Sooner or later, every foreign citizen thinks about how to renew a patent that allows him to work on the territory of the Russian Federation. This issue causes a lot of problems among the population. Indeed, the design of a document in Russia requires certain knowledge from the applicant. Is it possible to extend a patent for a job without leaving the country? If so, what is needed for this? What other information should every foreigner who wants to work in Russia be acquainted with? Answers to all these questions will be given below. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. With proper preparation, the preparation of a patent and its extension will not cause any difficulties.
A patent is ...
The first step is to understand what kind of document we are talking about. What is a work patent for foreign citizens?
This paper is a kind of permit for foreigners, allowing to carry out any activity in the territory of the Russian Federation. Without this certificate, a foreigner cannot legally work in Russia. A patent is a small card with a photo of the owner and information about the activities of the person.
Is there a chance of an extension?
Initial registration of a patent is provided for a period of 1 month to a year. What's next? Can this document be extended? Yes, every citizen has such a right. The main thing is to properly prepare for the process.
Some are interested in how to renew a patent for a second year without leaving Russia. Do foreigners have the right to translate ideas into reality? Yes. To extend the validity of a work permit, it is not at all necessary to leave Russia. It is enough to submit documents for consideration in advance in order to obtain the right to further conduct activities in the country.
Extension Features
It should be noted that a patent for work for foreign citizens is issued for a certain activity. This means that a foreigner can only deal with the case that is indicated in the permit. Otherwise, you will have to re-file the patent. Everyone should know about it.
The thing is that a patent can be renewed after 12 months of work only in the region where the document was issued earlier. And only in relation to the activities that a foreigner was engaged in.
In addition, obtaining a patent for more than a year without traveling outside the Russian Federation is possible if you apply with an application and a package of documents before the paper ceases to operate. That is, in advance.
Where to go?
Where are labor patents extended? In the same place where they are issued primarily - in the FMS. Each foreigner submits documents to the Federal Migration Service before starting work. This body is involved in the grant and extension of labor patents.
In addition, some foreigners may seek help from their employer. But, ultimately, the boss will still work with the FMS. No other government service is involved in the manufacture of patents.
Registration term
Is the labor patent ending? How to extend it? It is necessary to take into account the deadline for processing the relevant documents.
According to the established rules, the manufacture of a patent and its extension cannot exceed 10 business days. This period must be taken into account by a foreigner who does not want to leave the country to extend a work permit. It is advisable to submit a request in advance.The minimum circulation period is 1 month before the expiration of the previous patent. If you request later, you will have to leave Russia to implement the task.
What action algorithm will help bring the idea to life? How to renew a patent without leaving Russia? The procedure provides for the issuance of a new work permit when it comes to extending the document for more than a year. Otherwise, the permission is valid in the past.
How to renew a patent? The following steps must be followed:
- Collect documents to obtain a work permit. Their complete list will be presented below.
- Draw up a patent renewal application. Attach documents prepared in advance to it.
- Pay personal income tax for a patent.
- Refer the request to the FMS or to the employer.
- Get a new work permit at the appointed time.
In fact, there is nothing difficult or special. The main thing is to write an application in advance and prepare documents for the patent. Otherwise, a citizen may be denied a work permit. This is a normal, legal phenomenon.
About Documents
How to extend a patent for work to a foreign citizen? The procedure in this case is known. But what papers can be useful to a foreigner?
Among the documents required to extend the patent for more than a year, there are:
- statement;
- applicant's passport;
- migration card;
- certificate of temporary registration of a foreigner in the territory of the Russian Federation;
- passport (with a translation certified by a notary);
- documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language;
- employment contract (copy);
- permission from the employer (invitation, proof of further cooperation);
- certificate of medical examination;
- medical policy for the next year;
- checks indicating the payment of personal income tax for the previous period.
As a rule, a bona fide foreign worker wonders how to renew a patent. All necessary documents for the implementation of the task can be prepared in advance. Getting them is not difficult. Some difficulties arise with obtaining a certificate of knowledge of the language and with the passage of a medical examination.
Renewal period
Now it’s clear how to renew the patent. Some are interested in how long you can apply for a work permit.
The legislation of the Russian Federation extends patents for a year. After the previously described actions, the document will be extended for 12 months.
It is important to remember the timely payment of taxes. For a foreigner, this is an extremely important nuance. Indeed, the delay in tax payment even for 1 day leads to the annulment of the patent. In this case, it will be necessary to leave Russia, and then re-issue the migration card and work permit.
Who needs a document?
Running out of patent? How to extend it? The answer to this question will no longer cause difficulties. It is necessary to pay attention to one more feature - not all foreigners need a document. In Russia, citizens of states belonging to the Customs Union may work in the country without a permit. Everyone else has to think about patent filing without fail.
Thus, people from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus can work without a document being studied. But the residents of Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Abkhazia will have to think about how to extend the patent and apply for it first.
Late punishment
What threatens foreigners working in Russia without permission? Or when working not in the profession indicated in the document?
A citizen can be fined 7,000 rubles, and also expelled from Russia. Accordingly, it will be necessary to renew the patent. Additionally, a foreigner can be banned from entering the Russian Federation for 3-10 years. It follows that the punishment for delaying a patent can bring a number of problems to a citizen with further entry into the country and with employment in the future.
Now it’s clear how to renew the patent. In fact, this operation does not require any special skills from a citizen. It is enough to worry in a timely manner about passing the medical commission, as well as about collecting the necessary documents. After proper preparation, the process of extending a patent for the second year without going outside Russia will not be a hassle.
Previously, patents did not indicate the profession of a citizen, only the field of activity. Since 2016, the employee’s position is registered in the work permit. As already mentioned, work outside the profession is punished very seriously.
Can a foreigner apply for several patents for work within the same region? Yes. Then he will be able to work in different directions. The extension of each patent will be made separately.