
What are calendar days? The concept

Planning a calendar day is an important issue that is considered in the framework of pedagogical conferences, seminars, meetings. After the introduction of new federal standards in domestic education, planning became an indispensable element in the activities of any kindergarten teacher and secondary school teacher.

calendar day planning

What is planning?

Calendar planning for the day according to the Federal State Educational Standard assumes determination of the order, sequence of conducting educational and upbringing work, indicating the conditions, applied methods, forms, means of work. The effectiveness of educational and upbringing work directly depends on the thoughtfulness, literacy of the implementation of such activities.

specifics of planning

Purpose and Purpose

Every day scheduling according to GEF involves solving the following tasks:

  • ensure in each group of the pre-school educational institution (classroom) the implementation of the educational program;
  • conducting educational impact on the younger generation sequentially and systematically;
  • obtaining positive results in education, upbringing, development of preschool children and school children;
  • full implementation in all areas of the curriculum.

Plan requirements

It should fully comply with the development of the child, the criteria of sufficiency and completeness, to ensure the interconnection of practical significance and scientific motivation. Daily scheduling allows teachers to ensure the unity of developmental, educational, educational goals and objectives.

The plan is drawn up on the basis of the principle of integration of educational fields in full accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children, the opportunities and focus of educational areas.

Calendar days are the basis for a complex thematic principle of building the educational and educational process.

A flexible regime for certain age groups is compiled depending on the period of the year when it comes to working with preschool children.

what are calendar days

Responsibility and documentation

The daily schedule is considered a mandatory document in the work of a modern educator. Planning control is carried out by the senior educator once a month. There are certain requirements for its design. The calendar plan should have a title page on which the group is indicated, the data of the teacher (teacher), the date of the beginning, completion of the plan. A list of children is also compiled, each child has a health group, as well as a date of birth.

Working days and calendar days are distributed among the areas of educational activity, tempering events are also highlighted.

There is a plan for a day's motor regimen, which corresponds to age-related characteristics.

calendar day to day

Clearance requirements

Calendar days are the basis for the teacher planning his professional activities. The work plan should be drawn up in accordance with the planning models in strict accordance with federal standards for the structure of the general educational program. On his last page, the teacher (educator) does not record, it is intended for registration by the senior educator (head of the methodological association).

Calendar days are an opportunity to plan various children's work in full compliance with the requirements of the federal standard of the new generation. The teacher indicates in the plan the purpose, the main issues, materials and equipment, without which it is impossible to properly organize the work.

A schedule is drawn up for a week (5 days) or for the period within which the topic should be submitted.

GEF specific planning

Features of production planning

Calendar days are the basis for work. Thanks to planning, employees can carry out clear production tasks. Nowadays, there are many different options for scheduling. Most of them are based on the principles of direct (reverse) distribution of stages, limited (unlimited) workload of workers.

Options for production plans

With direct planning, it is assumed that the execution of a certain order begins, regardless of the timing of its implementation, immediately after its receipt. In such a situation, all operations begin precisely from this date, into the future from the past. This approach allows you to identify the minimum lead time.

Reverse planning involves thinking through the final operation. The starting point in such cases is the date the order is completed. Next, operations from the future to the past are thought out, that is, in the reverse order.

Unlimited download allows you to identify inconsistencies in the volume of planned cases and the ability to work of employees.

The result is an excess of the maximum load of workers in a certain period of time, which will negatively affect their subsequent activities, the state of physical and mental health.

When planning on the basis of limited loads, the load distribution for all calendar days is taken into account.

calendar days and employee activities

To summarize

Scheduling is based on the observance and development of cyclical schedules for the preparation and implementation of a separate production order, a creative educational event, a school lesson. This approach contributes to the phased completion of the task without the emotional and physical overload of the employee to whom it was entrusted.

Thanks to a clear planning of actions throughout the calendar days, it is possible in educational institutions to achieve the optimal distribution of material in production, to avoid overloading employees, kindergarten pupils, and students of educational institutions.

The total volume-calendar schedule changes taking into account information on the execution of the program by individual groups based on the functioning of an incomplete project, and is updated when new tasks appear. Thanks to such features, the final refinement of the free calendar schedule of orders is possible, as well as the issuance of an immediate production task to each employee.

Specific features of the distribution of activities are characteristic not only of the manufacturing sector, but also of educational institutions. The number of calendar days in kindergartens and schools is taken into account primarily so that teachers can draw up their lesson plans for educational, developmental activities. Schedules help class teachers and teachers in various subject areas to fully realize the goals and objectives set for them by the state, to instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism, a careful and tolerant attitude towards representatives of other cultures and nationalities.

Calendar days are consecutive days that have a serial number in a month. These include weekdays, public holidays. They are the standard that is used to determine the working hours of employees of any production and non-production sectors. It is calendar days that are the basis for various types of short-term and long-term plans.

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