
How to get a lot of followers on Instagram: step-by-step instructions

Do you want to get 1,000 followers on Instagram? It's not a problem. Winning a lot of subscribers is relatively simple, if you follow some rules.

how to get a lot of followers on instagram

Fundamental rules

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? The first thing you need to do is create a really interesting account with a specific theme or purpose.

Secondly, you need to start taking beautiful, interesting and funny photos and learn how to label them correctly. Third, and most importantly, you need to learn some ingenious marketing techniques that will allow you to rapidly increase the number of subscribers.

What is the best place to start?

Cheating subscribers on Instagram begins with the evaluation of other people's photos. One of the best ways to get subscribers is to start liking the pictures associated with your messages as much as you can. Scroll down your home channel and like many of your friends' photos. It is likely that many of them will start following you.

Go to the Explore page and take a look at the most popular photographs. Like them, as these accounts usually have a lot of subscribers, and some of them may follow you.

Instagram followers

Then find photos of people, things, or places that interest you using hashtags. For example, if you want to see photos of the Eiffel Tower, enter #paris, #loveparis or just #eiffeltower. Choose a hashtag that has a lot of messages and start to like your favorite pictures. This may help you get subscribers.

How to quickly gain a lot of followers on Instagram?

This option is best for users who want to win a lot of subscribers in a short time. It consists in searching for some of the most popular tags, such as #followme # like4like or #instadaily. Just scroll through all the photos in this channel by double-clicking on each of them to put a mark.

Repeat this with a few tags until you like a thousand photos. It may seem overly laborious, but if you do it every day, it will be guaranteed that the number of your subscribers will grow rapidly.

 how to increase followers on instagram

Communication as a way

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram without artificial cheating? Start commenting on photos of people. You should not only like pictures of other users, but also start commenting on them. This provides more personal contact, and if people like your posts, they will be more likely to subscribe to your account.

You won’t be able to comment on all the photos you like, but try to do as much as possible. It should not be an essay, a simple enough phrase like “a good place” is enough. Even “love it” can work just fine.

However, a more personal comment is more effective, something like “I really like the lighting in this picture - good job!”. Or “I like your hair - it’s a pity that I can’t make my hair look like this!” Remember that compliments bring people together.

number of followers on instagram

Importance of Descriptions

Add comments, questions or geotags to your photos. Despite the fact that Instagram is 90% composed of photographs, it is important not to forget about the power of words. Accompanying your photos with funny, smart or unique comments or questions can be a great way to interact with your subscribers, as well as the opportunity to get new ones.

For example, give a little explanation of what your picture is, or what inspired you. Or you can simply indicate where the photo was taken. Try to keep within a couple of sentences, because people are lazy and will probably miss the description if it is too long. Correct descriptions are a good way to increase your followers on Instagram.

Ask questions, as they will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which is good for potential subscribers. It may be something simple, for example, a photo of a new coffee shop in the city with the question: “Has anyone been here?” Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask what is better to wear today. This is also a good method for gaining a lot of followers on Instagram.

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Include calls to action in your posts. For example, if you placed the image of your cat in a funny pose, you could sign something like: "I want to see all your crazy cats, use the #awkwardcats tag." This will encourage your subscribers to take their own photos and use the hashtag.

What else do you need to do?

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram, drawing attention to yourself? Post photos regularly, but not too often. It is useless to expect users to follow you if you never post any photos, so it’s important to be truly active on Instagram and stay up to date with current trends. Upload from 1 to 3 photos per day, this should keep your audience interested, and make sure that your channel always has something unique. This will allow you to constantly increase the number of followers on Instagram.

how to quickly get a lot of followers on instagram

However, you should not post pictures just for the sake of a new publication, they should all be beautiful and unique. Do not upload too many photos per day and avoid posting more than one photo at a time. This can clog the news feed of your subscribers, which many do not like. If they get tired of your ongoing posts, they may decide to unsubscribe from you. Remember that remote Instagram subscribers will not do you any good.

What is the best way to publish?

Post pictures at the right time of day. You can take the most interesting, funny or beautiful photo, but if you publish it at a time when no one is online, you limit the number of people who see it, and this greatly reduces your chances of getting new subscribers. Most users check their Instagram in the morning and evening, on the way to work or school and home. Therefore, if you send a message at this time (in the appropriate time zone), you will most likely pay attention to your photos.

Cheating subscribers on Instagram can be carried out using some services. You can also use applications (for example, Statigram) to find out what time Instagram is most used by your subscribers, and based on this, determine when it is best to publish content. Remember that any message has a window of about four hours to collect likes, comments and subscribers before it moves down in the news feed.

Mentions and Challenges

Another technique for recruiting followers is to get mentions, and the best way is to start making them yourself. However, it will also force some users to ignore you. This basically draws attention to the other person’s account if you mention him in a message and ask your subscribers to follow him. This provides the user with a whole new group of potential subscribers that he would never have found otherwise.

This way, how to increase the followers on Instagram, is that after you do this for someone, they will repeat it with you.The ideal situation will be if it is performed by celebrities, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers. Unfortunately, this rarely happens, but with websites such as QuickShouts and Klout, you can pay to promote your page.

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