on the page on the social network: “I went to the party’s congress, which was renamed yesterday and received a new name - the political party Life. For this majority. Everyone voted for life normal human life. "
The new political project has no program, but a center-left orientation has been announced. One of the party’s leaders, Yevgeny Muraev, commented on the lack of a coherent program: “Vadim Rabinovich and I decided to do what any caring person does: take and do.Dozens, hundreds of political projects did not have normal programs? We will write it. You can not start any business without a normal project. Especially if this is a project of a common house where everyone should be comfortable and warm living. ”
Family status
Vadim Rabinovich married only once, his wife's name is Irina Igorevna. The family brings up three children: two sons and a daughter. Despite all the shocking and openness of the MP, almost nothing is known about his personal life. This is an intrigue supported by Rabinovich Vadim Zinovievich. A family whose photos sometimes appear in the press is a closed topic in conversations with reporters.
A businessman, an Israeli citizen and a deputy of Ukraine - his name and actions are popular with a certain part of people. The ability to tell and promise what the voter wants to hear is a trump card, which Radinovich Vadim Zinovievich masterfully deals. Biography, children and business create a positive image of a “national hero”.
In slanderous ties seen?
The arms scandal that erupted in 2002 with the filing of Der Spiegel magazine is associated with the name of Vadim Rabinovich. The publication reported on the supply of 150-200 tanks by Vadim Rabinovich for the Taliban terrorist organization. He denied this information. “If something was lost in Ukraine, stolen or disappeared, Rabinovich is to blame,” he said in an interview with the newspaper Ukrainska Pravda. These were the only "facts" in their defense.
According to many Ukrainian media, Rabinovich is the main sponsor of the scandalous FEMEN movement. For what purposes he needed it - is not clear.