What is a corporate competency model? This problem is faced by employees of personnel services, consultants who are trying to understand the meaning of competencies and use them for their intended purpose.
Key Terms
First, let's define the term. Corporate competencies are the volume of professional skills and knowledge, personal attitudes and characteristics that are manifested in the behavior of employees, require the performance of certain job duties.
The competency model is a set of specific competencies that employees need to achieve the goals set by the company's management. Only if employees have certain skills can one count on the successful development of the enterprise.
Corporate competencies require a system of skills that an employee possesses in order to successfully realize themselves in the professional field.
Components of Competency
Currently, it is customary to include several indicators, which are their component parts. Corporate competencies require certain skills. For example, the “effective communication” competency is characterized by:
- ability to listen, to speak;
- transmit information in a structured way, build arguments;
- find out the position, check it;
- Use additional resources to promote understanding.
These indicators allow you to give a description to the person who will perform the duties. When ordering a ready-made model from the provider, it is necessary to clearly understand what is necessary for business and company within certain competencies.
Behavioral Indicator
Assessment of corporate competencies is associated with the manifestation of indicators in employee behavior. It can be both negative and positive, have a serious impact on the efficiency of the enterprise.
For example, for the indicator “finds out the position, checks the understanding”, the following characteristics can be used to describe the behavioral principle: monosyllabic answers to questions, listening to the interlocutor. Behavioral indicators are written in accessible words that are understood by ordinary people. Each indicator should have an understandable and clear wording. In any report on the results of the assessment of professional competencies, there should be information not only about “what to do”, but also “how to do it”. In the absence of detail in the report, it is difficult to obtain a holistic picture, to establish causal relationships.
Varieties of competencies
Currently, various corporate competencies are distinguished. For example, managerial competencies are managerial competencies that every company leader must possess. For example, “decision making” as well as “performance management”. Technical or functional competencies are those that are necessary for activities in a particular unit.
Accounting scale
The corporate competency model has a specific rating scale. It consists of a level name. Depending on the imagination of the compiler, they can be called differently: "beginner", "advanced", "average".
The description of the level should be consistent, showing an increase in development. If the company has chosen a levelless model, in this case the description is limited only by the terms “does” or “does not”. As an application to the scale, a rating system can be considered.Each level of competency development receives a certain amount of points. For example, when presenting levels as numerical expressions, one point is selected for each level.
Purpose of competency models
The development of corporate competencies is aimed at setting certain standards for employees. First of all, we are talking about the level of knowledge, skills, personal qualities, which can become both an incentive for development, and a brake for the company. The competency model can be considered an analogue, which includes a range of requirements in a transparent and open format. The model may vary depending on the goals of the company, as well as on the conditions that exist on the market.
Principles of Definition
The development of corporate competencies allows the company to occupy a certain niche in its field of activity, to receive a stable profit from the activity. Competencies are determined, taking into account the specifics of the organization. They allow you to identify those business qualities and professional skills that employees must have in order to implement the ideas of the company. Five to seven different behavioral skills are considered optimal.
Corporate competencies of employees - customer focus, leadership, ability to make responsible decisions, loyalty in the organization, ability to work in a team. Only with certain skills and abilities can an employee benefit from his organization.
It is such competence in corporate governance that is an integral part of the work of absolutely any company.
Among behavioral indicators, result orientation is of particular importance. When setting ambitious goals, achieving the planned results is possible only if the employees have professional competencies. A corporate result can be achieved with the energy, perseverance of each employee, the desire to achieve the planned result.
Submission of their actions to the planned result, purposeful activities, independent adjustment and control of actions - all this can be called real professional competencies.
A qualified employee can overcome difficulties that hinder the achievement of results. He knows how to evaluate his own effectiveness by the result achieved, and not by the amount of effort expended.
Features of obtaining competencies
Corporate competencies of an organization involve training on three components: knowledge, skills.
Knowledge is information by profession. They are determined by surveys and tests, you can check them on exams.
Skills are conscious things that a person can do at the level of awareness.
Skills are undeniable skills used by a person on an intuitive, semi-automatic level. A person who has certain skills is able to think over the “party” several moves ahead, therefore he is an important employee for the company. He will not make serious mistakes that will lead to loss of profit by the company.
Varieties of competencies
Modern corporate competency systems are a combination of various skills. If a person is spoken of as a real professional, they mean that he has a unique system of competencies that turn him into a real master in his sphere of action. Competence determines the ability of a person not only to analyze their skills, but also to manage their professional growth, set new creative tasks, and look for ways to solve them.
A true professional knows how to behave in a crisis situation, he is “aware” of his abilities, corporate competencies. Examples of such skills: personal, managerial, professional, corporate.
Analysts develop a competency model based on the specifics of the company. This process is called the formation of a model of professional competencies. In order for the company to work efficiently, an individual competency system is compiled for it, containing complete information about the qualities that a candidate for a certain position should possess. This process is called job profiling.
In addition, staff assessment is carried out on accepted profiles. Tests, a variety of polls are created, practical cases are developed, thanks to which the skills and knowledge of employees are evaluated, real indicators are compared with the criteria that were originally presented for each post.
Assessment of competency levels
There are several different ways to carry out such an assessment. There are alphanumeric models. The most common option is the assessment of competencies in the following indicators:
- “0” implies a complete lack of competency at the time of assessment;
- “1” indicates insufficient skill, weak skills;
- "2" implies the presence of skills formed at a minimum level;
- "3" involves the manifestation of skills at a high level, understanding and motivation in the activity.
Depending on the position of the head, a set of certain corporate competencies is developed, while professional competencies are reduced. This does not mean that the leader will be inferior in professionalism to his subordinates, but special attention is paid to leadership, the ability to combine people in one team. The leader must understand the specifics of the area in which he works in order to make the right and timely decisions.
Competency Examples
Let us analyze, for example, corporate and professional competence. For example, such a quality as initiative is a manifestation of corporate competence. Many companies dream of their initiative being proactive. But to what extent is this allowed?
One point indicates a weak manifestation of this competency. The employee is aware of the importance of his initiatives, but only occasionally comes up with certain proposals within his own responsibilities.
Those initiatives that they are offered are related to the specifics of his professional activity. He can implement innovative working methods proposed by his leader.
Two points for initiative is considered a strong competency. In this situation, the employee comes up with new methods, schemes, working methods, thanks to which you can count on a significant increase in production indicators.
Such an employee enriches, refines, develops those methods and approaches that are already used in production, and is looking for the possibility of their adaptation to a particular company. Such an employee is able to take the initiative; he brings interesting ideas to the company. Otherwise, those ideas that are proposed by the manager will not be developed, the company will not be able to make a profit.
From professional competence we can cite as an example the “game of chess”. Employees of the company must be excellent “chess players” in order to show their creative and personal qualities. With weak competence, which can be represented as a single point, the employee understands the rules of the game, takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of the "rivals", analyzes the actions of his colleagues. Such an employee does not have sufficient experience in order to evenly distribute his skills in order to obtain the optimal result.
For two points in this competency, it is assumed that the employee understands the intricacies, understanding the importance of innovation for production.If it is critical for a chess player to possess professional competence in order to triumph over an opponent, then for a valuable employee it is important to have corporate competencies.
The total requirements for professional and corporate competencies of employees who move up the career ladder should have maximum values. When the head of a private company is asked what skills an employee should have that he plans to hire, he first of all emphasizes not diligence, but initiative, as well as the ability to self-develop.
Of the main management competencies that are required in modern business, we highlight the ability to plan our own activities, as well as coordinate the work of colleagues and subordinates. Only if a potential employee has the ability to set goals and objectives, choose a method for achieving them, can one talk about the formation of corporate competence. The employee must not only see the situation, but also be able to solve the problem, find a way out.
A professional is a person who demonstrates in the work the skills and abilities associated with his competence, can easily answer any question. For example, the procurement manager must possess information about all types of materials and their types, their main technical characteristics, purchase value, and manufacturers.