Very often in everyday life there are many words whose meanings, it would seem, are clear to everyone. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a person cannot give a definition even to the most ordinary concept. Competence is a fairly simple word, but how many will be able to give it the right definition? What does it include and what does the presence or absence of competence generally indicate? This article will answer these questions.
Concept of competency
In fact, the answers to these questions are very simple. They do not contain any specific explanation. Competence is the knowledge, skills that a person possesses in a particular field. All this knowledge is needed by man in order to achieve successful results in his work. It should be understood that the very presence of competence is only one of the components on the path to successful work. All this knowledge and skills must be not only possessed, but also maintained at the proper level or updated, improved.
Of course, if a person is incompetent in his activity, then it is impossible to achieve high goals. Lack of knowledge will affect the whole process of work and, as a result, the final result. Professional competence is achieved through personal study, knowledge and development of a person. And without his own will, a person will never become a professional in his field.
Experience transfer
How can one judge the competence of a person? How to understand that he is generally competent in a certain field of activity? It is pretty simple. Competence - a definition that is proved by the results achieved by man. They listen to his opinion when solving important issues, consult with him, and learn from him. But these results were not achieved quickly, a lot of time is spent on this process. And, as a rule, at first any person is not strong in the knowledge of this or that activity, but he put a lot of effort, time and effort to achieve his goals.
Do not neglect the recommendations of such a person, often a similar method helps to learn and understand a lot in the work. This is a kind of process of transferring experience from one person to another. Again, it is necessary not only to perceive other people's knowledge, but also to independently study the specific features of the activity in which you want to achieve professionalism.
Labor market competition
Professional competence is expressed in the amount of all those theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and experience that are necessary for the successful implementation of professional activities. Any company, company or employer has a number of requirements for a potential employee, and the presence of a basic level of competence plays a huge role.
It is one thing when a specialist who has received a special education but does not have experience gets a job, and quite another when a person has vast experience in this field. Yes, the availability of education plays not the last role in employment, and somewhere it is not at all possible to find employment without it, but a lot of employers are ready to meet the needs of a worker who has real experience. And, of course, that employee who has both special education and practical experience in the right industry will compete.
Concept differences
Professionalism and competence often replace each other, are used as synonyms.But is such a substitution true? It should be understood that these are slightly different in meaning. Professionalism means not only the presence of certain knowledge, but also the very attitude to the activity, the specifics of the work.
A professional develops his skills in every possible way, contributes to the achievement of certain results and goals, values his business and his place in it. Such people, as a rule, devote many years of their lives to one thing. Competence is the availability of certain knowledge and the ability to apply it in such a way as to achieve the desired solution to the tasks. In real life, a professional can be seen right away, but competency will need to be further confirmed. Although it seems that these concepts are interchangeable, this is not at all the case.
Competency Support
How to develop competence? How to apply your knowledge, taking into account constant changes in work? The level of competence is maintained not only on the basis of the personal qualities and aspirations of the employee, but also with the help of the personnel service. Nowadays, more and more firms and companies are creating additional services to solve many important tasks.
The personnel service, in turn, not only reveals a wide range of motivations, but also conducts various business trainings, informs about innovations or changes in a specific field of activity. Naturally, for each employee of a particular position, individual approaches are needed. Information is provided and discussed in separate blocks for a specific group of workers. A simple example: an accountant will not be told how to clean the office area properly, and a cleaner will not be informed about how to use the 1C program.
Management post
It must be understood that the criteria for competence vary for workers in various fields, but not so much in the definitions as in the individual characteristics of the profession. The employee must have knowledge of the technique and principles, specific standards, goals and objectives, as well as knowledge of the use of specific methods of influencing the labor process. If a person occupies a leadership position, then his set of knowledge and skills should be much more extensive than that of his subordinates.
If a simple employee needs to understand his duties and find ways to fulfill them, then the leader should carry out an extensive list of tasks. In his competence is the selection of personnel, and the ability to maintain discipline in the team, and coordination of the work process, to defend the interests of the company and business. In leadership positions, the level of responsibility is much higher, therefore, the personal qualities of a person, his level of stress resistance and interaction with other people play a huge role.
Competency Benefits
Worker competence plays a huge role in many ways. Of course, a competent employee is always valued above those who do not have such skills. However, it is possible to get not only recognition and respect for your personality, but also financial rewards, which sometimes become an excellent way of motivation. In modern society it is difficult to live, having a small income, it is difficult to afford some expensive things or services. And surely no one wants to give up a good life, so people consciously and voluntarily try to improve their knowledge and skills.
Assessing the competence of an employee is determined using a variety of methods and is carried out either by an HR specialist or by the head of a particular unit. The competence of the employee is often noticeable even without special testing or monitoring. An experienced representative of the recruitment service is able to quite easily determine the necessary makings of a person at the initial stages of the employee’s arrangement.
Business knowledge
There are many types of activities in which an incompetent employee can avoid responsibility or not cause particular harm to the company. But some areas of activity require absolute knowledge of the business and its specifics. The competence of specialists in such institutions, firms, enterprises plays a huge role both for the enterprise itself and for people using its services.
It is noteworthy that a specialist should not rely only on the availability of professional knowledge, skills and experience, he should also be able to independently analyze his activities and see its results. Personal and professional qualities should be combined into a common structure, which will lead to positive results, and not harm. The ability to correctly predict the results, develop a specific plan to achieve them is the most important task in any activity.
Lack of competency
Competence is the most important requirement for the activities of educators. This profession does not allow the absence of this component, it is impossible. Concrete and important requirements are put forward for educational workers, due to the fact that they not only control the process of obtaining new knowledge by students, but also are an example of behavior and interaction.
An incompetent teacher can provide a student with very serious problems: destroy the craving for knowledge and education, damage the quality of this knowledge, and upset the student’s mental health. In fact, the negative consequences that may arise due to the lack of competence of the teacher are much greater. For the education system, such results are absolutely unacceptable. Therefore, the competence of the teacher in this activity plays a huge role.
Education competency
Like any other field of activity, education is undergoing constant changes. This is due to the fact that every year society requires new specialists and expands opportunities. The state controls the learning process and also affects its structure. In this regard, teachers should adapt to innovations or corrections in education.
The competence of the teacher in this situation will bring success. The ability to adapt to changes, develop a training plan and achieve the desired results with it is an indisputable sign of competence. Of course, there are a number of activities aimed at improving the competence of teachers: continuing education courses, certification, teacher councils, seminars, conferences, as well as personal self-development. Thanks to all these components, students can count on getting a quality education and successful personality formation.
Every student can name a teacher who is remembered by him. He will describe someone as a professional in his field, someone will be unhappy. What can it depend on? Students consider the competence of the teacher from their point of view, and each will give an explanation for this term. However, the final result is precisely the knowledge gained during the training, and the educational process, its results.
Very often there are children who initially did not understand or did not accept any academic subject, but eventually acquired it and began to understand it well. In this case, it is worth mentioning the individual approach of the teacher. So, he was able to create the atmosphere and the training plan that gave such a result. This is a huge work requiring both professional skills and time, and the personal persistence of the teacher. Undoubtedly, such a teacher can be called a professional in his field.
For the good of society
Based on all these situations, we can conclude: competence is the most important factor affecting the quality of work and its results. In all areas of activity, employees with this quality will always be valuable.They will be set as an example, to learn from them, to listen to their advice and recommendations. Many professionals in their field worked for years for this, they spent a huge amount of time and their own strength.
Such people quickly make decisions, find a way out of any situations, solve the most difficult tasks that are set before them. To achieve such a high standard will also require a lot of patience and endurance. Society will always need such workers and that is why it will create new institutions to receive them. Most importantly, let it be for the good of society, for the good of the country.