
A creative person is ... How to become a creative person

To begin with, we’ll try to determine what creativity is. If we decide to find this concept in dictionaries, then we will understand that there are a great many interpretations. It’s absolutely certain that this word comes from “create,” which is translated from English as “create”, “generate”. In Russian, a synonym for the word “creativity” is “creativity”.

creative person is

Analyzing the definitions proposed to us, we are faced with the fact that scientists understand creativity not just as a process of creating something new. This is the quality of a full-fledged personality. It is difficult to disagree with such an understanding of creativity, because modern society dictates the need to adapt to changes so quickly that the usual forms of adaptive activity are simply not enough.

A creative person is ... How to find out?

The main feature of the creative personality, without a doubt, is the non-standard thinking, methods of solving practical and life problems.

Such people always offer and use unique methods of action, and do not go along the beaten track. Creativity is the hallmark of all successful businessmen whose names are published on Forbes lists. So, a creative person is a self-sufficient person.

The quality of life of such people is always an order of magnitude higher, but this is not only a matter of material well-being, creative people always have more interesting and more fun time, are able to enjoy every day, find funny and surprising things in simple things.

what is creativity

The paradox of creativity

Surprisingly, not a single creative idea comes to our heads if we passionately desire it.

Talking about what a creative person means, we will definitely come to the following thought: inspiration comes to such people and they create something unusual, as if without much effort.

This is because, as a result of long, hard work, a person’s consciousness must inevitably relax, and if we do not interfere with this process, the unconscious will be included in the work and, as a result, a brilliant idea will arise.

How to become a creative person

In modern society, many people ask this question. Psychologists note that a creative person is always distinguished by a complex set of behaviors, such individuals try to avoid routine and stereotypic behavior. Therefore, the first rule is as few rules as possible. To become a creative person, you cannot solve one problem once and for all in the established way, you always need to come up with a new way.

The simplest exercise in developing creative thinking is to come up with at least five ways to perform familiar activities in new ways every day. For example, you always cook oatmeal in water for breakfast, consider it healthy and nutritious. To increase your creativity, just think how else you can cook this dish: for example, you can bake oatmeal cookies or casserole, or just come up with a beautiful form of serving a traditional dish. If you decide to translate these methods into reality, then you will inevitably delight yourself and loved ones, while improving the quality of life.

Such a simple daily practice will help you make your thinking more complicated and feel for yourself what creativity is.

what does creative person mean

A bit about the "empty wandering in the clouds" and self-expression

“Are you wandering in the clouds again? Take care of the matter! ”Who remembers this question-appeal from childhood and youth?

As the results of research by scientists show, dreams are not such a useless activity.When we give free rein to fantasy, it is not easy to relax, but we start the process of unconscious processing of information. Uncontrolled fantasies also start independently after intense mental work.

Daydreaming is especially often observed in children, young people and scientists, which, most likely, is associated with high cognitive activity. Dreams, however strange it may seem, allow us to go beyond the framework of ideas about our own abilities and the possibilities of the world.

A creative person is not a dreamer, but a person of intellectual labor. The more new information we pass through ourselves, the higher our creativity.how to become a creative person

Creative people do not just synthesize the experience they have gained, they give it a different form, passing it through again through the prism of their own views and beliefs. Thus, the highest human needs are realized, represented by the classification of A. Maslow.

Attention to detail

Another distinctive feature of creative people is observation. A creative person is open to new experience; he does not look at life as a series of repeating events. Such a quality makes these people related to children. However, they are not just surprised at their observations, but try to fix them. Representatives of creative professions often record unusual and funny situations, keep photo and video diaries, and subsequently use this material for performances, in articles, blogs.

About time planning

This principle is accessible to everyone, but only a few use it. Its essence boils down to the fact that creative people work at a time when their brain is maximally active, for example, early in the morning, or late in the evening. From the point of view of esoteric psychology, this is also the time of the maximum activity of the unconscious, and therefore the period of the maximum disclosure of creative abilities.

In addition, the fact is known that a creative person is a person who seeks solitude. They are not always alone, but they certainly appreciate loneliness and use this time effectively. Some of the creative people, alone with themselves, create masterpieces, while someone simply “flies in the clouds”, which, as we now know, is also worthwhile. In solitude, people are able to fully understand themselves, their feelings, sensations and release them.

qualities of a creative person

Nevertheless, creative people are able to lose their sense of time, they are passionate about the process, they are interested in what they are doing. The creative person is obsessed with the idea and may not notice external circumstances.

About the perception of difficulties

If you list all the qualities of a creative person, then this is perhaps the most amazing. In a difficult life situation, they are immersed in creativity, as if pain comes out of them through what they create.

So, for example, the famous artist Frida Kahlo began her career when, at a very young age, had a car accident and her body was completely gypsum. To somehow entertain herself, she began to paint plaster, and later created world-famous masterpieces.

Injury to a creative person becomes an extraordinary motivating force. In an effort to get rid of suffering, poets and artists look at the situation from the other side and amaze society with the greatest works of art.

creative person concept

Open to new experiences

The concept of “creative person” so firmly entered into the everyday life of modern people, necessarily includes an openness to the perception of novelty, a desire to adopt someone else’s experience. Such people are very observant and curious, as mentioned above, they are watching with interest not only for natural phenomena, but also for how other people behave.

Any mistake for them is the path to new achievements, representatives of creative professions and talented entrepreneurs fill up a lot of bumps before opening something new.For a creative person, stress resistance and the ability to look at failure from a distance are extremely important, not plunging deeply into experiences, but only gaining useful experience and making many more trials and mistakes until the desired result is obtained.

However, a creative person is not only a thinker and observer, creativity makes him not only act, but also take risks, which, alas, are not always justified. History knows cases when the greatest discoveries in the world of science were initially ridiculed and not accepted by society, and a scientist who defended his idea could pay his life for it. “And yet it spins!” - so, after terrible torture, the Inquisition court said Galileo Galilei, defending the idea of ​​the Earth's rotation around the Sun.

clothes for creative people

Be that as it may, creative people feel a very strong inner motivation for what they are doing, their desire is not just to make a profit, they are motivated by the desire to bring public benefit, to bring something new and important to society.


Another point that I would like to say is the appearance of geniuses. Modern fashion in its own way understands how clothes should look for creative people. If you set out to seem more creative, then you can easily do it by acquiring a shocking outfit. However, this will allow you to appear, not be a creative person. Of course, the image of a creative person is often non-standard, but more important, of course, are internal qualities, and not a shell.

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