
What is an episode? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Life consists of days, a film of frames, a play of action. What unites so different phenomena of the world? Theatricality? Not. The subject of today's conversation is an episode, this is the noun we will analyze.


Episode Master Christopher Walken

Of course, almost automatically, when it comes to an episode, films are recalled. There are actors of big roles, there are virtuosos of small ones. Moreover, as the directors note, in the latter case it is much more difficult to play, because the artist has much less space. But let’s leave the topic of films, for now, it is necessary to confirm or refute the guess about the movie. So, the meaning of the word "episode" in the explanatory dictionary:

  1. Case, incident.
  2. A minor, special case.
  3. Part of a literary work with relative independence and completeness.

As you can see, the use of the episode is wider than the sphere of art. The first and second values ​​differ in the observer’s assessment and context. Best explained with examples of values:

  1. I had an episode here. I am going, therefore, in a minibus and watching: a schoolboy, instead of looking at the phone, is reading. It was the most amazing experience of the day.
  2. A woman comes up to me and says: “Hello, I’m Nina, remember, we had a small platonic novel in the 8th grade?” How would she explain that this hobby did not affect me in any way, but was only an episode.
  3. Christopher Walken brilliantly played his episode in Pulp Fiction.


Frame from the movie Dead Zone

The time has come for synonyms for the word "episode", because the meaning has already been analyzed, and there are even examples of sentences with the object of study. In other words, everything indicates the need for introducing substitutions into the text. Consider them:

  • happening;
  • incident
  • part;
  • event;
  • scene;
  • fragment;
  • a piece;
  • frame;
  • excerpt.

We did not use the services of some outdated words and did not include tautological replacements on the list. Otherwise, all those who were supposed to appear.

When is episodic bad?

Lionel Messi

Life and art more or less endure violence against themselves in the form of dividing into its component parts. Because life, like cinema, consists of small parts - the days that form the whole. The film, after all, also consists of frames, and sometimes the latter are shot quite a long time. Life has no draft, unlike a movie. Is this all for what? To the fact that there is such a sphere of human activity that does not tolerate such violence, it is a sport. Now the commentators have stopped saying this because the phrase has turned into a stamp, and before it had not yet been so worn out, and whoever has been watching sports for a long time (football, hockey and others), he remembers the phrase “the game was divided into episodes”. When an referee constantly whistles in football, he kills the dynamics of the game. And in the game, dynamics are the most important. Actually, because of her, the fan goes to football. In life, you can do well without dynamics. Just think, there is no movement, development, so what? After all, a person is satisfied. In sports, such a situation will inevitably lead to a draw, which, as a rule, no one needs. In other words, in sports, an episode is a synonym for stagnation, stagnation and death or mortal boredom, which, in fact, is one and the same.

Buddhist wisdom and a healthy attitude

Buddha image

There is a famous Buddhist wisdom that every day is life in miniature. Of course, if you interpret it in the forehead, then some kind of nonsense will come out. Physically, we cannot accommodate in one day everything that occupies our whole life. But it seems that this, in fact, is not about that. What about then?

The episode is also part of the film, and you cannot afford to play half-heartedly in it.So in life, every day should be filled with maximum meaning. But usually a person lives with minimal requirements for himself: at least something useful needs to be done for himself and society. On the one hand, for society (work or study), and on the other, personal life (to please loved ones, to develop, to read at least something other than public posts on social networks). And if you live like this day after day, then perhaps the overall result will please you at a certain stage. Of course, dying, as well as parting with something or someone, is sad, but it seems that one thought reconciles with the inevitability: “This was a good life.” And being consists of episodes, this is understandable. Fragments of life mean days, of course, but what else? Someone's life can be measured in weeks, in others - in minutes. It all depends on the speed of residence and the remaining time. But the word "episode" can be a symbol in any life. We hope the reader was not bored with us, we tried our best.

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