Everyone for various reasons can get sick. At the same time, there are many ailments that may not have pronounced symptoms. A very common situation is when a cold occurs without a fever. Will the sick leave in this case? Indeed, without this document, the period of stay on treatment will not only not be paid, but in general they may be considered absenteeism and dismissed under the article. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail and find out in which cases doctors give sick leave, and when it may be refused.
Why can people not have fever during illness?
So what do you need to know about this? Before we figure out if the sick leave will be given without temperature, let us first find out why patients generally display such a response from the body. Each disease has certain symptoms, on the basis of which doctors can diagnose it. Depending on the disease, the clinical manifestations differ, but for many of them, the common thing is that often the patient's body temperature rises. However, in some cases, it may be normal.
There may be many reasons, but the most common among them are the following:
- weakened immunity;
- the protective system does not fight infection;
- some diseases are not characterized by high fever;
- hormonal imbalance.
It is worth noting that each person has an individual organism, therefore, all people have the same diseases that manifest and proceed in completely different ways.
Why do I need sick leave?
A certificate of incapacity for work is a document of strict accountability, which must be provided at work to confirm that the employee has actually undergone treatment and receive appropriate compensation payments from the Social Insurance Fund. This organization checks the validity of a citizen on sick leave, as well as the correctness of filling out a document. If there is something wrong with the certificate, then the person will not receive any compensation.
When is a disability certificate issued?
The question of whether the therapist will give a sick leave without fever worries a huge number of Russians. Especially those living in regions with a harsh climate, in which the probability of picking up any virus or infection is especially high. In order for the absence at the workplace to be legal, the patient is required to provide a disability certificate.
This document is issued in the following cases:
- with various diseases, injuries and serious conditions that impede normal working capacity;
- maternity leave or termination of pregnancy;
- the need to care for a sick relative;
- quarantine;
- preparation for surgery;
- installation of a prosthesis instead of a lost limb;
- the need for rehabilitation and recovery after prolonged treatment in a sanatorium or health resort.
So, will they give sick leave without fever? If you fall under any of the above cases, then you will be given a document without problems confirming the validity of the reasons for not being at work.
In what cases can the issuance of a disability certificate be refused?
Convicted citizens who were in places of serving a criminal term, as well as people who are under administrative arrest, according to Russian law, are not entitled to sick leave. Nevertheless, the necessary medical assistance will be provided to them in any case.In addition, a disability certificate is also not issued if a person needs to undergo an examination in the direction from the military registration and enlistment office. In this case, you will receive a one-time certificate, and to complete the document under discussion you will need to go to the hospital.
Now you know whether the sick leave will be given without temperature, and also under what circumstances it is not allowed, so you will know whether to go to the clinic or ask for a day off.
Why does the presence of temperature play a key role in the design of a sick leave?
When a patient comes to see a therapist, the doctor first gives him a thermometer. If the body temperature is elevated, then this is a sign of inflammation. If the mark on the thermometer is in the range from 37 to 37.4, then this does not mean an illness. This can be caused by a number of reasons. However, in most cases, the patient is given sick leave.
At very high temperatures, it is best not to go to medical inpatient facilities, but to call a doctor at home. If you took antipyretic drugs, be sure to notify your doctor about this. When the thermometer shows a temperature of 39 and above, then you need to immediately call an ambulance, since this can indicate the presence of a serious disease.
But what if you feel weak and a general malaise, but there is no heat? Will a sick leave be given in this case? We will talk about this later.
What to do if there is no temperature, but no strength to go to work?
How to down in this situation? If a person has weak immunity, as well as an abnormal decrease in functionality or nervous exhaustion, then the body temperature can remain normal even when he is sick. As for the main symptoms of the disease, they will be pronounced. Does a sick leave give a temperature with ARVI, because any infection is much more difficult to carry on the legs, and it can also give various complications?
Medical officers advise patients to go to the hospital for various health problems, because you can be a carrier of a virus and infect others with it. At the reception, the doctor will interview you, perform a general examination and prescribe the necessary tests, after which he will decide on the issue of a disability certificate.
In what cases is a doctor obligated to provide a disability certificate?
So, do they give sick leave without fever with a runny nose and cough? It is very difficult to answer this question, since each specific case is unique.
But the chances of getting it are much higher if you have:
- osteochondrosis;
- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
- advanced hemorrhoids;
- gastritis in acute form;
- any injury;
- inflammation of the bladder;
- otitis;
- severe poisoning.
In addition, a certificate of disability is also issued for hypertension, hypotension and impaired functioning of the central nervous system.
Do they give a sick leave without temperature for sinusitis, otitis media or other diseases that are accompanied by inflammation? If the doctor determines the accuracy of the diagnosis, then with such serious ailments, you can safely count on sick leave.
How are things with women in position?
Every expectant mother asks whether sick leave is given to pregnant women without fever. And this is not surprising, because she must worry not only about her health, but also about the baby. At the same time, many changes occur during the gestation of the fetus in the female body, the hormonal background is disrupted, and immunity is significantly reduced, as a result of which the likelihood of developing many diseases that are far from always accompanied by increased body temperature is significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the body simply does not have enough forces for normal thermoregulation.
Doctors advise pregnant women not to self-medicate, but to go to the hospital for qualified medical help, since taking certain medications can be dangerous for the baby’s health. At the same time, sick leave for expectant mothers is given not only for colds or acute respiratory viral infections, but also for severe intoxication, which is very common in pregnant women.
Can I get a certificate of incapacity for work for a child if he does not have a fever?
The young body is still not strong enough, and before adolescence, children often get sick. Therefore, each parent is interested in whether they receive a sick leave without fever with angina or other diseases. Most often, the decision of the doctors is positive, since the thermoregulation system is poorly developed in babies, the immune system is not able to provide full protection of the body against infections. As a result of this disease, they occur without hyperthermia, but only with the main clinical manifestations.
At the same time, going to school or kindergarten is not recommended, since the child is a peddler of infection. It is worth going to the hospital where a certificate of incapacity for work will be written out to the parent and child.
It should be noted that the provision of sick leave may be refused. The legal basis for this is:
- if the child is over 15 years old;
- if care for a sick family member is carried out during a vacation or maternity leave;
- if the established limit for hospital care is exceeded.
According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to 60 paid sick days a year in the case of children under 15 years old and 30 calendar days for representatives of other age categories. The exceptions are children with physical disabilities, post-vaccination complications and HIV-infected. For them, the duration of the sick leave is 120 days.
What to do if a clinic is denied a document on disability?
We already know about whether sick leave is given when coughing without fever and in what cases. But what if the therapist denies your legal right? Most often, this happens in the absence of obvious symptoms of the disease. What to do and how to be in this case?
First of all, you need to contact the head of the hospital and describe in detail the current problem. If this does not work, then you should go to the head physician. In almost 99 percent of cases, this helps because they are afraid of cutbacks in funding. However, you really should be sick, since no one will ever provide a strict reporting document to completely healthy people. Therefore, if there is no symptomatology, then even try not to get yourself sick leave, just to skip work.
This article gave an answer in detail to the question of how to get a certificate of incapacity for work. Therefore, now you have an idea of in what cases a certificate for payment of time of absence from work due to illness will be issued, and when it will be refused. But this does not mean at all that if, in addition to the temperature, you have no other symptoms of the disease, the doctor will simply send you home. Perhaps the cause of ill health is some kind of latent disease that requires immediate treatment. Therefore, it is best to contact a medical institution and undergo all the necessary tests.