If you are looking for a good and well-paid job as secretary-clerk in a prestigious and successful company, the importance of a resume is difficult to overestimate. Therefore, before sending your data to the company or posting it on the website of the recruitment agency, you need to carefully think, weigh, evaluate and verify everything.
Suppose you yourself decide to create a resume. How competent to do it? What is required and what can be omitted? Should I write the truth about my age and which photo to use?
It is not easy to find a universal clerical resume, a sample of which would suit most. Let us dwell on the main points.
What must be in the resume of the clerk
- Full Name.
Everything is written accurately and completely, as in the passport.
- A photo.
He should pay special attention. Avoid those where other people besides you. Remove also images with animals and toys. Wedding looks especially strange. The big mistake is to offer the employer a photo where your figure is hardly distinguishable against the background of some office interior or landscape. No vulgar poses. And do not abuse, adjusting your photo.
- Date of Birth.
Recently, some do not recommend indicating their age in the resume. In vain. Most often, this is the main criterion by which the employer chooses one or another candidate. And if age is not specified, believe me, you will never be invited to a personal interview, and if they call, then the first question will be about that.
- Education.
Indicate the full name of the institution, no abbreviations. No one should guess that the Voronezh State University is Voronezh, not Vologda or Vitebsk. Mandatory faculty, specialty and years of study.
- Places of work.
The name, position, periods of work, the direction of the company. You can specify the reason for dismissal. If you have been on maternity leave for a long time, be sure to indicate this too. The employer should know about your actual work experience.
- Family status.
There should be specifics. No need to write that you are “in search”, “in a state of divorce” or “everything is complicated”. It is necessary to indicate the number of children and their age.
- Location.
The exact address can not be written, but the settlement and the area should be required.
- Contact details. Phone, email address. If you wish, if you have nothing to hide, but on the contrary, there is something to surprise and please employers, give a link to your page on the social network.
The vacancy you are applying for
It is very important to indicate that you are looking for the job of a secretary-clerk, and not a seller, lawyer or accountant. Indeed, from the data on education or based on the experience of previous jobs, this is not always clear. Do not make the employer guess. It is better to list all kinds of posts that you can and want to apply for.
Additional data
Do not neglect additional information about yourself. This gives you a chance to differ from dozens, or maybe hundreds of other clerical resumes.
Everything is very individual here. If at the previous work you have achieved success, you have been promoted, you have mastered a new type of duties, put things in order in the documentation or improved some part of the work, write about it.
Professional skills
There should only be specifics. List your core skills in a column or comma separated list.Remember that skills are the ability to negotiate, draw up statements, work in the Consultant-plus program, fill out applications, insurance policies, etc., rather than punctuality, responsibility and the ability to easily memorize a large amount of information. All employers believe that all employees should possess these qualities initially.
List the responsibilities of the clerk that you had to fulfill from time to time. Meeting guests, assistance in conducting conferences, monitoring the work of technical personnel.
If you have successfully looked after flowers, are able to set a table or participated in the preparation of a corporate calendar, do not forget to indicate this. For a clerk’s resume, this may be important.
It is not necessary to indicate that you worked as a seller of cosmetics or mastered the profession of a manicurist for yourself. It is not necessary to write your previous professional skills, if they are not at all part of the duties of the clerk. For a resume, they are not needed.
But on the other hand, it will not be amiss to mention as additional information about your achievements in sports, victories in competitions, diplomas, awards, participation in prestigious festivals. Maybe you jumped with a parachute or participated in a charity project.
But do not abuse, do not write too much and in detail. Only the most important and interesting.
In the resume for the job, and the clerk in particular, candidates often indicate wages much higher than employers can pay. “Ask for more, they will give less anyway” - this is firmly rooted in the minds of people. This does not always work for the benefit of the candidate. This situation may occur. For example, a salary of 60,000 rubles per month is quite acceptable for you, but you indicated 100,000 rubles in your resume or interview. The head, looking at such requests in the clerk’s resume, smirks, because even he doesn’t earn so much. And throw your resume into the basket. But in the staffing table the salary of the secretary-clerk was just 60,000 rubles, which would suit you perfectly. But, alas, you are no longer among the applicants.
We offer an approximate sample resume clerk:
Perfect resume
Even if in the past you have no special achievements or you are only at the beginning of your life path, do not miss your chance, offer yourself in the best shape so that you can realize your abilities in the future, benefit society and yourself. Start with the correct, and most importantly, resume working for you. Take it seriously. Read it yourself, carefully and critically evaluate each phrase. Let someone else know it. Check for spelling and stylistic errors. For the clerk's resume, this is unacceptable. And then it is likely that employers will not choose you, but you them.