The development of scientific and technological progress, which led to the creation and active development of the Internet, caused the emergence of new professions. Among their huge number freelance in all its manifestations occupies a considerable niche.
Freelance Definition
The literal translation of this term into Russian means “free spear” or, in a more free retelling, a free spear-bearing warrior. In the Middle Ages, they gave the nickname of a freelancer to those warriors who, of their own free will, went into battle. Nowadays, a freelancer is a worker with a floating work schedule, fulfilling assignments of various customers. Freelancers are able to determine the profit margins themselves, moreover, the salary depends on the qualifications and desire of the contractor to work.
Who is a freelancer?
Freelance is work for yourself. This is a type of work when a person is not engaged in the staff of a particular company, but independently picks up orders for himself. Online freelancers write articles, develop websites and corporate identity, design apartment projects, business plans, make business card layouts, and much, much more. Such activity can be both the main job, generating a stable income, and part-time work for other employment.
How can you make money on freelance? A freelancer is a type of unemployed worker who chooses his own orders. He sets the amount of profit for a particular job and independently chooses the schedule of a home working day. Usually it can work simultaneously with several customers.
The specificity of such an activity is that freelance is a remote work via the Internet. On the World Wide Web, an employee is looking for customers, has the opportunity to create a portfolio, receives payment for e-wallets, and so on. Access to the Internet is an unconditional and, one might say, categorical condition for freelance work. It is with his help that a person carries out various projects. Remote freelance is the basis of the work of any “free employee”.
The nuances of work
An essential factor determining the amount of profit from freelance is the time of work. It is very important to be able to contact with employers and carry out high-level orders on time. After receiving the first positive feedback, you can improve a more professional resume. Thanks to this, at the beginning of professional work in freelance it is supposed to collect even unprofitable orders for gaining experience and gaining positive feedback. In addition, such a strategy will allow you to quickly create a portfolio of your own work.
Field of activity
Why is this profession so in demand? How to make money on freelance, for example, for a beginner? A freelancer (copywriter, designer or programmer), in fact being a remote employee, serves as a private individual performing individual projects. Initially, this profession was popular in the field of advertising for creating advertising and propaganda texts for the promotion of goods, services, ideas or a person. But in the future, with the development of the Internet, freelancers began to prepare materials for sites. The Internet is expanding rapidly, with the services of copywriters are becoming increasingly popular. Customers of copywriters' work are both individuals - webmasters, owners of content platforms, businessmen, as well as companies, studios, exchanges.
Types of work
Assignments are basically divided into the following groups of freelance work:
- Selling materials.
- Informational texts.
- SEO copywriting.
- Translations.
- Reviews
- Reviews
- Programming.
- Writing and freelance translation of articles and books.
- Creation of educational works to order.
- Website development.
- Improving the quality of photo and video materials.
- Freelance typing.
- Translation of video or audio materials into text.
- Other
Mandatory Requirements
Freelance is freedom. How to make money on freelance, the employee decides for himself. First, the contractor and the customer communicate with each other, negotiate a statement of work (terms of reference) or a brief on the creation of a site (design, business card, layout, project, and so on). For example, in a TOR for an article, a topic is included (by mutual agreement), a description of the necessary structure of the article, the required number of characters, keywords, writing time, payment and ways to receive money, etc. TK is negotiated individually each time, so it may be required rigidly structured text or, conversely, a free essay appropriate to the topic. A prerequisite is to check the finished text for uniqueness. On the Internet there are free programs that allow you to perform this task. There are other indicators of the text (academic nausea, frequency by word, information content, and so on).
Job levels
Variations for the activity of a freelancer are a significant number: from uncomplicated (it takes a little time to implement them) orders to substantial and chronologically heavy ones (it can take several days or even months to realize, but the profit grows several times). You can improve the quality of images and spend half an hour or an hour on one order, or you can become a remote accountant and manage the finances of several small enterprises or take up writing a book.
The positive side of freelance
Freelance has a whole range of positive conditions:
- Mobile work schedule, formed by the employee of his own free will. There is an opportunity to determine the framework of the labor regulations and fix the days of rest and holidays, the beginning of the working day and the end time. The daily routine in everything belongs only to the employee himself.
- Freelance at home is work remotely. There is no need to leave a fixed time every day on the metro, bus or trolley bus, there is no need to work with uninteresting and even nasty employees of the company (or withstand the boss's grumbling grunts). Working at home, you can independently build a mode of work. In addition, it is possible to devote considerable time to communication with the family, which is often not enough for working people.
- Prestige at home does not determine the quality of work and its payment. It is on the office schedule that the salary is determined not only by the level of professionalism, knowledge and experience, but also by the type of settlement or the size (fame, competitiveness) of the company - the larger it is, the higher the salary. The discrepancy in funds is quite large. With freelance this cannot be the case. A freelancer has one requirement - it is good to implement the planned orders in a timely manner. Everything else is irrelevant.
- The maximum salary is not determined. Revenues depend on the intensity of activity and the level of professionalism. You can work with orders from several employers at once, if the speed of tasks allows. This will also increase the flow of finance.
- There is a variant of activity not only with Russian customers, but also with foreign businessmen. Profit for executed orders abroad is usually greater than in our country. Only one caveat - you need to know a foreign language well.
Freelance is the initial stage in the formation and development of your commercial business, business. Most freelancers open their own business after a while.
The disadvantages of this type of activity
Of course, it will not do without minuses. The following disadvantages of freelance can be distinguished:
- All labor supplies are purchased independently.A freelancer does not receive a supervising businessman, he should buy all the necessary equipment for his activities only at cost.
- Great rivalry. A considerable number of those who are eager to receive funds by such labor. To select a specific author, the employer must see a solid portfolio, positive feedback, significant experience.
- There is no government assistance. No sick leave, paid leave and maternity leave.
- There is a certain likelihood that no payment will be made for the completed task. This happens infrequently, but the situation is quite real. I’ll have to equip my workplace myself and buy all the necessary equipment. At the same time, help from work colleagues cannot be expected, and there are no social guarantees in freelance.
Nevertheless, this profession is gaining popularity among a significant number of people. The number of ways to make money on freelance is becoming more and more.
Difficult start
Freelance, like any activity, begins with the first steps when a person is an inexperienced performer. Freelance for beginners, as a rule, is paid quite low. Skilled professionals make a much higher profit than ordinary employees of ordinary companies.
It is easier for a beginner to open his activity with posting. Posting is the creation of small-format works at a fixed rate. The salary, of course, is also small, but it is also freelance on the Internet.
There is an equally well-known opportunity to make good money. Each site constantly needs new original works on a specific topic. Since there are a large number of sites, there are also many activities to create materials.
If a freelancer is well acquainted with foreign languages, then this skill will make it easier to start. Most companies need qualified translators. If you prove yourself well, then there will be many orders for freelance translation, respectively, and the profit will be large.
Creation and promotion of sites usually brings more money. Any organization needs its own promoted website. If you know how to create sites, have sufficient experience, then high earnings are guaranteed.
Programming is hard work. In order to do it, you need to know the programming language well. Having excellent knowledge and practical experience in this area, you can have a high income.
Only experience, combined with professional skills and knowledge, can help a novice freelancer become a highly paid employee in a large and promising commercial freelance market.