
Fire safety declaration of the facility: fire risk assessment, registration and registration

Fire declaration facility security It is a document that contains information on measures aimed at ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of safety measures. The development of the act is carried out according to the rules of Art. 64 Federal Law No. 123. The basis for the preparation of the document is Order 91 of the Ministry of Emergencies. fire safety declaration

Fire Safety Declaration: General Information

This document is prepared in relation to buildings for which the legislation on urban development provides for mandatory state examination. The exception is:

  1. Detached houses (residential), the height of which is no more than 3 floors. They should be used for 1 family.
  2. Structures, the height of which is not more than 3 floors, consisting of 10 or less blocks. Moreover, in each of them one family can live, there are 1 or several common walls without openings. Such a structure should be located on a separate site and have access to a common territory.
  3. Apartment buildings no higher than 3 floors., Including 1 or more block sections. The number of the latter should not be more than 4. In each block section, several apartments and common premises are allowed and a separate entrance is required with access to the courtyard.
  4. Capital construction objects no higher than 2 floors, the area of ​​which is no more than 1.5 thousand m2. These facilities should not be used for human habitation and production activities. The exception is buildings that pose a special danger, which are unique or technically complex.
  5. Separate structures, the height of which is not more than 2 floors, with an area of ​​not more than 1.5 thousand meters2intended for conducting production activities, but for which the creation of SPZ is not required or for which these protective zones are established within the boundaries of the site. The exception is buildings belonging to the categories of especially dangerous, technically complex or unique. fire risk calculation

The fire safety declaration is also issued:

  1. For buildings DOW.
  2. Specialized homes for the disabled and the elderly. However, they should not be residential.
  3. Dormitory buildings of boarding schools and child care facilities.
  4. Hospitals.

Development specifics

The fire safety declaration of an educational institution or other institution, the buildings of which are included in the mandatory list, is drawn up both for the whole complex as a whole, and for individual structures included in its composition. Development and representation is carried out by the owner or entity whose property is under the right of inheritable lifetime ownership, in operational management or economic management, as well as on any other legal basis. The fire safety declaration for the designed structure is executed by the developer or a person authorized to prepare the documentation. For such buildings, a regulatory act is submitted prior to commissioning.

Accuracy of information

The organization’s fire safety declaration is being developed again or is being refined when changing the information present in it or the requirements established in the field of safety management. The subject of the document is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data. The legislation provides for the mandatory registration of a fire safety declaration. This procedure is performed by an authorized authority.When accepting documents, officials are required to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information. The list of declarations is maintained by the Ministry of Emergencies. Accounting is carried out on paper and in electronic form. The necessary information must be entered into the documentation during the working day from the date of assignment of the registration number. organization fire safety declaration


Fire safety declaration is sent to the authorized structure in 2 copies. It must be signed by the entity responsible for its preparation. The document may be personally transmitted to the employees of the authorized body or sent by mail. Checking the information provided by the declarant is carried out within five days from the date of its adoption. In case of discrepancies with the requirements established by law, the document is returned to the applicant. At the same time, a written message is also sent to him, which indicates the motivated reasons for the refusal to accept. If no violations are detected, the declaration is registered in the prescribed manner. The procedure is carried out by entering the necessary information into the list. Within three days from the date of assignment of registration number 1 copy the document is sent to the declarant, and the second remains in the authorized body of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Number structure

The fire safety declaration has a specific code. It includes several parts. The first indicates the code of the region and settlement within the boundaries of which the building is located. Information about this should be taken from the All-Russian classifier, valid at the time of submission of the documentation. The second part acts as the serial number of the declaration, the third indicates the control and monitoring department in which it is stored. The code of the region and the settlement in accordance with the classifier includes 8 digits. Between the 2nd and 3rd, as well as the 5th and 6th, spaces are given. facility fire safety declaration

Cancel listing

The corresponding decision is made by the Ministry of Emergencies in the following situations:

  1. The characteristics of the structure, affecting the information contained in the document, changed, while the applicant did not notify the authorized authority about this.
  2. The applicant submitted false information.
  3. The owner or other person who has real estate in life ownership, operational management, economic management or on other legal grounds has changed.

Listed Information

Officials of the authorized body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations enter information about:

  1. Documentation number and date of assignment.
  2. The abbreviated and full name of the operating enterprise (project customer), design organization, owner or other person who owns the building legally.
  3. The functional purpose of the structure.
  4. To the developer. In this part indicate F. I. O., the position of the person.
  5. E-mail and full postal address, telephones / faxes of responsible entities.
  6. The state of the declaration. This is marked as "Effective" or "Canceled". educational institution fire safety declaration

Fire risk calculation

This procedure is considered the most time-consuming step in the design of the document. To carry out the calculation of fire risk, it is necessary to have sufficiently deep knowledge in the field of safety. In this regard, the design of this section is often entrusted to professionals. In practice, two methods are used according to which a fire risk assessment can be performed. The choice of option depends on the purpose of the structure. So, for industrial buildings, the methodology approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergencies No. 404 is used, for other buildings - No. 382.

Building classes

Fire risk assessment will depend on which category the structure belongs to. The following hazard classes are distinguished:

1. F1. This group includes facilities used for temporary residence and permanent residence of citizens. These include:

  • buildings of preschool educational institutions, specialized homes for the disabled and the elderly, dormitories of boarding schools and other children's institutions;
  • hostels, hotels, lodging places in sanatoriums, rest houses, motels, boarding houses, campsites;
  • residential multi-apartment buildings;
  • single-family houses for living, including blocked. Order 91 Ministry of Emergency Situations fire safety declaration

2. Ф2. Cultural and educational institutions and entertainment facilities. These include:

  • exhibitions, museums, dance halls, etc. in enclosed spaces;
  • cinemas, theaters, concert venues, circuses, clubs, sports facilities with stands, libraries, other institutions with an estimated number of seats in open areas;
  • exhibitions, dance halls, museums and other similar open-air institutions.

3. F3. The construction of enterprises providing services to citizens. These include:

  • buildings of trading companies;
  • polyclinics, outpatient clinics;
  • catering facilities;
  • train stations;
  • premises used by visitors of public utilities and household services with an uncountable number of places.
  • Sports and fitness facilities without stands, baths, domestic areas.

4. F4. Buildings occupied by scientific and educational institutions, design companies, governing bodies. These include, but are not limited to:

  • the construction of institutions of general, additional, primary / secondary vocational training;
  • buildings of universities and institutions providing advanced training;
  • buildings of governing bodies of scientific organizations, offices, banks, offices, editorial and publishing, information companies, design bureaus;
  • fire stations.  registration of fire safety declaration

5. F5. Fire compartments for storage / industrial purposes, included in the constructions of classes F1-F4. These include:

  • production facilities, buildings, workshops, laboratories;
  • car parks without repair and maintenance;
  • agricultural buildings.

A responsibility

The legislation establishes punishment for entities that do not file and do not register a declaration. The measure of responsibility will depend on the severity of the consequences of failure to comply with established requirements. So, in case of damage to the health or life of people, the perpetrator may receive criminal punishment up to imprisonment.

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