What is legalization? Recently, this issue has been increasingly seen on the Internet. If you are reading these lines now, then most likely he is also interested in you. This article, fully devoted to this topic, was created just for people like you. Here you will find the true meaning of the word "legalization", as well as learn a lot of other interesting thematic information.
What is legalization?
We will not beat around the bush, but immediately begin with the interpretation of this word. Legalization is an action at the legislative level that permits one or another activity on the territory of the state. There are a lot of areas of activity in which legalization processes take place.
Legalization examples
What is legalization? Despite the fact that the answer to this question was written above, we would like to give some examples of this phenomenon for a better understanding of the topic:
- Legalization of pornography - the distribution of pornographic images and videos without restrictions and prohibitions by law.
- Legalization of profanity - recognition of the mat as a normal part of our language.
- The legalization of prostitution is the refusal of administrative and criminal prosecution of people who are somehow involved in the industry of intimate services (pimps, brothel owners, clients, etc.).
- Legalization of same-sex marriage - permission for people with gay sex to enter into marriage.
- Legalization of weapons - permission for citizens to buy and store weapons.
- Legalization of alcohol - the abolition of prohibition in certain states.
- Legalization of migration - recognition of the rights of citizens of other countries to work, live, etc.
Below we will analyze in more detail the most interesting examples.
Legalization of income
This is the name of ordinary money laundering. Money laundering - the legalization of funds that were obtained illegally. Simply put, this is a transfer of money from the informal economy to the official economy so that their owner / owners can use them openly and legally. Despite the fact that the law on the legalization of income does not exist, this phenomenon is very common both in the territory of post-Soviet states and far beyond their borders.
When laundering proceeds, the real source of receiving cash resources is concealed, formal transactions are created, documents are forged, and other processes violate the law.
Many people mistakenly believe that the concept of "money laundering" first appeared in the 20s of the last century in the United States, when American crime bosses began to massively buy "laundries" to legalize money earned by crime. In fact, everything was different. The term money laundering was first used in The Guardian in the midst of the Watergate scandal when information emerged about Richard Nixon’s illegal campaign finance.
Legalization of documents
Legalization of a document is the completion of a number of necessary formal actions to give the document authenticity and legal force, as well as confirmation of the seals or signatures affixed to it, which were made in another country. The final goal of legalizing a document issued on the territory of one state is the possibility of its submission to state organizations of another country.In simple terms, legalization is necessary in order for your documents to be valid in the territory of another state.
Immediately it should be said that there are certain documents that are not subject to legalization. These include originals and copies of documents containing a photograph (passport, driver's license, pension certificate, etc.).
Legalization of drugs
The legalization of psychotropic drugs is a very controversial topic in many states and at different levels. Disputes are ongoing both around the decriminalization of narcotic substances, and around the broader concept of this process. The Global Commission on Drug Policy is actively advocating the legalization of psychotropic drugs in all countries of the world. The main argument of this organization is that the punitive methods of struggle, in her personal opinion, not only did not show positive results, but even led to serious losses.
Despite current liberal trends, some large states still rely on prohibitions and coercive methods in their fight against drugs. Examples include Iran, Indonesia and China. In Russia, the legalization of drugs is also not considered.
Legalization of software
We think many of you know that some companies use unlicensed software on their computers. It so happened that many organizations were forced to use illegal software, knowingly dooming their business to great risks. Due to such risks and unpleasant consequences, software manufacturers have changed their policies and become more loyal to such companies. They began to send warning letters in advance to discount the price of digital products to local enterprises and make special offers to corporations that legalize software.
Many companies are well aware that using illegal software can seriously harm them, but they still take this risk, since acquiring official software is a rather complicated and expensive procedure. Often, such organizations do not even have the necessary specialists who could give a real assessment of the existing software and take an inventory of it.
Legalization of gay marriage
In the second half of the last century, amid the emancipation of representatives of the LGBT community, as well as their struggle for their civil rights, questions began to be raised about recognition of same-sex families by society and the country. Such changes entailed serious changes in legislation in a number of states. Today, same-sex marriage is officially permitted in many countries of the world, and this trend continues to spread actively throughout the world.
The issue of legalizing same-sex marriage is decided by each state separately. This largely depends on the mentality, traditions, cultural characteristics of the living people / peoples, religion and many other factors.
Legalization of prostitution
Unfortunately, to date, not a single state on our planet has been able to overcome prostitution. Recently, the number of people advocating the legalization of prostitution has increased significantly. Among the weighty, in their opinion, arguments are the argument that, upon legalization, the proceeds from this activity will go to the state treasury, and not to the pockets of corrupt corrupt officials covering this case.
If the government legalizes prostitution, then it will be obliged to take control of this type of activity. Enterprises working in the intimate services industry will have to monitor the health status of their workers, improve the security system and conduct medical examinations that could significantly reduce the risk of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
What is legalization? We think we managed to give a complete and detailed answer to this question. We hope you find this article interesting!