One of the most important means of control in modern enterprises and organizational structures is reporting. What is it like? What standards are calculated by? These and other questions will be answered within the framework of this article.
general information
Financial and non-financial reporting are highlighted. The first is often called accounting. They are necessary in order to monitor the targeted use of available resources, to prevent theft and loss. These types of reporting are regulated by a number of regulatory and recommendation documents of international, federal and organizational levels. Now let's look at them more closely.
What is a financial statement?
It refers to specially selected and grouped data that users need to make the right economic decisions. The financial statements contain information on the position of a business entity on a certain date, as well as the result of the functioning and movement of funds for a certain period. What is included in it? Financial statements may be prepared or interim (quarterly, monthly). Specific points are stipulated by the provision of accounting. In addition, international reporting standards are recommended. There you can also find recommendations on the content of ready-made documents.
What liability is provided in case of violation of the law regarding financial reporting?
It all depends on the severity of the misconduct:
- Violation of the deadlines for submission to the tax service is punishable by an amount of 200 rubles for each form not submitted (or provided after the due date). In addition, a responsible official is fined several hundred.
- For failure to provide data to the state statistics agency, a penalty of 3-5 thousand rubles is imposed. In addition, the responsible person is fined a few hundred.
- If there is a distortion of any line (article) by more than 10 percent, a fine of 2-3 thousand rubles will be exacted.
Of course, one could also mention penalties for criminal offenses, but the people who go to them usually understand everything well.
What is non-financial reporting?
This question is usually bypassed. After all, if there is talk about reporting, then it implies, as a rule, just accounting. So what are they like? In practice, the following non-financial reporting is highlighted:
- On the development of local communities. In fact, this is information about the implementation of activities and programs.
- On the solution of a social problem. This includes information on the fight against a certain negative, which has social significance. An example is cardiovascular disease, depression, and the like.
- To ensure safety and labor protection. This is information that provides data on compliance indicators in these areas.
- Environmental reporting. It affects the company's environmental activities. In this case, not only the consequences of the organization’s functioning for the environment are described, but also the ways, as well as the desire to minimize harm.
- Social reporting.It covers a number of indicators on labor protection, medical insurance, security, pension contributions, professional competence, the development of human capital, improving the welfare of staff and more.
- Combined reporting. Also called intermediate or current. In fact, it is a simplified financial reporting, which describes various expenses for environmental or social events with a brief description.
- About sustainable development. In this case, the indicators of measures that are aimed at protecting the environment, ensuring an equitable distribution of resources are displayed.
It is not necessary to say that universally recognized standards of non-financial reporting exist everywhere here.
What is the structure?
Now let's pay attention to how it is built. Non-financial reporting, as a rule, has the following structure:
- Title page.
- Content.
- Information from the management of the organization.
- Characteristics of the subject.
- Report Options.
- Indicators of economic and industrial activity.
- Strategic goals.
- Control.
- Performance evaluation.
- Compliance with international standards.
- Independent Auditor's Report.
- Applications
- Reference and additional information.
- Contact information for feedback.
It should be noted that the structure of non-financial reporting is not clearly defined. Thanks to this, organizations can increase the positive effect of the publication of these documents using different approaches and means. At the same time, it is necessary to work meaningfully and at a strategic level in the company. It will not be superfluous to follow the balance. So, for example, social programs are a competitive advantage of a company in the formation of human capital. But on the other hand, they are also costs that have a significant impact on the economic efficiency of the structure.
Practical features
Speaking about the development of non-financial reporting, it should be noted that it is developed not by example less than accounting. This applies to both compilation and regulation. In the case of accounting (financial) statements, you can choose as a guideline international standards, the use of which in the Russian Federation is recommended. Whereas with other aspects it is a little more difficult. Take, for example, environmental reporting. In the Russian Federation, regarding environmental protection, we can firmly and confidently talk only about taxes on harmful emissions. Whereas in the European Union a wider approach is practiced. Although, given that the non-financial reporting of the company is largely focused on improving the working and living conditions of people, it is not difficult to assume that the situation in this direction will gradually improve. The only question is - at what speed?