
Investment consulting. The main tasks and goals

In part, investment consulting can be called a continuation of financial consulting. It represents the professional assistance of specialists or specialized agencies in attracting foreign investment, finding investors, organizing transactions and implementing investment projects.

Main tasks

One of the tasks of investment consulting is the collection and systematization of information about a client company. This is done in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, to identify likely risks in the investment process. Based on the data received, consultants or a consulting agency develop an investment strategy for the client, which allows for the implementation of the transactions described below.

investment consulting

Investment consulting. Transaction support

Investment consulting services include support for such transactions:

1. Merger agreements or takeovers of one another, assisting clients in transactions, the essence of which is the redemption of the enterprise on credit funds or the acquisition of corporate rights to organize. Investment consulting services also include consultations on the sale of a working business.

2. An agreement to attract investment by selling a small percentage of the shares of companies. If the client does not want to place his securities publicly, he can resort to searching for portfolio investors or funds ready to buy back part of the shares, and thereby receive additional funds for the development of the enterprise. Moreover, the loss of the package of shares sold does not affect the manageability of the company.

3. A deal to raise capital through the placement of shares on the stock exchange. This process requires special monitoring by a consulting agency. In addition, the period of time for which securities are placed on the trading floor, as well as the involvement of a broker for the transaction, is of great importance.

4. Operations, including the issue of Eurobonds. The agency provides this type of investment consulting services to its clients in order to organize the flow of investments. At the same time, the client’s wishes regarding attracted capital, interest payments and transaction schedules are taken into account. The main aspect in this process is compliance with all legal norms and rules.

investment project

IPO Transactions

The essence of this process is the first public offering of company securities for sale to a wide range of buyers. In this case, the role of the consulting agency is to facilitate access to European and global trading exchange platforms. The objective of this process is not only to obtain greater income, but also to improve the image of the company, increase its level of recognition and, as a result, increase trust on the part of suppliers, partners and consumers. With a competent approach, the organization’s popularity is growing, which allows you to access a wider range of investment sources.

international center for investment consulting

Turnkey Consulting

If we summarize the above, we can distinguish the main stages of investment consulting from the beginning of work with a client to the achievement of the final result. This is a process of full and comprehensive support of the client’s investment activities, his support and assistance in the following main aspects. This is the development of an investment project, preparation of the required documentation for its implementation, calculation of financial indicators of the investment operation, preparation of presentations and demonstration materials with graphs and charts. In addition, at the request of the client, specialists of the consulting agency can accompany and provide all necessary assistance in concluding subsequent transactions within the project.

investment consulting business

Asset concentration. Cheap loans

It should be noted that one of the important areas of investment consulting is the accumulation of company assets.In this case, we mean the concentration of cash and other property belonging to one organization. Such actions make it possible for the borrower to reduce the cost of a bank loan, and the owner of the company to reduce the cost of ensuring the activities of the duplicate branches of the enterprise. It should also be emphasized that after all of the above procedures have been completed, the client can receive from the consulting agency a service for further monitoring the organization's development process. This is one of the components of the investment consulting business.

investment advisory services

International Center

It is necessary to say a few words about CJSC International Center for Investment Consulting, which at the moment is the only body in Russia authorized to certify conscientious suppliers, budget-efficient customers, basic economic organizations of the Russian Federation, as well as financially stable institutions and reliable contractors.

This center was established in 2000 in Moscow. In the process of its activities, the organization uses a unique approach based on the use of a rating product system, which includes international-class products. The main goal of creating the center was to conduct an inventory of the national economic complex of the economy of the Russian Federation, assess the performance of senior managers, identify technologically developed and attractive organizations for state investment.

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