The nomenclature of posts of pedagogical staff of an educational institution is approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. A document that mentions such specialties introduces the same approach for all budget organizations, approves their nomenclature.
Work with basic documents
The nomenclature of posts of pedagogical workers is drawn up by order of the head, and the record is made in the workbook of the accepted employee. In the event that changes are made to the position, they are also documented.
Employee List
The Government of the Russian Federation approved the nomenclature of the posts of teachers, as well as their main responsibilities. These employees include:
- educator;
- physical education instructor;
- according to work;
- Methodist;
- master of production training;
- accompanist;
- music worker;
- speech therapist;
- psychologist;
- organizer;
- librarian;
- teacher add. education;
- Life Safety Lecturer;
- tutor;
- teacher.
In the decree on the approval of the nomenclature of the positions of pedagogical workers of organizations, the specialty “speech therapist” is provided for those social service and health organizations that conduct educational activities in an additional order.
The position "tutor" is provided for organizations that carry out pedagogical work.
Executive positions
Arguing about how the nomenclature of posts of pedagogical workers of organizations is approved, about posts, let us dwell on leadership positions. Such as:
- Head
- rector;
- Chief;
- Director
- the president.
In addition to the main managers, the nomenclature of the posts of pedagogical workers was approved, in which their deputies are indicated. Namely:
- Vice-rector;
- production manager;
- assistant to the rector;
- head master;
- curator of production practice.
Who approves the nomenclature of posts of teachers? For example, the post “president” exists in the higher education system, the appointment is confirmed by order of the rector.
The post "head of department" is provided only in those educational institutions that implement programs in the field of defense, security, law and order.
Important information
Who approves the nomenclature of posts of teachers? The resolution was developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the law on education.
This document indicates the list of specialties, defines the job responsibilities of specialists.
We have already found out who approves the nomenclature of the posts of pedagogical workers, now we will dwell on the features of some pedagogical posts.
The director of the school (higher education institution) for the academic year appoints such a specialist. The tutor must have a professional higher education in the field of training "pedagogy", as well as at least two years of experience. Such a specialist reports to the Deputy Director for OIA, who oversees tutoring.
Having found out who approves the nomenclature of the posts of teachers, let us dwell on the official rights and duties of the tutor.
- organization of the process of individual activity with students in identifying, developing, deepening cognitive interests;
- individual support of talented schoolchildren (students) in preprofile and profile education;
- interaction with parents (legal representatives) in order to adjust an individual curriculum, attract to research activities;
- consultations for all participants in the educational process regarding the development of competencies, the correction of universal educational skills;
- Possession of modern pedagogical and information technologies, allowing to improve the OUN.
A tutor helps his students look for information for self-development, provides individual educational trajectories for each student.
This specialist accompanies the process of forming the personality of students, gives them the opportunity to evaluate their successes and failures, to find a way to build a subsequent development path.
It is the tutor who determines the methodology and the list of orientation and subject courses, conducts consulting and information activities, selects the optimal structure for the implementation of ideas.
Tutor Requirements
Such a position appeared in the domestic education system after the second generation of federal educational standards were introduced in the pre-school, school, and higher education of the Russian Federation. What are the requirements for this position?
This specialist conducts systematic monitoring aimed at analyzing the quality of the OUI, identifying solutions to problems. Therefore, he must own regulatory documents regarding the organization of the educational system in the Russian Federation:
- Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
The duties of the tutor include knowledge of child, social, developmental psychology, individual characteristics of adolescents, and school hygiene.
This teaching position involves the possession of technology of a developing, differentiated, productive, competency-based approach.
After the modernization of domestic secondary and higher education, the position of tutor appeared not only in budgetary institutions of higher management, but also in secondary schools.
Important aspects
Any pedagogical specialty included in the list of posts existing in educational institutions of different levels of training involves applicants possessing the basics of labor and administrative law, knowledge and compliance with internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection rules.
Each teacher is required to own information technology, be able to use browsers, e-mail, multimedia equipment, tables, text editors.
This post belongs to the teaching staff of the faculty. Such specialists carry out educational activities in basic and additional higher education programs. Teachers must have a higher pedagogical education, work experience in the specialty for at least three years.
Among the main job responsibilities for such specialists, in addition to education, the instruction pays special attention to the ownership of applicants by modern information technologies.
Particular attention is paid to the level of professional competence of teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions. For this, representatives of this teaching position are required to take vocational training courses (at least once every four years).
Representatives of all pedagogical positions can submit their proposals to the leadership of the educational institution regarding the improvement of the educational process.
Any employee may require information from the management team regarding their performance of their duties.
In addition to rights, any teaching position has a certain responsibility. For example, in the case of improper fulfillment or non-fulfillment of duties stipulated by the instruction, the employee is punished according to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
Responsibility is assumed if the head is provided with false information, violation of the deadlines for submitting reports, pedagogical and professional ethics. Serious responsibility is assumed for all representatives of pedagogical positions in those cases when, due to their actions, the life and health of participants in the educational process will be in serious danger.