
Emergency: Definition. Emergency: classification

emergency definition

No one is safe from incidents dangerous to human health and life. That is why the definition of "emergency" should be familiar not only to special services, but also to residents of any state. The knowledge gained is useful in the event of extreme situations of various nature, to save life and maintain health in altered conditions.

The definition of "emergency": look at the root!

It would seem that a simple situation that can affect everyone does not need to be described and clarified. However, there is:

  • many legal acts that reveal the meaning of the expression "emergency" from a legal point of view;
  • the immense number of opinions of scientists, scientists, providing an abstract and theoretical definition of this expression;
  • experience of special services officers who are ready from a practical point of view to talk about the definition of the term “emergency”.

And each disclosure of the term "emergency" will be different from another definition. In connection with the inconsistency of opinions, in the theory of tactical and special training, a universal concept was formed that tells what an emergency is from a universal point of view.

Emergency Details

So, the moment of truth has come that will show a meaningful, meaningful definition. An emergency is circumstances that arise as a result of the onset of:

  1. Natural disaster.
  2. Accidents and disasters in industrial and transport activities.
  3. Environmental disasters.
  4. Disasters of a military, social, political nature and so on.

A distinctive characteristic of the occurrence of life-threatening situations is a sharp deviation of the processes that are steadily ongoing in society. At the same time, disrupted everyday activities have a significant impact on the life and health of both society as a whole and an individual. As a rule, an emergency situation is associated with negative factors that violate the social life of society, the political activity of the state, creates a threat to the existence of the natural sphere of a particular region.

Legal regulation of dangerous situations

The main normative legal act determining the life of citizens in case of emergencies is the Federal Law of 1994 on the Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergencies of a natural and man-made nature. The definition of “emergency” is also fixed there, but only from a legal point of view, incomprehensible to citizens without special education.

There are many local acts created by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the Charter of institutions, organizations, legal entities, which regulates the behavior of employees in case of danger, also applies to the legal framework.

Emergency: border and territory

Effective protection in emergency situations depends on the proximity of a person’s location to the epicenter of a dangerous environment. Thus, it is important to consider not only the nature of the disaster, but also the type of protective equipment, the amount of funds used, the time of shelter, and so on.

The basis of protective measures is knowledge of the following definitions:

  • An emergency zone is a complete area that is devastating as a result of an emergency. This indicator is determined by the damage received as a result of the impact of the emergency source.
  • The definition of “emergency” is closely related to the concept of natural disasters. These are processes of a natural geophysical, hydrological or geological nature, the scale of which gives rise to consequences covering the territory of many states.

Dangerous consequences of a natural and technogenic nature that affected the territory of one or several states are usually accompanied by disruption of production, transport accidents, destroyed buildings, destroyed communications and so on. Of course, the main area of ​​the heads of state and special services remains the task of preserving the health and life of people in extreme conditions.

Man-made factor: affordable benefits vs danger to life

As you know, human needs cannot be fully met, however, by creating an incredible number of industrial enterprises, we are trying to do this. Thus, an artificial threat to life and health is created, technological emergencies occur, the identification, prevention and quick elimination of which is the most important task for everyone!

man-made emergencies definition

The most common emergency occurring in the daily activities of any citizen is an accident. It can manifest itself in the breakdown of a vehicle, transmission line, utility connections, and can represent major damage to industrial equipment, railway transport, buildings, and so on. In addition, there is a special category of emergency situations, accompanied by a large release of chemicals used in production. As a rule, accidents are accompanied by a relatively small number of victims.

A catastrophe is a large interpretation of an emergency involving a large area.

natural emergency definition

The most dangerous technological factor is an environmental catastrophe - a sharp or gradual change in climate, biological and natural environment as a result of an industrial catastrophe of an enterprise, accompanied by mass death of living creatures.

Identification of emergency situations and their classification by distinguishing features

Any emergency is analyzed and classified by specialists depending on the following symptoms:

  • By area of ​​occurrence, which helps to determine the nature of emergencies.
  • By departmental affiliation, which plays a key role in identifying the source of emergencies.
  • On the scale of the possible consequences. This classification is necessary for the rational use of funds, as well as the full planning of rescue operations to rescue and evacuate affected residents.

Common classification of emergencies by area of ​​occurrence

In order to understand the nature, danger and consequences of emergency events, there is a basic classification of emergency situations depending on the nature of the occurrence.

1. Natural character.

The most dangerous are emergency situations of a natural nature, since even the most modern technologies are unable to stop such a catastrophe. The most dangerous phenomena are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other geophysically dangerous natural phenomena.

2. Biological and social character.

Represents the mass distribution of a disease. Particular danger is manifested in the event of an illness unknown to modern medicine. The biological and social factor can include both human diseases, a striking example of which is the well-known Ebola fever, and diseases of certain animal species: bird flu, swine flu, and so on.

3. Technogenic character.

Man-made disasters result from the work of industrial enterprises. The danger is most often caused by the breakdown of equipment necessary for the normal functioning of a system.

4. Ecological character.

Environmental disasters are the most difficult category of emergency situations, since the problem covers and affects the whole of humanity as a whole.

Geophysics and hydrology: danger comes unnoticed ...

As mentioned earlier, the most significant danger to humans is created by emergency situations of a natural nature, the definition and forecasting of which helps save more lives. It is impossible to prevent the onset of a natural disaster, however, thanks to early warning, special services manage to evacuate people to a safe place.

Natural emergencies include concepts such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes of various strengths, rapid landslides and landslides that destroy everything in its path, as well as dust storms, mudflows, avalanches and so on.

The unpleasant secrets of hydrology and the danger to mankind lie in floods, floods, floods that cause moderate damage, as well as larger disasters - typhoons, storms, tsunamis.

What is the definition of "biological and social character"?

Destruction and negative economic consequences are not only pronounced natural emergency situations, but also situations of biological and social nature.

This category includes the occurrence and spread of disease. Moreover, the limits cannot be limited to the boundaries of the local region. As a rule, the virus spreads within several states and even several continents. There are three categories of hazardous situations of a biological nature:

  1. The epidemic is a massive disease of people.
  2. Epizootia is a massive disease of farm animals.
  3. Epiphytotia - a massive disease of plants, the spread of a large number of pests.

Man-made situations: frequent meetings

A distinctive feature of technogenic situations is that the person is to blame for creating an additional source of danger for himself. Thus, an artificial threat lurks in:

  • Traffic accidents.
  • Fires and explosions.
  • Ejection accidents radioactive substances.
  • Accidents with the release of chemically hazardous substances.
  • Accidents with the release of biological substances.
  • Accidents of electric power systems and so on.

Classification of emergencies by scale

emergency definition and classification

All emergencies are classified by scale:

  1. Emergencies of a local scale - no more than 10 people affected, the area of ​​the affected area does not exceed the limits of one object.
  2. Emergencies of a municipal scale - no more than 50 people affected, the zone of the affected area is within the municipality.
  3. Emergencies on a territorial scale - injured no more than 500 people within the same subject of the Russian Federation.
  4. Emergencies on a regional scale - the number of victims does not exceed 500 people, the danger arises within 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  5. Emergencies on a federal scale - more than 500 people were affected, the danger is present within several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  6. A cross-border emergency is characterized not only by the territory of Russia, but also by a foreign state. In addition, this classification implies emergencies occurring in the territory of a foreign state, but affecting the Russian Federation.

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